林,副教务长兼企业家。 paulbowers儿科研究主任与wallace h。 埃默里大学和乔治亚理工大学的库尔特生物医学工程系被任命为埃默里首届创业副教务长。 这项任命于本月生效,由拉维v宣布。 贝拉姆孔达,教务长兼学术事务执行副总裁。 在这个新的兼职职位上,林将在emory的学生中培养一种充满活力的创业文化,通过孵化场和其他单位,为那些渴望将自己的想法转化为有市场的产品和服务的学生扩大计划和指导。 作为一名经验丰富的企业家,林还将与埃默里大学的领导、学校和单位合作,为师生创业创造更明确、更综合的途径。 此外,他还将扩大emoryinnovations公司的工作。 ,一家由精选投资组合公司和计划组成的控股公司,旨在帮助教师将经过严格审查的发现和发明推向市场准备阶段。 “支持创新和创业是总统格雷戈里的首要任务。 fenves和emory在整个企业的领导团队,”bellamkonda说。 “作为负责创业的副教务长,威尔伯将帮助埃默里提升为这一领域的领导者,与我们的院长和其他领导人合作,营造一个变革思想蓬勃发展、创业追求蓬勃发展的环境。 “通过在整个大学建立协同效应,创建一个更有意为社会提供创新的管道,我相信我们将使更多的学生和教师能够有效地追求他们的创业理念。 贝拉姆孔达指出:“创业与埃默里创造和应用知识为人类服务的使命直接相关,而这一新角色建立在该大学作为改变世界的思想和发明孵化器的强大声誉之上。 例如,治疗新冠肺炎的突破性抗病毒药物莫努匹拉韦是在emory发现的,并通过emory(drive)的药物创新项目(emory innovations inc。 最近,在美国食品药品监督管理局批准的药物和疫苗开发的公共部门研究机构中,《技术转让杂志》将emory列为世界第三位,emory的学者每年都会在一系列领域产生新的创新。 lam的优先事项之一是,与eii理事会成员bellamkonda、负责卫生事务的执行副总裁ravi thadhani和负责商业和管理的执行副主席christopher augostini密切合作,扩大eii的范围,将其作为对有前景的emory发明的独特转化支持来源,使其超越目前对药物开发的关注。 同样,林将与孵化场密切合作,在该中心自2020年成立以来成功支持159家学生创业企业的基础上,扩大对学生创业公司的支持。 林指出:“创业的概念是接受你的想法,使用它,翻译它,并影响尽可能多的人。”。 “这与我们在埃默里的价值观息息相关。 我们希望我们的学生能够改变游戏规则,影响世界。 我们只需要教授如何接受并扩大想法的技能。 林认为,调整和整合学校现有的创新活动将确保学生和教职员工拥有必要的资源来追求和发展他们的想法。 他设想有机会通过加强孵化场和技术转让办公室等办公室和单位之间的伙伴关系,以及学校和学生主导的举措,来改善emory创新者的体验,减少裁员。 林指出:“在我们的学校、孵化场和校园里的许多其他单位,都有很多单独的工作要做。”。 “如果我们能够建立协同效应,并允许这些创业项目在整个企业中协同工作和协调,我们就可以创建一个创新管道,使教职员工和学生无论身在何处都能受益。 “自2011年加入emory以来,林一直致力于通过他富有影响力的研究,让学生和同事参与到改善更广泛社区生活的工作中,来追求他对创新和创业的热情。 他的实验室的工作重点是将技术转化为具有成本效益的解决方案,使患者能够更容易地在家监测病情。 根据实验室的研究,他与人共同创立了三家定点护理和家庭诊断公司,其中一家被强生公司收购。 另一家公司最近获得了美国食品药品监督管理局的批准,其一项家用诊断测试允许贫血患者自我监测血红蛋白水平,并开发了一款智能手机筛查应用程序,该应用程序已被下载和使用超过1次。 400万次。 该应用程序使任何人都可以无创地筛查贫血,而无需抽血。 在他的领导下,最近成立的促进公正社会诊断中心(adjust center)旨在开发和实施可靠、可获得且所有社区和所有经济背景都能负担得起的诊断技术。 拉姆,美国国家发明者学会院士,美国国家医学院当选院士,美国临床调查学会当选理事,现任埃默里大学医学院创新副院长,儿科创新副主任,亚特兰大儿科技术中心儿童保健联席主任。 他还是亚特兰大儿童保健中心aflac癌症和血液病中心的医生。 他将继续担任副教务长一职,在埃默里建立一种更加统一、制度化的创业方法。 “我们在emory生态系统的每一个部分都有意愿和天赋来接受和扩大想法。 我们只需要团结一致,”林说。 “这不是一个人能做到的,这必须是全大学的努力,我很荣幸能领导这项工作。 ”。
wilbur lam, vice provost for entrepreneurshipwilbur lam, professor and w. paul bowers research chair in the department of pediatrics and the wallace h. coulter department of biomedical engineering at emory university and georgia tech, has been named emory’s inaugural vice provost for entrepreneurship. the appointment, effective this month, was announced by ravi v. bellamkonda, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs. in this new, part-time role, lam will foster a vibrant startup culture among emory students, working through the hatchery and other units to expand programming and mentorship for students eager to translate their ideas into marketable products and services.an experienced entrepreneur himself, lam will also partner with leaders, schools and units across emory to create better-defined, integrated pathways for faculty and student entrepreneurship. additionally, he will expand the work of emory innovations inc., a holding company of select portfolio companies and initiatives designed to assist faculty in moving rigorously vetted discoveries and inventions to a market-ready stage.“supporting innovation and entrepreneurship is a priority for president gregory l. fenves and emory’s leadership team across the enterprise,” says bellamkonda. “as vice provost for entrepreneurship, wilbur will help elevate emory as a leader in this arena, working with our deans and other leaders to nurture an environment where transformative ideas thrive and entrepreneurial pursuits flourish.“by building synergies across the university to create a more intentional pipeline for delivering innovations to society, i am confident that we will empower many more students and faculty to effectively pursue their entrepreneurial ideas.”entrepreneurship is directly tied to emory’s mission of creating and applying knowledge in the service of humanity, bellamkonda noted, and the new role builds on the university’s strong reputation as an incubator for world-changing ideas and inventions.for example, molnupiravir, a groundbreaking antiviral drug for covid-19, was discovered at emory and advanced for use in patients through drug innovation ventures at emory (drive), one of the accelerator