

(Dancing may be better than other exercise for improving mental health )


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新的研究发现,在改善一系列心理和认知结果方面,任何类型的结构化舞蹈通常都与其他类型的体育活动干预措施相同,有时甚至更有效。 澳大利亚研究人员的一项新研究发现,与其他形式的结构化运动干预措施相比,持续至少六周的结构化舞蹈项目可以显著改善心理和认知健康结果。 这项研究发表在《运动医学》上,是一篇大型系统综述,其中包括对舞蹈对心理和认知健康影响的荟萃分析。 多学科作者团队包括来自悉尼大学、新南威尔士大学、麦格理大学和昆士兰科技大学的研究人员。 综述中的研究包括了整个生命周期(7-85年)的参与者,包括健康的人和患有慢性病的人。 英语字母表的第5个字母。 帕金森病、心力衰竭、脑瘫、纤维肌痛。 舞蹈干预措施涵盖了广泛的类型,包括戏剧舞蹈、有氧舞蹈、传统舞蹈形式和社交舞蹈,并与包括团队运动、武术、步行和举重训练在内的许多体育活动进行了比较。 研究发现,在改善一系列心理和认知结果方面,任何类型的结构化舞蹈通常与其他类型的体育活动干预措施相同,有时甚至更有效,包括情绪健康、抑郁、动机、社会认知和记忆的某些方面。 主要作者悉尼大学医学与健康学院和悉尼肌肉骨骼健康学院的alycia fong yan博士说:“初步证据表明,在改善心理健康和认知能力方面,舞蹈可能比其他体育活动更好。 “这些发现不仅出现在老年人身上,也出现在年轻人和有临床疾病的人身上。 “学习舞蹈序列可能会挑战认知,搭档或集体舞蹈可能有利于社交,艺术方面可能会改善心理健康。 “坚持体育活动在临床试验中是一个持续的挑战,在社区中更是如此。 舞蹈可以提供一种更容易保持的愉快的体育活动。 “大多数人都知道,与什么都不做相比,体育活动对健康有益,但他们可能没有意识到,舞蹈可以有效地替代跑步、去健身房和其他运动等标准运动。 这项研究是冯博士被广泛引用的系统综述的第二部分,该综述探讨了舞蹈对身体健康结果测量的影响。 与针对老年人评估的主要社交舞蹈类型相反,在对55岁以下参与者进行的七项研究中,有六项研究考察了可以在集体环境中单独表演的舞蹈类型的效果,如有氧舞蹈和现代舞,这表明舞蹈本身不仅能改善伴侣舞蹈类型的社会效益,还能改善心理健康。 研究还发现,在54岁及以下的人群中,目前的文献库侧重于心理结果,而在55岁及以上的人群中则更侧重于认知能力。 舞蹈干预的有效性在自我效能、焦虑、抑郁、动机和健康相关的生活质量领域最为明显,尤其是在老年人中。 虽然在16岁及以下的人群中证据少得多,但在减轻躯体化(将心理痛苦表现为身体症状)的影响方面,舞蹈似乎优于其他运动。 冯医生补充说:“舞蹈对健康有深远的益处。 如果你坚持体育活动,长期的身体健康益处将降低与久坐行为有关的健康状况的风险,舞蹈的社会联系和心理影响将缓解心理健康状况的症状,认知能力的提高可能有助于老年人的独立性。 “最终,这减轻了卫生部门的负担。 “对于那些可能更喜欢结构化舞蹈而不是更传统的运动形式的人来说,结构化舞蹈可以被认为是一种循证的选择。 ”。
new research finds that undertaking structured dance of any genre is generally equal and occasionally more effective than other types of physical activity interventions for improving a range of psychological and cognitive outcomes.a structured dance program of at least six weeks’ duration can significantly improve psychological and cognitive health outcomes equivalent to other forms of structured exercise interventions, finds new research from australian researchers.published in sports medicine, the study is a large systematic review with meta-analyses investigating the effect of dance on psychological and cognitive health. the multidisciplinary authorship team includes researchers from university of sydney, university of nsw, macquarie university and queensland university of technology.the studies in the review included participants across the lifespan (7-85 years) encompassing people who are healthy and those with chronic disease i.e. parkinson’s disease, heart failure, cerebral palsy, fibromyalgia. the dance interventions encompassed a broad range of genres including theatrical dance, aerobic dance, traditional dance forms and social dance, and were compared to a number of physical activities including team sport, martial arts, walking, and weight training.the study found that undertaking structured dance of any genre is generally equal to and occasionally more effective than other types of physical activity interventions for improving a range of psychological and cognitive outcomes including emotional well-being, depression, motivation, social cognition, and some aspects of memory.lead author dr alycia fong yan from university of sydney’s faculty of medicine and health and sydney musculoskeletal health said: “preliminary evidence suggests that dance may be better than other physical activities to improve psychological wellbeing and cognitive capacity.“these findings were not just seen in older adults, but also younger populations and people with clinical conditions as well.“learning dance sequences may challenge cognition, partnered or group dance may benefit social interactions, and the artistic aspect may improve psychological wellbeing.“adherence to physical activity is an ongoing challenge in clinical trials and even more so in community. dance can provide an enjoyable physical activity that is easier to maintain.“most people know that physical activity is beneficial for health compared to doing nothing, but they may not realise that dance can be an effective alternative to standard exercise like running, going to the gym, and other sports.”this research forms the second part to dr fong yan’s well-cited systematic review exploring the effect of dance on physical health outcome measures.in contrast to the predominant social dance genres assessed for older adults, six of the seven studies of participants under 55 years, examined the effects of dance genres that could be performed individually in a group setting such as aerobic dance and modern dance, suggesting dancing in itself  improves psychological health not just the social benefits of partnered dance genres.the study also found that in those 54 years and under, the current literature pool focuses on psychological outcomes, while for those 55 years and over, there is a greater focus on cognitive capacity. the effectiveness of dance interventions is most evident in the domains of self-efficacy, anxiety, depression, motivation, and health related quality of life, particularly in older individuals. while there is considerably less evidence in those 16 years of age and below, dance appears to be superior to other exercise in lessening the impact of somatization (the expression of psychological distress as physical symptoms).dr fong yan added: “dance has far-reaching health benefits. if you stick to a physical activity, the long-term, physical health benefits will reduce the risk of health conditions related to sedentary behaviour, the social connectedness and psychological effect of dance will alleviate the symptoms of mental health conditions, and improvements in cognition could aid the independence of older adults.“ultimately, this reduces the burden of these conditions on the health sector.“structured dance can be considered an evidence-based alternative for individuals who might prefer it to more traditional forms of exercise.”.

本文来源: 在改善心理健康方面,跳舞可能比其他运动更好




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