

(Emory innovations and their inventors recognized at annual ceremony)


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跳过旋转木马企业合作奖的获奖者和主持人(左-右)珍妮特·汉南·海耶斯、黛博拉·布鲁纳、托德·谢勒、埃里卡·埃文斯、柯比·菲本、威尔伯·拉姆和维维恩·希汉。 deborah w。 负责研究的高级副总裁布鲁纳在颁奖典礼上致辞。 年度创新奖联合获得者davidmyers在颁奖典礼开始前与同事们聊天。 年度创新奖获得者之一奥勇在颁奖典礼开始前与同事们交谈。 empower奖颁奖嘉宾和获奖者(左-右)deborah bruner、shweta ghai、louise hecker和todd sherer。 ideaward联合获奖者克里斯蒂娜·卡拉马罗和迈克尔·富多拉。 埃默里技术转让办公室在3月21日举行的第18届技术与创新年度庆典上表彰了教师创新者及其技术。 3月21日,前下一届技术转移办公室举行了第18届技术与创新年度庆典,表彰了emory杰出的科学家、研究和创新人员。 活动以长达一小时的颁奖典礼拉开帷幕,重点介绍了七个类别的最优秀项目。 获奖者代表了整个大学的几所学校,包括医学院和护理学院、儿科和生物医学工程系以及埃默里文理学院。 亚特兰大生物技术产业的成员加入了埃默里大学的学术研究社区,庆祝该大学的开创性工作。 了解更多关于以下获奖项目的信息,并在问答访谈中了解这些项目背后的研究人员。 yeara生物启发皮肤界面法的创新,用于连续获取血液进行测量和治疗david myers,博士;尼古拉斯·欧阳,博士;priscilla delgado血液检测通常是通过抽取患者的血液并将样本送往检测实验室进行的,结果报告给医生,这一过程可能需要2-3小时。 这种延迟有时可能意味着生命或死亡,这取决于结果对治疗结果的影响。 为了减少这一过程的持续时间和风险,emory的创新者开发了一种技术,称为“一种受生物启发的皮肤界面方法,用于连续获取血液进行测量和治疗。 “这是一种可穿戴、连续的血液采集设备,可以监测基于血液的生物标志物,降低血栓风险。 allonix治疗的年度许可证:肝脏受体同源物-1(lrh-1)调节剂作为代谢、癌症和炎症疾病的潜在治疗剂。 ortlund和他的研究团队使用结构导向的方法,利用新发现的极性相互作用,将激动剂锁定在一致的方向上。 这使得第一种低纳摩尔lrh-1激动剂得以发现,该激动剂的效力是以前最好的调节剂的100倍。 2023年,埃默里大学与allonix治疗公司就这项技术签署了独家高净值许可证。 启动yearkeystrikemir vigrússon,phd现代网络安全无法检测最终用户是否实际坐在授权设备上,或者是否被试图进一步访问远程服务器的黑客入侵。 为了帮助解决这个问题,viffússon开发了“keystrike”,这是一种连接到计算机的小型usb设备。 当最终用户在键盘上输入一个键时,keystrike会将击键与其他击键一起转发。 如果服务器接收到用户的按键而没有相应的附加字符,则可以立即知道计算机可能受到威胁。 去年,keystrike被接受并参与了伯克利skydeck项目,从ott获得了他们的知识产权许可,筹集了1美元。 300万,获得了客户,公司发展到14名员工。 年度重大事件arpa-h资助菲利普·桑坦琪罗博士2023年,埃默里大学被选为美国新成立的联邦机构高级卫生研究项目署(arpa-h)的首批资助对象。 s。 卫生与公众服务部。 这一变革性的三年,24美元。 800万合作协议旨在推动开创性的健康研究,促进该领域的变革性突破。 arpa-h的重点是确定可以预防、治疗和潜在治愈疾病的创新方法,如癌症、自身免疫性疾病和传染病。 santangelo的开创性工作围绕着一类新的基于mrna的药物展开,这些药物旨在精确地“开启或关闭”个体免疫细胞中的基因。 他的工作得到了arpa-h的支持,有望改变免疫调节,提高我们对抗具有挑战性疾病的能力。 企业合作奖honeywell wilbur lam,医学博士,博士;谢涵,医学博士,博士;christina caruso,医学博士;evelyn kendall williams,博士;埃里卡·埃文斯;kirby-fibbenwhat最初是一个创建新冠肺炎诊断的合作项目,后来发展成了完全不同的项目。 林和谢涵对镰状细胞病(scd)的研究很感兴趣,honeywell建立了一个多管齐下的多年合作伙伴关系,开发scd的多种诊断方法。 截至目前,该团队不仅包括林、谢涵和他们的实验室,还包括博士伊芙琳•威廉姆斯;christina caruso,医学博士;埃里卡·埃文斯;kirby-fibben正在与honeywell共同开发并共同申请专利。 随着这种关系的继续,他们的技术将申请更多的专利,因为lam和honeywell看到了在未来几年开发传染病和心血管疾病诊断的潜力。 恩普韦尔奖得主卢伊斯·海克尔博士是再生生物学领域的杰出研究者,专门研究肺科。 她的研究主要集中在了解肺纤维化的分子机制和开发治疗这种衰弱性疾病的新方法上。 hecker的目标是通过开发改进的治疗方法来阻止nox4,帮助那些受纤维化疾病影响的人过上更长、更健康的生活。 除了获得许多奖项和荣誉,包括国家卫生研究所(nih)和美国。 s。 在国防部和退伍军人事务部,黑克尔还创办了两家与她的研究相关的初创公司。 包容性、多样性和公平奖(ideaward)低英语水平护士沟通工具christina calmaro,博士;michael fundora,医学博士;morgan-gringleaf;圣地亚哥阿尔科纳达阿尔瓦雷斯;wilbur lam,医学博士,博士对于语言能力有限的患者来说,在以英语为主的医疗保健系统中导航可能会让人不知所措。 llp患者对健康状况的总体满意度较低,他们不太可能理解医疗诊断和治疗计划。 发明者的技术“低英语水平护士沟通工具”是一种应用程序,它彻底改变了护士与英语水平有限的患者及其护理人员沟通的方式。 这种新颖的移动应用程序使临床团队能够使用患者语言中的常用短语、图像和实时翻译进行交流。 虽然目前它的功能考虑到了儿科的设置,但该团队计划很快将其扩展到成年患者。 关于埃默里大学技术转让办公室埃默里大学的技术转让办公室在将实验室的科学发现引导到市场上方面取得了近40年的成功。 emory目前管理着1800多项技术,这些技术已经形成了130家公司,并在市场上推出了65多种新产品,其中一些产品,如几种艾滋病病毒药物的发现,为健康和社会带来了重大利益。 自2000财年以来,该大学已经提交了3900多份专利申请,并已颁发了600多份专利证书。 s。 专利权。 在那段时间里,emory已经执行了800多个许可协议,产生了近10亿美元的许可收入,从而为新的和正在进行的研究创造了额外的资金。
skip carouselthe corporate partnership award recipients and presenters (l-r) jannette hannam-hayes, deborah bruner, todd sherer, erica evans, kirby fibben, wilbur lam and vivien sheehan.deborah w. bruner, senior vice president for research, gave remarks to open the awards presentation.innovation of the year co-awardee david myers chats with colleagues before the ceremony starts.innovation of the year co-awardee nicholas au yong chats with colleagues before the ceremony starts.the empowher award presenters and recipient (l-r) deborah bruner, shweta ghai, louise hecker and todd sherer. ideaward co-recipients christina calamaro and michael fundora.emory’s office of technology transfer recognized faculty innovators and their technologies at the 18th annual celebration of technology and innovation on march 