emory全球糖尿病研究中心(egdrc)宣布推出糖尿病转化加速器(dta),致力于推进旨在解决糖尿病及其相关并发症中最具挑战性问题的研究和技术。 dta专注于培养初创企业和商业化,旨在通过导师制和进入emorys强大的创业生态系统,促进糖尿病研究领域的创新,使学生能够实现他们的想法。 全球每10名成年人中就有1人患有糖尿病,其中包括低收入和中等收入国家的很大一部分,因此,创新方法的需求比以往任何时候都更加迫切。 dta支持企业家将新的和改进的产品/技术转变为可行的商业概念,专注于糖尿病和相关合并症的预防、诊断、监测和治疗。 埃默里大学将促进许可协议,确保突破性技术惠及最需要的人。 拉维i说:“我们很高兴在埃默里有这样一个开创性的项目。”。 thadhani,医学博士,埃默里大学负责卫生事务的执行副校长。 “这一举措代表着我们通过创新和创业共同努力对抗糖尿病及其并发症的关键一步。 由lakshan基金会公司支持。 dta的核心是lakshmi和subramanian-shankar奖学金,该奖学金为dta项目的emory博士生提供津贴和保险,使他们能够开始植根于论文中的创业努力。 该研究金还提供了使用shankar创新基金的机会,促进将研究转化为适合市场的产品和技术。 “有些项目投资于博士后后期知识产权,但dta和shankar研究金是独一无二的,因为我们从一开始就以博士生为目标,并对他们进行投资,目的是专门解决糖尿病方面的问题。”dr说。 罗林斯公共卫生学院dta联合主任兼教员jithinsamvarghese。 lakshan基金会。 还支持印度马德拉斯理工学院的shankar糖尿病中心。 为了促进egdrc和iit-madras之间的战略伙伴关系,emory的shankar研究员及其教师顾问将有机会与iit-madra一起学习,促进国际合作和知识交流。 拉克山基金会(lakshanfoundationinc)创始人subramonianshankar说:“通常情况下,个人需要指导和指导。”。 ,”该项目的一个关键方面是促进与其他拥有与emory学生互补技能的人的联系。 这项倡议超越国界,重点关注包容性和可负担性,确保其对人类产生积极影响的潜力。 “有关dta和如何参与的更多信息,请联系egdrc。 dta@emory。 教育部。 关于emory全球糖尿病研究中心:在emory全球疾病研究中心(egdrc),我们利用我们广泛的全球网络,发展和提高emory、我们和非美国研究人员的能力,从事糖尿病和其他相关非传染性疾病的世界级研究,如中风、高血压、心脏病和肺结核、心理健康和艾滋病毒等共病。 我们的研究试图通过探索社会人口统计、营养、肥胖、生理和体育活动等风险因素来了解原因和后果,研究预防方法并为政策提供信息。
the emory global diabetes research center (egdrc) is announcing the launch of thediabetes translational accelerator (dta), dedicated to advancing research and technologies aimed at addressing the most challenging issues in diabetes and associated complications. with a focus on fostering start-ups and commercialization, the dta aims to catalyze innovation in the field of diabetes research through mentorship and access to emorys robust entrepreneurial ecosystem, empowering students to bring their ideas to fruition. with diabetes affecting 1 in 10 adults globally, including a significant portion in low- and middle-income countries, the need for innovative approaches is more pressing than ever. the dta supports entrepreneurs new and modified products/technologies into viable business concepts focused on the prevention, diagnosis, monitoring, and treatment of diabetes and related comorbidities. emory university will facilitate licensing agreements, ensuring that breakthrough technologies reach those who need them most. “we are thrilled to have such a pioneering program here at emory," says ravi i. thadhani, md, executive vice president for health affairs at emory university. "this initiative represents a crucial step forward in our collective efforts to combat diabetes and its complications through innovation and entrepreneurship." supported by the lakshan foundation inc., central to the dta is the lakshmi and subramonian shankar fellowship, which provides emory phd students in the dta program with stipends and insurance coverage, enabling them to embark on entrepreneurial endeavors rooted in their dissertations. the fellowship also offers access to the shankar innovation fund, facilitating the translation of research into market-ready products and technologies. “there are programs that invest in late-stage intellectual property of post-docs, but the dta and shankar fellowships are unique because we are targeting phd students and investing in them from the very beginning, with the goal of solving problems in diabetes specifically,” says dr. jithin sam varghese, co-director of the dta and faculty member at the rollins school of public health. the lakshan foundation inc. also supports the shankar center for diabetes at the premier indian institute of technology madras (iit madras) in india. facilitating a strategic partnership between egdrc and iit madras, emory’s shankar fellows and their faculty advisors will have the opportunity to engage in learning experiences with iit madras, fostering international collaboration and knowledge exchange. “often, individuals require guidance and mentorship,” said subramonian shankar, founder of the lakshan foundation inc., “a crucial aspect of the program is facilitating connections with others who possess complementary skills to those of emory students. this initiative extends beyond borders, with a focus on inclusivity and affordability, ensuring its potential to positively impact humanity.”for more information about the dta and how to get involved, please contact egdrc.dta@emory.edu.about emory global diabetes research center:at the emory global diabetes research center (egdrc), we leverage our extensive global network to develop and advance the abilities of emory, us, and non-us researchers to engage in world-class research in diabetes and other related non-communicable diseases such as stroke, hypertension, heart disease and co-morbid conditions such as tuberculosis, mental health and hiv. our research seeks to understand causes and consequences, investigate prevention methods and inform policy by exploring risk factors such as socio-demographics, nutrition, obesity, physiology and physical activity.
本文来源: Emory新项目旨在通过初创公司促进糖尿病研究的创新