我是在十年级的下学期转到Plumstead Christian School的所以当时只有一个住能够接待我。这个住家是一个中国和越南结合的家庭而且他们家有两个男孩,一个男孩十五一个男孩五岁。我去之前我并没有做好充分的心理准备接受这样的住家,因为我一直幻想能跟金发碧眼的人住在一起。
To be international studentsthe most common experience we have to undergo is to live with host familieswhich is absolutelydifferent from livingwith ourown families. Not only wewill have culture shock but also we need toovercome our feeling of lonelinessall the time.
As for me, because I transferredto Plumstead Christian School in the middle of the school year. I was accepted by a couple made up of aChinese and a Vietnam.This host family has a five year old anda fifteen year old boy who will attend to collegeinhalfayear. At first I was so not ready to go to a host family like this. Because I used to wish I can go to a host family with blond hairandblue eyes.
Later on I found out there are basically two kindsof host family. One kind of families host your because they want the money from you. Another kind is they host you because they want to have culture diversificationand they want youtobe their son or daughter. If youarehostedby this kind of host family you are very lucky because they want to do any thing for you.
My host family is between thesetwo kinds of host families. Since they are all Asians,they are like traditional and typical Chinese families. My host dad who come from china is a very wealthy but a frugalman. One time I was washing the lettucefor salad and I threw the rotten vegetables leafinto the trashcan. He pickedup the leaf washed again ate it.
He is verystrict to me and his older son but pamperhis little son. My host momis a very nice women she hostsme because she likesdaughter and she knowsgirls are helpful. She always helpsme and teachesme a lot how to get along well with people and how to be the top student in the school. But she is very straight every thing I want to do she will call Nacel and ask whether I can do or not. My older host brother is a genius in study but he maze up because he is crazy aboutvideo game.
My little host brother is very naughtybecause his mom and dad are to pamper to him. And he always asksme to play with him. To live with this host family the benefit for me is to eat Chinese food all the time and we barely have any culture shock.
Even though I always get along well with my host family.
But at one period we did not get along very well and I learned my lesson from the experience.I remember that time I was super busy preparingfor the testsso I barely hadtime to play with their son and help them with some chore. And I askedmy host mum to drive me and my friend to the test center and she wasok with that but I forgot to ask my host dad’s feeling so hethought I took advantage from them.
How to deal with this kind of situation? Give them some gifts to show your gratitude because they always like that. Help them do the choreas much asyou can. And make their kids happy if they have little kidsin their families.