21.previousnextemory’s office of technology transfer held its 18th annual celebration of technology and innovation on march 21, where it honored the outstanding scientists, research and innovations at emory. the event kicked off with an hour-long awards presentation spotlighting superlative projects in seven categories. the awardees represented several schools across the university, including the schools of medicine and nursing, the departments of pediatrics and biomedical engineering, and emory college of arts and sciences.members of the atlanta biotechnology industry joined emory’s academic research community to celebrate the university’s groundbreaking work.learn more about the awarded projects below and get to know the researchers behind them in these q&a interviews.innovation of the yeara bio-inspired skin interface method for continuous access to blood for measurement and therapydavid myers, phd; nicholas au yong, phd; priscilla delgado blood tests are typically performed by drawing a patient’s blood and sending the sample to a testing lab, with the results reported to the physician a process that can take 2-3 hours. this delay may sometimes mean life or death, depending on how the results affect treatment outcomes. to reduce the duration and risk of this process, emory innovators have developed a technology called “a bio-inspired skin interface method for continuous access to blood for measurement and therapy.” it’s a wearable, continuous blood collection device that can monitor blood-based biomarkers with reduced risk of blood clots.deal of the yearlicense with allonix therapeutics: liver receptor homolog-1 (lrh-1) modulators as potential therapeutics for metabolic, cancer and inflammatory diseaseseric ortlund, phd discovery of liver receptor homolog-1 (lrh-1) modulators has been difficult, due in part to the tendency for synthetic compounds to bind unpredictably within the lipophilic binding pocket. ortlund and his research team used a structure-guided approach to exploit a newly discovered polar interaction to lock agonists in a consistent orientation. this enabled the discovery of the first low nanomolar lrh-1 agonist, which has proved to be 100 times more potent than the best previous modulator. in 2023, emory university executed an exclusive high net worth license with allonix therapeutics for this technology. start-up of the yearkeystrikemir vigfússon, phd modern cybersecurity is unable to detect if an end-user is physically sitting at an authorized device or if it has been compromised by a hacker seeking to gain further access to a remote server. to help address this issue, vigfússon developed “keystrike,” a small usb device that connects to a computer. when an end-user enters a key on their keyboard, keystrike will forward the keystroke with additional keystrokes. if the server receives a keystroke from the user without the corresponding additional characters, it can be immediately known that the computer may be compromised. last year, keystrike was accepted into and participated in the berkeley skydeck program, licensed their ip from ott, raised $1.3 million, obtained customers and grew the company to 14 employees. significant event of the yeararpa-h fundingphilip santangelo, phd in 2023, emory university was selected as the inaugural recipient of funding from the advanced research projects agency for health (arpa-h), a new federal agency within the u.s. department of health & human services. this transformative three-year, $24.8 million cooperative agreement aims to drive groundbreaking health research and catalyze transformative breakthroughs in the field. the focus of arpa-h was to identify innovative approaches that could prevent, treat, and potentially cure diseases such