1) 对去美国的目的提问.
What will you study in the United States
What will you do in USA
What are you going to study in USA
What are you going to do in USA
Are you going to study in USA
What do you want to study in USA
ANS:I will study for my Ph.D in Mathematics in the University of Florida.
2) 对学习专业提问.
What is your major
In what aspect of. your major will you study
ANS:My major of undergraduate and graduate study is Applied Mathematics. I will continue to study Mathematics for my Ph.D. in the University of Florida. My specified field of study will be Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling.
3) 对现有学位提问.
When/where did you get your BS/MS
ANS:I got my Bachelor‘s degree in 1997 from Central University for Nationality. I will get my Master’s degree in Mathematics in few days from Beijing Normal University.
4) 对现在的行为和地点提问.
What/where are you studying now
ANS:I am now studying for my Master‘s degree in Mathematics in Beijing Normal University.
5) 对留美时间提问
How long will you study in USA
ANS:About 5 years. My future advisor said that if I work hard I can get my ph.D within a shorter time.
6) 对奖学金提问
Have you gotten any scholarship
ANS:Yes. I have gotten teaching assistantship from the department.
7) 对学习计划提问
What do you do with your work for BS/MS/Phd
ANS:I will take courses, teaching, do research,and finish my thesis in the area of Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling to get my Ph.d in Mathematics in 5 years.
8) 签证目的提问
What is your purpose for this visa
ANS:I need a F-1 visa in order to study for my Ph.D degree in Mathematics in the University of Florida. I plan to finish my study in about 5 years and then come back to china.
9) 对背景提问
What is your academic background
ANS:From 1993 to 1997 I studied in Central University for Nationality for my Bachelor’s degree. Since September 1997 I have been studying in Beijing Normal University for my master‘s degree. I will graduate and get my Master’s degree in few days.
10) 对美国学校提问
How do you know this Univ.
ANS:University of Florida is a famous university in USA. I started to know about the University of Florida from my professor. He encourages me to pursue Phd degree in University of Florida because it has the most excellent professors in my field.
11) 对选校原因提问
Why do you choose this Univ.
ANS:Firstly, University of Florida is one of famous universities in USA.There are large of numbers of excellent mathematicians in University of Florida. Secondly, the Department of Mathematics at University of Florida offers broad program in Mathematical Sciences, particularly in Applied Mathematics. There is an excellent mathematics faculty. Among the faculty are one Fields Medallist and a winner of the Moscow Prize, two of the most prestigious awards in the field of Mathematics Science. Thirdly, student can get careful advising and individual attention.
12) 对回国计划提问
What is your plan What will you do after graduation
ANS:I will specialize in Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling and finish my Ph.D study in Mathematics in the University of florida.Then I will come back to China and do research in the laboratory at Beijing Normal University. There are many theoretical subjects and practical projects supported by government and companies.
13) 对回国原因提问
Give me three reasons that you will come back to China
ANS:Firstly, China is a developing country and needs large numbers of talents. So after getting Phd degree from USA, it will be very easy for me to find a good job in China and it is easier to have a higher position and become a leading scientist in my academic field in China. Secondly, I love my mother and farther. I owe them much and since I am their only son, the very least I can do for them is to look after them when they are old. I also have many friends and relatives here that I would not be able to leave behind. Thirdly, Chinese government has offering the priority for the students from USA to establish their professional careers. For example, ZhongGuanCun in Beijing and PuDong in Shanghai.
14) 对不回国原因提问
Can you explain why 90% Chinese students didn‘t come back
ANS:There maybe many reasons.As a matter of fact, that used to be the reality. But things has been changing greatly during the recent years and much more students are coming back are coming back after they have finished their study. And, Chinese government has offering the priority for the students from USA to establish their professional careers. For example, ZhongGuanCun in Beijing and PuDong in Shanghai.
15) 对专业提问
Why do you like your major
ANS: Firstly, I love mathematics. I won many different mathematical competition held in China. For example, in both National Junior Middle School Student Mathematical Olympic Competition 1990 and National Senior Middle School Student Mathematical Olympic Competition 1992, I won First Class Prize. I won National Second Class Prize in National College Student Mathematical Contest in Modeling 1996. Secondly, having experienced success and failure in my studies and research, I really feel that mathematics plays an important role in science and in practical life. A scientist who has not a good mathematical background cannot do research in depth. Given my future development, I decide to continue my mathematical study in depth.
16) 对选择美国提问
Why do you want to study in USA
ANS: I can learn the latest knowledge in my field in USA. There are the best universities, the most excellent professors and the best education condition in the USA.
17) 对读博士提问
Why do you want to pursue a doctor’s degree
ANS:Firstly, I realized that undertaking the research offers many challenges, and it is necessary to expand my knowledge in mathematical field. My long range objective is to become a leading scientist in my field. Given my future development, I think a Ph.D is necessary for me to realize my career objective. So I decide to continue my mathematical study in depth. Secondly, it will be very easy for me to find a good job in any of the university or institute in china with my Ph.D got in the United States.
18) 对助学金提问
Why do you receive financial aid from this Univ.
ANS:Yes. on the basis of the evaluation of my resume, personal statement, undergraduate transcripts, and gre toefl scores, the department give me teaching assistantship.
19) 对最困难的课提问
What is the difficult class do you have
ANS:Probably Function Analysis. It is a course about advanced mathematics and requires high ability in abstract thinking and high technique in computation.
20) 对是否换专业提问
What‘s the difference between your major now and the major in USA
ANS:They are not difference. Both of my undergraduate study and graduate study belong to mathematics. Just that my graduate study will be more detailed and advanced. And that I will specialize in Algorithm and Mathematical Modeling, which is a sub-area of Mathematics.
2、也是一个学生,被签证官问:你喜欢下象棋吗你的班长叫什么名字 (怎么难道你和我们班长下过象棋)
10、签证官问:你喜欢奥巴马还是罗姆尼答:两个都不喜欢! (不得不说,答案很机智)
11、签证官:你喜欢什么美国电影答:功夫熊猫。签证官:里面有哪些动物对方回答了四个。签证又说:你再说一个就让你过。来人说不出来就疯了一样比划。本来都做好不过的打算了,结果签证官来了一句good luck。然后就收了护照。(你确定你不是来娱乐我们的吗)
12、签证官问:我今天的领带好不好看。。。 答: 很帅!然后就过了