根据特殊和包容性教育讲师olivia karaolis博士的一项新研究,木偶有可能为自闭症青少年提供一种工具,以独特的方式进行交流、表达自己的身份和社交互动。 一项新的研究揭示了使用木偶帮助自闭症青少年的好处。 悉尼教育与社会工作学院(sydney school of education and social work)的一位特殊而包容的教育讲师olivia karaolis博士的这项研究探讨了在教育和治疗环境中使用木偶如何有助于改善自闭症青少年的沟通、自我表达和整体幸福感。 木偶通常与幼儿教育有关,但发表在同行评审期刊《青年》上的karaolis博士的研究表明,木偶可能是青少年的强大资源,尤其是自闭症患者。 “木偶不仅仅是一个玩具,”karaolis博士说,他对自闭症幼儿进行了广泛的研究,看到许多孩子在木偶的作用下说话更频繁、更自信。 木偶戏剧可以作为打破学生之间障碍和增进交流的桥梁。 这项研究强调了木偶赋予自闭症青少年力量的潜力,使他们能够以尊重自己优势和偏好的方式表达自己。 “青少年木偶”凯瑟琳·汉纳福德凯瑟琳·汉纳福德是悉尼麦考里菲尔德高中的图书管理员老师,20年来一直在教自闭症学生,是木偶制作和游戏学习方面的专家。 她在学校图书馆的一棵“树”上有大约40个木偶。 汉纳福德说:“木偶不仅仅是给婴儿和小孩的,也是给每个人的。”。 “我看到七年级的学生走进图书馆,他们可能还不认识任何人,他们都来自不同的学校,害羞的学生可能会通过木偶开始互相交谈。 木偶相互交谈,当他们放下木偶时,学生们更有可能继续交谈并交朋友。 “与hanaford女士合作的大一点的青少年自己制作了木偶,而不是选择通常给年幼孩子的手指木偶或plushie风格的木偶。 有时木偶是复杂的提线木偶或皮影,它们帮助学生在表演中进行视觉交流。 hannaford女士说:“我让学生们表演时没有恐惧,也没有自我意识,因为他们在木偶后面。”。 “是木偶在说话,而不是他们。 “对于自闭症谱系的学生来说,木偶也很舒缓。 “有些学生用触觉使自己平静下来,木偶非常柔软。 如果学生感到不知所措,有时他们会把柔软的木偶从树上取下来,坐在沙发上,抱着木偶直到感觉好些。 “高中生的木偶”hanaford女士与macquariefields高中的学生一起工作。 点击显示图像点击显示图像单击显示图像木偶研究这项研究涉及对现有文献的回顾和同行评审的定性研究。 这篇综述包括12项定性研究:7篇文章专门讨论了在高中环境中对自闭症学生使用木偶的问题,5篇研究专门描述了在各种不同的治疗环境中对患有自闭症的青少年使用木偶的情况。 这些研究起源于英国、美国、欧洲、印度和澳大利亚。 如果有证据表明木偶戏与自闭症青少年的教育或治疗结果之间存在关系,则选择这些研究。 卡罗利斯博士说,这项研究发现,我们对木偶如何为自闭症青少年的教育做出贡献的理解存在差距。 这一差距强调了进一步研究木偶如何对自闭症青少年和年轻人的生活产生积极影响的必要性。 她说:“这项研究为教育工作者、治疗师和家长提供了新的可能性,让他们考虑在自闭症青少年的生活中使用木偶的独特好处。”。 “当我们寻求改善对自闭症患者的支持和机会时,使用木偶作为交流、自我表达和互动的工具成为一个值得探索的引人注目的途径。 “中学老师的小技巧超越传统的手工木偶,与学生一起制作木偶。用找到的物品制作木偶,或在中学课堂上表演其他传统木偶,如巴厘岛木偶、皮影或布那库兹木偶,以表演罗密欧与朱丽叶、麦克白或李尔王。”。 学生可以通过制作木偶来理解这些角色、他们的动机和剧中的主题。木偶可以用于辩论和整个小组讨论,苏格拉底马戏团木偶可以成为支持设计思维的工具——学生可以通过进行大规模的木偶或木偶表演来合作和应对问题。 思考木偶的潜力,以提高认识或向学习社区传达重要信息。 木偶在许多文化中都有使用:印尼皮影。 资料来源:adobstockdr karaolis是悉尼大学创意中心的成员(研究中的创造力,参与艺术,改变教育、健康和福祉)。 声明:该研究未获得外部资助。 (英雄照片:adobstock)。
puppets could potentially provide autistic teens with a tool to communicate, express their identity and interact socially in ways that are uniquely their own, according to a new study by dr olivia karaolis, lecturer in special and inclusive education.a new study has revealed promising insights into the benefits of using puppets to assist autistic teenagers. the research by dr olivia karaolis, a special and inclusive education lecturer at the sydney school of education and social work, explores how puppets used in educational and therapeutic settings may help improve communication, self-expression, and overall well-being among teenagers on the autism spectrum.puppets are commonly linked with early childhood education, but dr karaoliss study, published in the peer-reviewed journal youth, demonstrates puppets could be a powerful resource for teenagers, especially those with autism.“puppets are more than a toy,” said dr karaolis, who has worked extensively with autistic young children, seeing many children speak more frequently and more confidently when a puppet was involved.“dramatic play with puppets can serve as a bridge to break down barriers between students and improve communication. the research highlights the potential of puppets to empower autistic teenagers, allowing them to express themselves in ways that respect their strengths and preferences.”puppets for teenagerskatherine hannafordms katherine hannaford, a teacher librarian at macquarie fields high school in sydney has been teaching students with autism for 20 years and is an expert in puppet making and play-based learning. she has around 40 puppets on a “tree” in the library at her school.