

(ABBA: 50 years since Waterloo)


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悉尼音乐学院当代音乐实践讲师jadeyoregan博士回忆起abbaswaterlo乐队发行经典流行专辑50周年纪念版时的魔力。 当全世界热切期待abbas标志性专辑《waterloo》将于4月5日发行50周年之际,歌迷和音乐迷们正准备再次沉浸在朗朗上口的旋律和节奏中,这些旋律和节奏定义了一个紧身缎面裤、闪闪发光和弹弹弹钢琴流行摇滚的时代。 悉尼音乐学院当代音乐实践讲师jadey-oregan博士是一位研究流行音乐以及流行“钩子”是如何让流行乐迷难忘的专家。 她说,阿巴斯的单曲《waterloo》对音乐产业产生了持久的影响。 奥博士说:“《滑铁卢》是abba第一部真正意义上的全球大片。”。 《指环王》早在一年前就在欧洲大受欢迎;然而,正是滑铁卢将abba的音乐带给了全世界。 abba于1972年在瑞典成立,由björn ulvaeus(键盘)、benny anderson(吉他)、歌手magnetha fältskog和anni frid(frida)lyngstad组成。 该组合在1973年欧洲歌唱大赛的瑞典选拔赛中获得了冠军,并获得了第三名。 但这首歌和同名专辑在瑞典和其他几个国家大受欢迎。 abbas waterloo在欧洲电视台新闻1974年瑞典参赛欧洲电视台歌曲《contestabba》第二年与waterloo再次参赛。 这首歌使他们进入了1974年4月6日在英国布莱顿举行的欧洲歌唱大赛的决赛。 奥博士说:“《滑铁卢》是专门为欧洲歌唱大赛而写的,所以这首歌是为目标和成功而创作的。”。 滑铁卢使abba一举成名,并为他们无与伦比的成功奠定了基础。 这首歌在瑞典大受欢迎,并在欧洲许多国家的排行榜上名列前茅。 它在澳大利亚和美国跻身前十,而欧洲电视台在这两个国家并不为人所知。 几年后的2005年,《滑铁卢》获得了大赛历史上最佳歌曲奖。 奥尔根博士说,在音乐方面,《滑铁卢》有许多独特而迷人的特质。 她说:“滑铁卢的歌词是拐弯抹角的。”。 “他们把一场历史性的战斗比作一段关系。 我想不出还有哪首歌能做到这一点!歌词的表达方式也很独特。 abba有一种特殊的英语单词发音方式,它能引起人们的注意,是他们可识别声音的一部分。 奥瑞根博士指出,这首歌的“闪亮的编曲”和制作风格在当时的流行音乐中创造了一种截然不同的声音,流行音乐主要由prog摇滚、灵魂乐和放克,或个人创作歌手主导。 “它确实有魅力的元素,但在一种新的包装中,有女性的歌声。 在滑铁卢之后,阿巴斯在全球范围内的成功超越了他们的音乐实力,阿巴斯的戏剧才华和华丽的服装为欧洲电视台的舞台带来了新的维度,以他们闪闪发光的表演吸引了观众。 “他们丰富多彩的服装和舞蹈动作在当时的欧洲电视台是不同的——大多数歌曲都是民谣,而我们在现代欧洲电视台看到的闪光和戏剧性早在20世纪70年代初就不存在了——所以如果你喜欢欧洲电视台的烟火和夸张的服装,你可能要感谢abba!”oregan博士说。 1976年3月,澳大利亚,abba乐队在abba乐队看台上表演《妈妈米亚》。 (aap图片社/极地音乐国际)这支乐队在赢得欧洲歌唱大赛冠军后,很难得到人们的重视,但他们制作了强有力的后续专辑,包括以热门歌曲《sos》为主打的《abba》和连续10周在英国和澳大利亚排名第一的《mamma mia》。 abba在全球范围内取得了巨大的成功,并在澳大利亚广受欢迎,在《滑铁卢》之后的几年里,他们在澳大利亚打出了六支排名第一的安打。 到1976年,abba已成为世界上最受欢迎的乐队之一。 热门单曲包括《舞后》和《费尔南多》,从他们的第四张专辑《降临》开始,《金钱,金钱,金钱》和《认识我,认识你》。 第二年,他们发行了一部故事片《abba:电影与abba:专辑》,其中有热门游戏《游戏名称》和《抓住我的机会》。 奥博士说:“滑铁卢为abba带来了一系列难忘的单曲,这些单曲在澳大利亚特别受欢迎。”。 她说:“虽然许多人可能会认为他们的音乐俗气或不酷,但如果你仔细听他们的编曲,他们的歌曲是非常复杂的——层次、和弦、旋律——都被巧妙地组合在一起,在这么长的时间里与这么多人建立联系。”。 “我经常对一首歌般的舞蹈女王的编曲感到惊讶,这首歌感觉毫不费力,但却由无尽的朗朗上口的钩子组成。 从他们卑微的出身到成为全球巨星,abbas音乐继续与几代人的观众产生共鸣,超越文化界限,将听众团结在对永恒旋律的共同热爱中。 jadeyoregan博士,悉尼音乐学院当代音乐实践讲师,流行音乐专家。 她是《流行音乐中的胡克》的合著者。 英雄照片:瑞典流行音乐组合abba,左起:本尼·安德森、安尼·弗里德·林格斯塔德、艾格尼莎·法尔茨科格和比约恩·乌尔瓦乌斯在欧洲歌唱大赛瑞典分会以歌曲《滑铁卢》夺冠后合影。 (ollelindeburg/tt通讯社通过美联社照片)。
dr jadey oregan, lecturer in contemporary music practice at the sydney conservatorium of music, recalls the magic of abbas waterloo as the group releases a 50th anniversary edition of their classic pop album.as the world eagerly anticipates the 50th-anniversary edition of abbas iconic album, waterloo on 5 april, enthusiasts and music aficionados are gearing up to immerse themselves once again in the catchy melodies and driving rhythms that defined an era of tight satin pants, glitter and bouncy piano pop-rock.dr jadey oregan, lecturer in contemporary music practice at the sydney conservatorium of music, is an expert on pop music and how popular “hooks” are made unforgettable for pop fans. she says abbas single waterloo has had an enduring impact on the music industry.“waterloo was abba’s first truly worldwide hit,” dr o’regan said. “the song ring ring had been a hit the year earlier in europe; however, it was waterloo that introduced the world to abba’s music.”formed in sweden in 1972, abba was made up of björn ulvaeus (keyboards), benny andersson (guitar), and singers agnetha fältskog and anni-frid (frida) lyngstad. the group entered the 1973 melodifestivalen, the swedish selection for the eurovision song contest, with the song ring ring and placed third. but the song and the album of the same name become a big hit in sweden and several other countries.abbas waterloo on eurovisionnews footage of the 1974 sweden entry in the eurovision song contestabba entered the competition again the following year with waterloo. the song took them to the finals of the eurovision song contest in brighton england, where they won on 6 april, 1974.