跳过旋转木马接下来周一下午,埃默里大学亚特兰大校区的学生、教职员工聚集在学生中心前观看日偏食,日偏食在下午3点04分达到了不到82%的峰值。 男性。 来自物理学生协会和天文俱乐部的成员出席了由dooley在天黑后赞助的弹出式“日食和寒意”活动,女生联谊会和兄弟会生活的校园生活办公室,emory餐厅和emory学生中心。 除了为了安全观看而分享日食眼镜外,与会者还扎染了t恤衫,并享用了小吃,其中包括一些以天文为主题的小吃:星暴、轨道口香糖、太阳薯片、月亮馅饼、流行摇滚乐和阳光汽水。 在以东约40英里的埃默里牛津大学校园,日食在一分钟后达到峰值,几乎达到81%。 社区聚集在历史悠久的广场上,在那里,参与者被提供了日食眼镜和通过望远镜实时观看的机会。
skip carouselpreviousnextstudents, faculty and staff on emory’s atlanta campus gathered in front of the student center on monday afternoon to view the partial solar eclipse, which peaked at just under 82% at 3:04 p.m. members from the society of physics students and the astronomy club were present to help provide information at the pop-up “eclipse and chill” event, which was sponsored by dooley after dark, campus life’s office of sorority & fraternity life, emory dining and the emory student center.in addition to receiving eclipse glasses to share for safe viewing, attendees tie-dyed t-shirts and enjoyed snacks, including several with astronomical themes: starbursts, orbit gum, sun chips, moon pies, pop rocks and sunkist sodas.about 40 miles farther east at emory’s oxford college campus, the solar eclipse peaked a minute later at almost 81%. the community gathered on the historic quad, where participants were provided with eclipse glasses and an opportunity for live viewing through a telescope.
本文来源: 太阳去了:埃默里欣赏日食