as cancer, autoimmune disorders and infectious diseases. santangelo’s groundbreaking work centers around a novel class of mrna-based drugs designed to precisely “turn on or turn off” genes in individual immune cells. his work, supported by arpa-h, holds the promise of transforming immune modulation and advancing our ability to combat challenging diseases.corporate partnership awardhoneywell wilbur lam, md, phd; vivien sheehan, md, phd; christina caruso, md; evelyn kendall williams, phd; erica evans; kirby fibbenwhat started as a collaborative project to create covid-19 diagnostics evolved into something entirely different. intrigued by lam’s and sheehan’s work on sickle cell disease (scd), honeywell entered a multi-pronged, multi-year partnership to develop multiple diagnostics for scd. as of now, the team including not only lam, sheehan and their labs, but also evelyn williams, phd; christina caruso, md; erica evans; and kirby fibben is co-developing with honeywell and jointly filing patents. as the relationship continues, more patents will be filed for their technologies, as lam and honeywell see the potential to develop diagnostics for infectious and cardiovascular diseases in the years to come.empowher awardlouise hecker, phd hecker is a prominent researcher in the field of regenerative biology and specializes in pulmonology. her research primarily focuses on understanding the molecular mechanisms underlying pulmonary fibrosis and developing novel therapeutic approaches for treating this debilitating disease.hecker’s goal is to stop nox4 by developing improved therapies that would help those affected by fibrotic disorders lead longer, healthier lives. in addition to earning many awards and accolades, including grants from the national institutes of health (nih) and the u.s. departments of defense and veterans affairs, hecker has also founded two start-up companies related to her research.inclusivity, diversity and equity award (ideaward)low english proficiency nurse communication toolchristina calamaro, phd; michael fundora, md; morgan greenleaf; santiago arconada alvarez; wilbur lam, md, phdfor patients with limited language proficiency (llp), navigating a health care system that is predominantly english-speaking can be overwhelming. llp patients report lower satisfaction overall with health encounters, and they are less likely to understand medical diagnoses and treatment plans. the inventors’ technology, “low english proficiency nurse communication tool,” is an application that revolutionizes how nurses communicate with patients who have limited english language proficiency and their caregivers. this novel mobile app enables the clinical team to communicate using common phrases in the patient’s language, images and real-time translation. while it currently functions with a pediatrics setting in mind, the team plans to expand use to adult patients soon.about emory’s office of technology transferemory university’s office of technology transfer has almost 40 years of success in guiding scientific discoveries from the laboratory into the marketplace. emory currently manages more than 1,800 technologies, which has led to the formation of 130 companies and more than 65 new products in the marketplace, some of which like the discovery of several hiv drugs have offered major health and societal benefit. since fy 2000, the university has filed more than 3,900 patent applications and has been issued over 600 u.s. patents. in that time, emory has executed more than 800 license agreements, resulting nearly $1 billion in licensing revenue, thereby creating additional funding for new and ongoing research.

本文来源: Emory创新及其发明者在年度颁奖典礼上获得表彰




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