

(Fulbright scholars awarded at Sydney)


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作为富布赖特奖学金项目的一部分,悉尼大学的五位学者和校友将前往美国。 作为交流的一部分,该大学将举办一场学术研讨会。 来自悉尼大学社区的五位杰出学者和校友获得了著名的富布赖特学院的认可,涵盖了历史、生物信息学、新闻学和医学科学等领域,研究人员将获得资助,在美国的主办机构旅行和停留,同时完成旨在进一步了解和交流两国的研究项目。 该大学副校长(研究)emma johnston教授对获奖者表示赞赏。 “我很高兴地祝贺今年获得富布赖特奖学金的五位大学界成员,他们将由乔治敦大学、哈佛大学和梅奥诊所等著名机构主办。 他们多样化的项目不仅展示了他们个人的才华,还突出了他们致力于推进知识进步并在各自领域产生有意义的影响。 随着对数据新闻、地缘政治史、癌症治疗和生活质量、产前酒精暴露和器官移植健康等领域的研究,它们的影响将是广泛的。 我们也很自豪能够继续我们接待富布赖特学者的传统,这是我们致力于国际合作和促进对复杂全球问题的共同理解的一部分。 我们祝愿他们在新的一年里一切顺利。 希望这次经历能丰富他们的学术旅程,提供新的技能,并将他们介绍给来自世界各地的新同事和合作者。 澳大利亚-美国富布赖特委员会成立75周年,为澳大利亚公民提供各个职业阶段的奖学金。 获奖者参加学术和文化交流,在美国机构进行研究或学习,体验国外生活,并带回他们的知识和经验与社区分享。 著名的富布赖特项目是美国参议员j创建的同类项目中规模最大的教育奖学金。 威廉·富布赖特与1946年的美国政府。 悉尼大学的学者和校友自1950年以来就加入了这一行列,其中包括麦考伊生物化学主席托尼·韦斯教授、黑色素瘤研究者、澳大利亚年度最佳教授乔治娜·朗和mitchgibbs博士土著实践和海岸管理研究者。 niro kandasamy博士&乔治敦大学历史富布赖特博士后学者kandasami博士的富布赖特研究旨在确定和评估20世纪美国和澳大利亚如何应对印度洋地区的冲突。 该项目的研究结果将有助于推进对该地区当代历史的理解,并为澳大利亚决策者提供重要见解。 坎达萨米博士是悉尼大学人文学院的历史讲师。 她教授冲突史、难民安置史和国际关系史。 在2022年加入悉尼大学之前,她曾在墨尔本任教,并在非政府组织担任高级研究职位。 她曾在牛津大学和约克大学获得访问奖学金。 她的美国富布赖特奖学金将使她能够扩展她的研究兴趣,了解国家和社会如何应对冲突。 该项目将考察美国和澳大利亚对20世纪印度洋地区爆发冲突的反应。 maggs x博士-悉尼大学比较基因组学研究所博士后学者x博士(they/them)是密苏里大学的博士后。 他们获得了美国自然历史博物馆理查德·吉尔德研究生院的比较生物学博士学位。 他们的研究重点是利用系统发育学、单细胞技术和比较基因组学来更好地了解复杂性状是如何在分子水平上进化的。 他们的研究探索了蛇和蜥蜴繁殖模式的进化,以及硬骨鱼穴居特征(洞穴相关表型)的进化。 它们的灵感来源于非模式生物为我们理解进化、人类健康和地球健康所具有的价值。 drx的富布赖特研究旨在利用澳大利亚特有的两个繁殖双峰物种的罕见比较框架,确定影响产卵和活产进化的基因组特征。 justine landis hanley&调查记者富布赖特研究生scholardis hanley是《纽约时报》出版的记者和获奖播客,目前在《堪培拉时报》澳大利亚记者席报道联邦政治。 她的作品出现在《卫报》、《悉尼先驱晨报》、《星期六报》和《crikey》上。 2022年,她与人共同主持了spotify独家播客《left right out》,回答了年轻人关于澳大利亚政治的问题。 在整个联邦选举期间,这是澳大利亚平台上的头号新闻节目。 justine于2019年毕业于悉尼大学,获得哲学学士学位(媒体与传播)。 凭借富布赖特奖学金,justine将攻读科学硕士(新闻学),专门研究调查性数据新闻学。 她的目标是帮助开辟新的方式,让记者通过新兴媒体讲述数据驱动的政治调查,揭露政治腐败并追究政府责任。 路易丝·梅顿副教授&医学科学富布赖特未来奖学金(学者)由南卡罗来纳医科大学主办。 mewton博士是一名公共卫生研究人员,专注于终生饮酒和相关疾病的流行病学、评估、预防和治疗。 她的研究专长涵盖人群神经科学、大规模流行病学建模以及整个生命周期干预计划的开发和评估。 作为富布赖特奖学金的一部分,mewton博士旨在了解更多关于产前饮酒如何影响青少年健康和神经发育结果的信息。 通过既定的转化途径,她将确保任何发现都能影响孕妇的选择,以及受产前饮酒影响的年轻人的生活。 sireesha koneru博士-医学科学富布赖特未来奖学金(博士后)由市长诊所主办koneru医生是悉尼大学和康科德遣返综合医院的结直肠研究员。 她正在完成她的博士学位,研究的重点是直肠癌症手术和非手术治疗后的功能结果和生活质量,她在这方面发表了大量文章。 在富布赖特未来奖学金的支持下,sireesha将继续她的研究工作,在梅奥诊所,罗彻斯特,专注于“观察和等待”管理直肠癌症后的功能结果。 这项研究将有助于完成对所有可用的癌症治疗后功能结果的首次360度回顾。 harry robertson&哈佛大学计算机科学/生物信息学幸福未来奖学金(研究生)作为一名有抱负的生物信息学家,harry robert son设想了一个以我们收集的大量患者数据为指导的医疗决策的未来。 作为一名博士生和富布赖特研究人员,他在澳大利亚的追求是通过开创可获得的器官移植健康生物标志物来实现这一愿景。 robertson正在利用我们国家互联的医疗系统开发机器学习算法,可以解释复杂的成像数据,提供广泛使用的非侵入性诊断工具。 他的雄心是为澳大利亚成为数据驱动医疗保健领域的全球领导者铺平道路,提高全国和全球患者的治疗效果。 他的富布赖特研究重点是通过先进的成像技术发现当代器官移植健康的生物标志物。 传统的生物标志物依赖于昂贵的测序,许多人往往无法获得。 通过开创新的机器学习方法来分析这些成像数据,他旨在为移植受者提供一种普遍可用的非侵入性诊断工具。
five university of sydney academics and alumni will travel to the united states as part of the fulbright scholarship program. the university will host an academic as part of the exchange.five distinguished academics and alumni from the university of sydney community have been recognised with prestigious fulbright scholarshipsin areas ranging from history to bioinformatics, journalism, and medical science, the researchers will be sponsored to travel and stay in the united states at host institutions while completing research projects designed to further understanding and exchange between the two countries. the university’s deputy vice-chancellor (research), professor emma johnston commended the awardees.