

(Sydney and HEX announce School of Record partnership)


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旨在帮助缩小数字技能差距,使更多学生在提高创新和创业技能的同时获得大学级别的学术学分。 悉尼大学和屡获殊荣的教育技术初创公司hex达成了一项为期五年的协议,该协议将于今年生效。 hex以将快速发展的工作世界与高等教育和高中系统连接起来而闻名,它提供创新、创业和“指数技能”项目。 他们的在线和“创新空档年”计划是与atlassian等行业领导者一起设计的,以应对对短期技能学习日益增长的需求。 这项新协议旨在帮助解决澳大利亚的数字技能差距,并成为进入高等教育、创业和就业的垫脚石。 什么是记录学派?在成功完成选定的hex-ed-pro项目后,悉尼大学将颁发结业证书,为毕业生提供他们的学习成绩。 这些可以用于在世界各地承认悉尼大学学术学分的大学申请学分。 虽然这种记录学校的安排在美国很常见,但在澳大利亚,对先前学分学习的承认通常是在个案或科目基础上批准的。 一个记录学校的安排将简化十六进制学生和全球大学在考虑学分申请时的流程。 hex联合创始人chrishoffmann说:“我们很高兴悉尼大学认识到与工业界和下一代共同设计的体验式学习的学术相关性。”。 “hex项目可能是一个继续走传统职业道路的学生和一个拥抱指数未来及其所有可能性的学生之间的区别。 hex为学生提供了一个探索创新和创业世界的机会,无论他们是否就读于大学。 关于合作关系,悉尼大学将成为hexedpro的技术、金钱、你、未来和创新项目的记录学院,这些项目将在网上提供,以及他们在新加坡、胡志明市和墨尔本亲自提供的密集创新项目,2024年底将在更多国际地点推出。 悉尼大学商学院对这五个项目进行了评估,并验证了它们在特定选修单元中的学习效果相当,每个单元价值6个学分。 hex将使这些选定项目的评分与大学的评分标准保持一致,悉尼大学的一名学者已被任命为hex学术委员会成员,以支持课程和学生成绩的一致性和完整性。 该协议还规定了一个联合管理委员会。 悉尼大学副校长(教育)乔安娜·赖特教授对与hex日益增长的合作关系以及进入该校商学院的潜在新途径表示欢迎,学生们可以申请最多12个学分,成功完成hex项目的任何组合,获得商业学士课程。 hex致力于与那些在课后学习中代表性不足的学生接触,这与我们增加高等教育参与度的10年战略直接一致。 悉尼大学副校长(教育)乔安娜·赖特教授说:“自2018年以来,我们一直与hex合作,支持我们的学生参加他们的国际项目,作为我们留学的一部分,并在适当的时候为这些教育经历提供学分。”。 “我们很高兴能够加强与hex及其行业合作伙伴(包括atlassian)的合作,并认可这些创新和创业短期课程并为其提供认证,因为我们知道我们未来的员工将需要这些学习和技能。 “我们期待许多成功的hex校友将他们的成就引导到悉尼和世界各地的其他大学继续深造。 “完成hex项目并进入悉尼大学的学生将能够通过该大学的孵化或创业年项目、行业和社区项目单元,或通过报名参加众多创新和创业主题的学习单元之一,继续他们的创业之旅。
designed to help close the digital skills gap and enable more students to obtain university-level academic credit as they upskill in innovation and entrepreneurship.the university of sydney and multi-award-winning edtech startup, hex, have entered into what’s believed to be australias first school of record partnership, a five-year agreement that goes into effect this year.known for bridging the fast-moving world of work with the tertiary and high school system, hex delivers innovation, entrepreneurship and ‘exponential skills’ programs. their online and ‘innovation gap year’ programs are designed alongside industry leaders like atlassian, in response to increasing demand for short skills-based learning. this new agreement is intended to help address australias digital skills gap and serve as a stepping stone into higher education, entrepreneurship and employment.  what is a school of record?after successful completion of selected hex ed pro programs, the university of sydney will issue certificates of completion that provide graduates with a graded academic record of their learning. these can be used to apply for credit at universities around the world that recognise the university of sydney’s academic credit.while such school of record arrangements are common in the united states, in australia recognition of prior learning for credit is generally approved on a case-by-case or subject-by-subject basis. a school of record arrangement will streamline the process for hex students, and for universities globally as they consider applications for credit.“we’re delighted the university of sydney recognises the academic relevance of experiential learning that’s co-designed with industry and the next generation,” said hex co-founder, chris hoffmann. “a hex program could be the difference between a student that goes on to have quite a traditional career path, and a student who embraces the exponential future and all its possibilities. hex gives students a credit-bearing opportunity to explore the world of innovation and entrepreneurship – regardless of whether they’re enrolled in uni.”about the partnership the university of sydney will serve as a school of record for hex ed pro’s tech, money, you, future and innovation programs which are delivered online, as well as their intensive innovation program delivered in-person in singapore, ho chi minh city and melbourne, with more international locations to launch in late 2024.the five programs have been assessed by the university of sydney’s business school and verified to deliver equivalent learning outcomes as specific elective units worth 6 credit points each.hex will align marking of these selected programs to the university’s marking scale and a university of sydney academic has been appointed to the hex academic board to support consistency and integrity of the curriculum and student outcomes. the agreement also provides for a joint management committee.the university of sydney’s deputy vice-chancellor (education), professor joanne wright, welcomed the growing partnership with hex – and the potential new pathway into the university’s business school, with students able to apply a maximum total of 12 credit points for successful completion of any combination of the hex programs to a bachelor of commerce course.hex’s efforts to engage with students who have typically been underrepresented in post-school study aligns directly with our 10-year strategy to increase participation in higher education.professor joanne wright, university of sydney deputy vice-chancellor (education)“we’ve collaborated with hex since 2018, supporting our students to undertake their international programs as part of our study abroad offer and granting credit for those educational experiences where appropriate,” professor wright said.“we’re delighted to strengthen our partnership with hex and their industry collaborators including atlassian, and to recognise and provide accreditation for these short courses in innovation and entrepreneurship, knowing our future workforce will require such learning and skills.“we expect many successful hex alumni will direct their achievements towards further study at sydney and other universities around the world.”students who complete hex programs and enrol at the university of sydney will be able to continue their entrepreneurship journey through the university’s incubate or start-up year programs, industry and community project units, or through enrolling in one of the many innovation and entrepreneurship themed units of study on offer.

本文来源: Sydney和HEX宣布合作




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