4月1日,全世界迎来了自闭症意识月的开始,埃默里大学将以“途径与激情”为主题,举办一系列活动,庆祝自闭症学生和社区成员的兴趣、专业知识和有意义的旅程。 “自闭症以独特的方式影响着个体,我们必须认识到并庆祝自闭症群体中的各种途径和激情。 emory自闭症中心主任mikle south博士说:“通过提高认识和增进理解,我们创造了一个更具包容性的社会,自闭症患者可以在这里茁壮成长。”。 根据疾病控制和预防中心的数据,在美国,大约每36名儿童中就有1名患有自闭症谱系障碍,这使其成为美国发展最快的发育障碍之一。 尽管自闭症很普遍,但围绕自闭症的误解和污名仍然存在,强调了继续教育和宣传的必要性。 emory活动于4月4日(星期四)在牛津大学emory学院和4月5日(星期五)在亚特兰大校区以学生为主导,为社区成员提供相互联系和学习的机会。 亮点活动包括4月11日(星期四)举行的自闭症学生小组讨论会,由牛津大学政治学客座助理教授、埃默里大学自闭症庆祝月计划委员会联合主席rachel harmon博士主持。 emory邀请参与者参加虚拟小组活动,深入了解自闭症学生的经历,并参与丰富的讨论。 4月18日(星期四)举行的虚拟研究研讨会将有三位早期职业研究人员分享他们的工作,并参与集体讨论和问答环节。 该活动旨在突出自闭症和神经分化研究人员的贡献和专业知识。 今年的新阵容是4月25日(星期四)在埃默里大学迈克尔中心举行的自闭症学生毕业庆典。 卡洛斯博物馆。 虽然由于场地限制,这场典礼只是受邀参加的,但对于即将毕业的埃默里自闭症学生来说,它标志着一个重要的里程碑,预示着一次亲密而难忘的经历。 埃默里大学自闭症庆祝月计划委员会向赞助商表示感谢,包括埃默里多样性公平与包容办公室、埃默里无障碍服务部、埃默里自闭症中心和埃默里医学院公平与包容办事处。 精神与行为科学系助理教授、emory自闭症庆祝月计划委员会联合主席matthew segall博士说:“多亏了赞助商的慷慨支持,我们能够有意地将聚光灯对准学生、教职员工、家庭成员和盟友群体中的成功、优势和团结,他们看到了自闭症身份的天赋,同时也承认了非常现实的挑战。”。 segall说:“在一个杰出的神经多样性规划委员会的领导下,我们在埃默里举行的自闭症庆祝月肯定会是一个充满力量和包容性的庆祝活动。该委员会由牛津大学和亚特兰大大学的学生、教职工和工作人员组成。”。 有关活动详情和虚拟活动链接,请访问emory自闭症倡导组织网站。 整个月可能会提供额外的更新。 如果你想和emory的赞助商一起支持这些或未来的活动,请查看自闭症庆祝月的emory动量活动。
as the world marks the beginning of autism awareness month on april 1, emory university is kicking off its 4 annual autism celebration month with a series of events under the theme "pathways and passions," celebrating the interests, expertise and meaningful journeys of autistic students and community members."autism affects individuals in unique ways, and its crucial that we recognize and celebrate the diverse pathways and passions within the autistic community. by raising awareness and fostering understanding, we create a more inclusive society where individuals with autism can thrive,” says mikle south, phd, director of the emory autism center.according to the centers for disease control and prevention, autism spectrum disorder affects an estimated 1 in 36 children in the united states, making it one of the fastest-growing developmental disorders in the country. despite its prevalence, misconceptions and stigmas surrounding autism persist, underscoring the need for continued education and advocacy. the emory activities kick off with student-led events at oxford college of emory university on thursday, april 4, and the atlanta campus on friday, april 5, offering opportunities for community members to connect and learn from one another. highlight events include an autistic student panel on thursday, april 11, moderated by rachel harmon, phd, visiting assistant professor of political science at oxford and co-chair of emory’s autism celebration month planning committee. emory invites participants to attend the virtual panel event to gain insights into the autistic student experience and participate in enriching discussions. a virtual research symposium on thursday, april 18, will feature three early-career researchers sharing their work and engaging in collective discussions and q&a sessions. the event aims to highlight the contributions and expertise of autistic and neurodivergent researchers.a new addition to this years lineup is an autistic student graduation celebration on thursday, april 25, held at emory’s michael c. carlos museum. while the ceremony is invitation-only due to venue limitations, it marks a significant milestone for graduating autistic students at emory, promising an intimate and memorable experience.the emory university autism celebration month planning committee extends its gratitude to sponsors, including the emory office for diversity equity and inclusion, emory department of accessibility services, emory autism center and the emory school of medicine office of equity and inclusion."thanks to the generous support of our sponsors, we are able to purposely shine a spotlight on the successes, strengths and unity within a community of students, staff, faculty, family members and allies who see the gifts of autistic identity while acknowledging very real challenges,” says matthew segall, phd, assistant professor, department of psychiatry and behavioral sciences and co-chair of emory’s autism celebration month planning committee.“spearheaded by an outstanding neurodiverse planning committee, comprised of students, faculty and staff from both the oxford and atlanta campuses, our autism celebration month at emory is sure to be an empowering and inclusive celebration,” says segall.for event details and virtual event links, please visit the emory autism advocacy organization website. additional updates may be provided throughout the month. if you would like to join emory’s sponsors in supporting these or future events, please check out the autism celebration month’s emory momentum campaign.
本文来源: 埃默里大学第四届年度自闭症庆祝月将于4月拉开帷幕