initiatives that comprise emory innovations inc. the journal of technology transfer recently ranked emory third in the world among public-sector research institutions for the development of fda-approved drugs and vaccines, and emory scholars every year generate new innovations across a range of fields.among lam’s priorities will be to expand the scope of eii as a unique source of translational support for promising emory inventions beyond its current focus on drug development, working closely with eii governing board members bellamkonda, executive vice president for health affairs ravi thadhani and executive vice president for business and administration christopher augostini.similarly, lam will work closely with the hatchery to amplify support for student startups building upon the center’s success in supporting 159 student ventures, with nearly 60 launched, since its founding in 2020.“the concept of entrepreneurship is about taking an idea you have, using it, translating it and affecting as many people as possible,” lam notes. “it goes hand-in-hand with our values here at emory. we want our students to be game-changers who impact the world. we just need to teach the skills on how to take an idea and amplify it.”lam believes aligning and integrating existing innovation activities across the institution will ensure students and faculty have the resources necessary to pursue and develop their ideas. he envisions opportunities to improve the experience of emory innovators and reduce redundancies by strengthening partnerships among offices and units like the hatchery and office of technology transfer as well as school-based and student-led initiatives.“there is great work being done separately in our schools, in the hatchery and in many other units across our campuses,” lam notes. “if we could build synergies and allow these entrepreneurial programs to work together and coordinate across the enterprise, we could create an innovation pipeline that would benefit faculty and students regardless of where they are.”since joining emory in 2011, lam has pursued his passion for innovation and entrepreneurship through his impactful research, engaging students and colleagues in work that improves the lives of the broader community. his laboratory’s work focuses on translating technologies as cost-effective solutions, empowering patients to more easily monitor their conditions at home. he has co-founded three point-of-care and home-based diagnostics companies borne out of his lab’s research, one of which was acquired by johnson & johnson. another recently obtained fda clearance for one of its diagnostic tests for home use, allowing anemia patients to self-monitor hemoglobin levels, and has developed a smartphone screening app that has been downloaded and used more than 1.4 million times. the app enables anyone to non-invasively screen for anemia, replacing the need to draw blood.under his leadership, the recently established center for the advancement of diagnostics for a just society (adjust center) aims to develop and implement diagnostic technologies that are reliable, accessible and affordable for all communities and all economic backgrounds.lam, a fellow of the national academy of inventors, elected member of the national academy of medicine and elected member of the american society for clinical investigation, currently serves as associate dean of innovation for emory university school of medicine, vice chair of innovation in the department of pediatrics and co-director of the children’s healthcare of atlanta pediatric technology center. he is also a physician in the aflac cancer and blood disorders center of children’s healthcare of atlanta. he will continue in those roles as vice provost as he builds a more unified, institutional approach to entrepreneurial pursuits at emory.“we have the will and the talent in every part of the emory ecosystem to take ideas and amplify them. we just need to unite our efforts,” lam says. “this can’t be done by one person it has to be a university-wide endeavor, and it’s one that i am honored to lead.”.
本文来源: 林任命埃默里大学第一任创业副教务长