“i’m delighted to congratulate the five members of the university community recognised with fulbright scholarships this year who will be hosted by prestigious institutions like georgetown university, harvard, and the mayo clinic.their diverse projects not only showcase their individual brilliance but also highlight their commitment to advancing knowledge and making a meaningful impact in their respective fields. with research into areas including data journalism, geopolitical history, cancer treatment & quality of life, prenatal alcohol exposure and organ transplant health, their impact will be broad.we’re also proud to continue our tradition of hosting fulbright scholars as part of our commitment to international collaboration and promoting a shared understanding of complex global issues.we wish them all the best in the year to come. and hope the experience will enrich their academic journey, provide new skills, and introduce them to new colleagues and collaborators from around the world.”now in its 75 year, the australian-american fulbright commission offers scholarships to australian citizens across all career stages. awardees take part in an academic and cultural exchange, pursuing research or study at a us institution, experiencing life abroad and bringing back their knowledge and experience to share with their communities.the prestigious fulbright program is the largest educational scholarship of its kind, created by us senator j. william fulbright and the us government in 1946.university of sydney academics and alumni have joined each cohort since 1950 and include mccaughey chair in biochemistry professor tony weiss, melanoma researcher and australian of the year professor georgina long and dr mitch gibbs researcher in indigenous practices and coastal management.dr niro kandasamy – historyfulbright postdoctoral scholar hosted by georgetown universitydr kandasamy’s fulbright research aims to identify and assess how the us and australia have responded to conflicts in the indian ocean region during the twentieth century. the findings from the project will help to advance contemporary historical understandings of the region and offer important insights to australian policymakers.dr kandasamy is lecturer in history in the school of humanities at the university of sydney. she teaches histories of conflict, refugee resettlement, and international relations. before joining the university of sydney in 2022, she was teaching in melbourne and held senior research positions in non-government organisations. she has undertaken visiting fellowships at the university of oxford and york university. her us fulbright scholarship will enable her to expand her research interests in understanding how states and societies respond to conflicts. the project will examine us and australian responses to conflicts erupting in the indian ocean region during the twentieth century.dr maggs x - comparative genomicsfulbright postdoctoral scholar hosted by the university of sydneydr x (they/them) is a postdoctoral fellow at the university of missouri. they received their phd in comparative biology from the richard gilder graduate school at the american museum of natural history. their research focuses on using phylogenetics, single-cell technologies, and comparative genomics to better understand how complex traits evolve at the molecular level. their research explores the evolution of reproductive modes in snakes and lizards, and the evolution of troglomorphic traits (cave-associated phenotypes) in teleosts. they are inspired by the value non-model organisms have for informing our understanding of evolution, human health, and the health of the planet.dr x’s fulbright research aims to utilise the rare comparative framework of two reproductively bimodal species that are endemic to australia to identify genomic features that influence the evolution of egg-laying and live-birth. justine landis-hanley – investigative journalismfulbright postgraduate student scholarlandis-hanley is a new york times-published journalist and award-winning podcaster, currently reporting on federal politics from the australian press gallery for the canberra times. her work has appeared in the guardian, sydney