“waterloo was written specifically for the eurovision song contest so it was a song built for purpose and success,” said dr o’regan.waterloo catapulted abba to international fame and set the stage for their unparalleled success. the song was a huge hit in sweden and topped the charts in many countries in europe. it made the top 10 in australia and the us, where eurovision wasn’t known. years later in 2005, waterloo won the best overall song in the competition’s history.dr oregan said, musically, waterloo has many unique and fascinating qualities.“waterloo’s lyrics were oblique,” she said. “they are referencing a historical battle as a metaphor for a relationship. i can’t think of another song that does this! and the way the lyrics were delivered were also unique. abba had a particular way of pronouncing english words that catches the ear and is a part of their identifiable sound.”the song’s “shiny arrangement” and production style created a very different sound in pop music at the time, dr o’regan noted, which was dominated by prog-rock, soul and funk, or solo singer-songwriters. “it definitely had elements of glam, but in a new kind of package, and with female vocals.”abbas global success after waterloobeyond their musical prowess, abbas theatrical flair and flamboyant costumes brought a new dimension to the eurovision stage, captivating audiences with their glittering performances. “their colourful outfits and dance moves were different for eurovision at the time - most songs were ballads, and the glitter and drama we see in modern eurovision didn’t exist back in the early 1970s - so if you love the fireworks and outrageous costumes of eurovision, you might want to thank abba!” said dr o’regan.abba performing mamma mia on the best of abba bandstand special in australia, march, 1976. (aap image/ polar music international)the band struggled to be taken seriously after winning the eurovision song contest - but they made strong follow-up albums, including abba which featured hits sos and mamma mia, which was number one in the uk and number one in australia for 10 weeks. abba went on to enjoy enormous global success, and were much loved in australia, where they had six number one hits in the years after waterloo.by 1976, abba was one of the most popular bands in the world. hit singles included dancing queen and fernando, and from their fourth album arrival, money, money, money and knowing me, knowing you. the following year, they released a feature film, abba: the movie and abba: the album, with hits name of the game and take on a chance on me.“waterloo set abba up for a string of unforgettable singles that are particularly loved here in australia,” said dr o’regan.“while many may consider their music cheesy or uncool, if you listen to the depths of their arrangements, their songs are very sophisticated - the layers, chords, melodies - are all cleverly put together to connect with so many people over such a long time,” she said.  “i am constantly amazed at the arrangement of a song like dancing queen which feels effortless but is made up of endless catchy hooks.”from their humble beginnings to global superstardom, abbas music continues to resonate with audiences across generations, transcending cultural boundaries and uniting listeners in a shared love for timeless melodies.dr jadey o’regan, is a lecturer in contemporary music practice at sydney conservatorium of music, and an expert on pop music. she is the co-author of hooks in popular music. hero photo: swedish pop group abba, from left: benny andersson, anni-frid lyngstad, agnetha faltskog and bjorn ulvaeus posing after winning the swedish branch of the eurovision song contest with their song “waterloo“.  (olle lindeborg/tt news agency via ap/aap photos) .

本文来源: ABBA:滑铁卢50年




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