

(Optimism key to greening the global financial system)


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从化石燃料的转型需要全球向可持续投资的重大转变,而机构投资者是关键。 悉尼大学商学院(universityofsydneybusinessschool)和塔斯马尼亚大学(universityoftasmania)的一项最新研究显示,在“绿色投资”方面,专业投资者对乐观信息的反应要好于对可怕警告的反应。 6万亿影响。 这项研究发表在《自然》杂志上,对335名机构投资者测试了四种不同风格的鼓励环保投资的信息。 然后分析了它们随后的环境、社会和公司治理投资分配。 那些收到乐观信息的人投资esg资产的比率比收到其他信息的人高出3%到4%&这一结果的主要作者daniellekent博士称之为“令人惊讶”。 肯特博士说:“负责任投资面临的一个主要挑战是,它没有被视为道德义务,因为它不会产生强烈的情绪反应,也没有人故意伤害任何人。”。 “通过采取这种不同的方法,强调可持续投资的好处,我们可以将投资的分析方面与我们人类对希望在气候变化问题上采取更大行动的偏见联系起来。 我们证明,更乐观地制定可持续投资框架,强调临时成本而不是永久的未来收益,可以克服我们对无所作为的固有偏见。 danielle kent博士“研究结果尤其引人注目,因为它表明乐观的气候沟通对具有平均19年投资经验的高度分析的专业专家来说是有效的。 假设这些老练的投资者是无法被说服的,但我们观察到,从统计数据来看,有环保意识的投资决策显著增加。 “摆脱化石燃料的转型需要在全球范围内对管理资产进行重大的可持续投资。 机构投资者在化石燃料撤资中发挥着特别重要的作用,因为他们对投入负责任投资的管理资产的比例影响最大。 为了测试信息框架是否影响投资者的决策,研究人员给参与者一项任务,其中唯一的变量是序言。 乐观的序言强调了低碳排放资产的永久收益和不断增长的价值,而其他序言则强调了化石燃料资产的风险或使用了专家的声音(更多信息请参阅此处,更多细节请参阅此处)。 专业管理资产价值98美元。 全球4万亿美元,这项研究中观察到的影响相当于3美元。 全球资产配置的6万亿转移。 肯特博士说:“围绕金融环境中的可持续性进行决策沟通需要以人为本的方法。”。 “与其关注全球变暖的后果,投资决策信息可以包括未来利益的永久性,如繁荣的生态系统、改善的寿命和健康、共同的经济繁荣和更大的全球安全。 该研究的合著者、塔斯马尼亚大学的丹·道加德副教授补充道:“这项研究将使投资专业人士能够更有效地交流可持续的投资机会。 ”。
the transition away from fossil fuels requires a significant and global shift towards sustainable investment, and institutional investors are key.dr danielle kentprofessional investors respond better to optimistic messages than dire warnings when it comes to ‘green investment’, according to a new study from the university of sydney business school and university of tasmania that could have a usd $3.6 trillion impact.published in nature, the study tested four different styles of message encouraging environmentally responsible investment on 335 institutional investors. it then analysed their subsequent environmental, social and corporate governance (esg) investment allocation.those who received the optimistic message invested in esg assets at a rate between three and four percent higher than those who received the other messages – a result lead author dr danielle kent called “surprising”.“one major challenge for responsible investing is that it fails to register as a moral imperative because it does not create a strong emotional response, and no-one is acting intentionally to harm anyone,” dr kent said.“in taking this different approach, emphasising the benefits of sustainable investing, we can connect the analytical facets of investment to our human bias towards hope for greater action around climate change.we demonstrated that framing sustainable investment more optimistically, with an emphasis on the temporary costs compared to the permanent future benefits, can overcome our natural bias toward inaction.dr danielle kent“the results are particularly striking because it shows that optimistic climate communication is effective on highly analytical professional experts with an average of 19 years of experience in investing. the assumed knowledge is these sophisticated investors can’t be nudged, but we observed a statistically significant increase in environmentally conscious investment decisions.”the transition away from fossil fuels requires a significant and global shift towards sustainable investment among assets under management.institutional investors play a particularly important role in the divestment from fossil fuels because they have the most influence over the proportion of managed assets that go into responsible investments.to test whether message framing influenced investor decisions, researchers gave participants a task in which the only variable was the preamble. the optimistic preamble emphasized the permanent gains and growing value of low carbon emission assets, while the others emphasized the risk of fossil fuel assets or used an expert voice (see more here and further detail here).with professionally managed assets valued at usd $98.4 trillion globally, the effect observed in this study would equate to a usd $3.6 trillion shift in global asset allocations.“communicating decisions around sustainability in financial settings requires a human-centred approach,” dr kent said.“instead of focusing on the consequences of global warming, investment decision messages could incorporate the permanency of future benefits such as flourishing ecosystems, improved longevity and health, shared economic prosperity and greater global security.”study co-author associate professor dan daugaard from the university of tasmania added: “this research will enable investment professionals to more effectively communicate sustainable investment opportunities.”.

本文来源: 乐观主义是绿化全球金融体系的关键




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