据u报道,埃默里大学的研究生院和专业学校及项目继续位居全国前列。 s。 4月9日发布的《新闻与世界报道》评选的2024所最佳研究生院。 年度榜单使用数据、调查和其他信息对护理、公共卫生、商业、法律和其他领域的学校项目进行排名。 由于对数据的担忧,该出版物推迟了医学院、工程院和临床心理学项目的排名。 以下是今年全国排名中的emory学校:nell-hodgson-woodruff护理学院硕士项目在全国排名第一。 该校护理博士实习项目排名第六。 罗林斯公共卫生学院在全国排名第三。 goizueta商学院全日制mba课程排名第18位。 高管mba课程排名第13,兼职课程排名第20。 法学院在全国排名第42位。 该校的多个项目也获得了排名,包括商业/公司法(第22名)、宪法(第25名)、合同/商法(第21名)和医疗保健法(第21位)。 兰尼研究生院与学校各院系的教师合作,授予埃默里大学的所有博士学位。 以下博士健康项目排名:生物统计学(第5名)、环境健康科学(第3名)、流行病学(第4名)、卫生政策与管理(第8名)和社会行为(第3位)。 在博士研究生项目中,计算机科学排名第64位。 在u中。 s。 news的护理硕士课程、埃默里执业护士、成人/老年病学、初级保健排名第三;执业护士,成人/老年病学,急性护理排名第四;家庭执业护士项目排名第四。 在埃默里护理实践博士项目的排名中,成人老年病学/急性护理排名第四;成人老年病学/初级保健位居第三;家庭实践第五;和护士行政管理第6名。 每所学校可能会有关于特定项目排名的额外信息。 并非所有的研究生和专业课程都是每年排名的。
emory university’s graduate and professional schools and programs continue to be ranked among the best in the country, according to u.s. news & world report’s 2024 best graduate schools, which was released april 9.the annual list uses data, surveys and other information to rank programs in schools of nursing, public health, business, law and other areas. the publication has delayed releasing rankings for medical schools, engineering schools and clinical psychology programs because of concerns with the data.here are the emory schools included in this year’s national rankings:the nell hodgson woodruff school of nursing master’s program ranks 1st in the nation. the school’s doctor of nursing practice program is 6th.the rollins school of public health ranks 3rd in the nation.goizueta business school’s full-time mba program ranks 18th. the executive mba program is 13th and the part-time program is 20th.the school of law ranks 42nd in the nation. multiple programs within the school also received rankings including business/corporate law (22nd), constitutional law (25th), contracts/commercial law (21st) and health care law (21st).the laney graduate school awards all phds at emory in partnership with faculty located in various schools and departments across the university. the following doctoral health programs were ranked: biostatistics (5th), environmental health science (3rd), epidemiology (4th), health policy and management (8th) and social behavior (3rd). among doctoral science programs, computer science is 64th.in u.s. news’ rankings of nursing master’s programs, emory’s nurse practitioner, adult/gerontology, primary care is 3rd ; nurse practitioner, adult/gerontology, acute care is 4th; and family nurse practitioner program is 4th.in rankings of emory’s doctor of nursing practice programs, adult gerontology/acute care is 4th; adult gerontology/primary care is 3rd; family practice 5th; and nurse administration management 6th.each school may have additional information about rankings issued to specific programs. not all graduate and professional programs are ranked annually.
本文来源: 埃默里的毕业生、专业学校被《美国新闻》评为全国最佳学校