morning herald, the saturday paper, and crikey. in 2022 she co-hosted left right out, a spotify-exclusive podcast that answered young people’s questions about australian politics. it was the #1 news show on the platform in australia throughout the federal election. justine graduated from the university of sydney in 2019 with a bachelor of arts (media and communications) majoring in philosophy.with her fulbright scholarship, justine will undertake a masters of science (journalism) specialising in investigative data journalism. her goal is to help pioneer new ways that journalists can tell data-driven political investigations through emerging mediums to expose political corruption and hold governments to account.associate professor louise mewton – medical sciencesfulbright future scholarship (scholar) hosted by the medical university of south carolinadr louise mewton is an associate professor and program lead in lifespan and brain health research at the matilda centre for mental health and substance use research, university of sydney. dr mewton is a public health researcher with a focus on the epidemiology, assessment, prevention, and treatment of alcohol use and related disorders across the lifespan. her research expertise spans population neuroscience, large-scale epidemiological modelling, and the development and evaluation of intervention programs across the lifespan.as part of her fulbright scholarship, dr mewton aims to learn more about how prenatal alcohol exposure affects adolescent health and neurodevelopmental outcomes.through established translational pathways, she will ensure any findings have an impact on the choices pregnant women make, as well as the lives of young people impacted by prenatal alcohol exposure.dr sireesha koneru - medical sciencesfulbright future scholarship (postdoctoral) hosted by the mayo clinicdr koneru is a colorectal research fellow at the university of sydney and concord repatriation general hospital. she is completing her phd with research centred on functional outcomes and quality of life after operative and non-operative management of rectal cancer, on which she has published and presented extensively.with the support of the fulbright future scholarship, sireesha will continue her research work at the mayo clinic, rochester, focussing on functional outcomes after “watch and wait” management for rectal cancer. this research will enable the completion of an inaugural 360-degree review of functional outcomes following all available rectal cancer treatments.harry robertson – computer science/bioinformaticsfulbright future scholarship (postgraduate) hosted by harvard universityas an aspiring bioinformatician, harry robertson envisions a future where healthcare decisions are guided by the wealth of data we gather on patients. his pursuit as a phd student and fulbright researcher in australia is to make this vision a reality by pioneering accessible biomarkers for organ transplant health. tapping into our nations connected healthcare system, robertson is developing machine learning algorithms that can interpret complex imaging data, offering non-invasive diagnostic tools for widespread use. his ambition is to pave the way for australia to be a global leader in data-driven healthcare, enhancing patient outcomes nationally and across the globe.his fulbright study is focused on discovering contemporary biomarkers for organ transplant health through advanced imaging. traditional biomarkers rely on costly sequencing, often inaccessible to many. by pioneering new machine learning methods to analyse this imaging data, he aims to offer a universally available, non-invasive diagnostic tool for transplant recipients.

本文来源: 富布赖特学者在悉尼获奖




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