“puppets aren’t just for babies and little kids, they are for everyone,” ms hannaford said. “i see the year 7 students come into the library and they might not know anyone yet and they all come from different schools, and the shy ones might start talking to each other, through the puppets. the puppets talk to each other and then when they put down the puppets, the students are more likely to keep talking to each other and make friends.”older teens working with ms hannaford have made the puppets themselves rather than choosing finger puppets or plushie style puppets that are typically given to younger children. sometimes the puppets are sophisticated marionettes or shadow puppets, and they have helped the students communicate visually in a performance. “i’ve had students performing without fear or self-consciousness because they are behind the puppet,” ms hannaford said. “it was the puppet talking and not them.”for the students on the autism spectrum, the puppets have also been soothing. “some students calm themselves with touch, and the puppets are very soft. if a student is feeling overwhelmed, sometimes they will take the softer puppets off the tree and sit on a couch and just hold the puppet until they feel better.”puppets for high school studentsms hannaford working with students at macquarie fields high school.click to show imageclick to show imageclick to show imagepuppet studiesthe study involved a review of existing literature and peer-reviewed qualitative research. the review included 12 qualitative studies: seven articles that discussed the use of puppets specifically with autistic students in high school settings and five studies that described the use of puppets specifically with autistic teenagers in a range of different therapeutic contexts.the studies originated from the united kingdom, the united states, europe, india and one study from australia. the studies were selected if they showed evidence of a relationship between puppetry and educational or therapeutic outcomes for teenagers with autism.dr karolis said the study identified a gap in our understanding of how puppets can contribute to the education of autistic teenagers. this gap emphasises the need for further research to explore how puppets can positively impact the lives of autistic teenagers and young people.“this research introduces new possibilities for educators, therapists, and parents to consider the unique benefits of using puppets in the lives of autistic teenagers,” she said. “as we seek to improve support and opportunities for autistic individuals, the use of puppets as a tool for communication, self-expression, and interaction becomes a compelling avenue worth exploring.”tips for secondary school teachersthink beyond traditional hand puppets and make and create puppets with your studentsmake puppets from found objects, or puppets from other traditions such as balinese puppets, shadow puppets or bunrakuuse puppets in the secondary classroom to act out romeo and juliet, macbeth or king lear. students can develop an understanding of these characters, their motivations and the themes in the plays through creating a puppetpuppets can be used in debates and in whole group discussions and socratic circlespuppets can be a tool to support design thinking - students can collaborate and respond to a problem or an issue by making a large-scale puppet or puppet performance. think about the potential of puppets to raise awareness or communicate an important message to the learning community. puppets are used in many cultures: indonesian shadow puppets. credit: adobestockdr karaolis is a member of the create centre at university of sydney (creativity in research, engaging the arts and transforming education, health and wellbeing).declaration: the research received no external funding. (hero photo: adobestock) .
本文来源: 木偶可以为自闭症青少年提供宝贵的支持