

(Wrexham University welcomes Welsh Language Commissioner on campus )


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日期:2024年2月2日,星期五,普里菲斯戈尔-雷克瑟姆/雷克瑟姆大学的学生和教职员工参观了威尔士语专员,展示了为确保威尔士语在学校和当地社区中的突出地位和重要性所做的工作。 担任威尔士语专员一年多后,efagruffudd-jones本周访问了这所大学,亲眼目睹了通过威尔士语为学生和教职员工提供的机会。 gruffudd-jones和专员办公室监管主任osianllywelyn与雷克瑟姆大学副校长mariahinfelaar教授和该校威尔士语发展负责人elenmainefydd一起,与言语和语言治疗专业的学生会面,了解他们如何在医疗保健环境中使用威尔士语,并参观健康与教育创新区。 威尔士语专员,efa gruffudd jones;和ffin roberts,言语和语言治疗讲师。 她还会见了警务专业的学生,他们也受益于作为学位课程一部分的威尔士语模块,并听取了同事们如何参与威尔士语课程并从中受益。 此次访问也是在12个月前,该机构批准了其威尔士语学术战略和行动计划,该计划旨在加强大学威尔士语媒介的发展。 在访问期间,gruffudd-jones女士表示,她对雷克瑟姆取得的进展感到“高兴”。 她说:“很高兴看到雷克瑟姆大学在提供威尔士语方面取得了巨大的进步,学生和教职员工都有机会使用威尔士语。 “我特别高兴地听到该大学如何使学生能够通过威尔士语进行交流,特别是在公共服务领域,如联合卫生、护理和警务。 “很明显,雷克瑟姆大学坚定地致力于通过加强语言教学,为威尔士文化和遗产做出贡献。 警务专业一年级学生阿比盖尔·李(abigail lee)说:“有机会通过我的学位学习威尔士语对我来说是一个巨大的奖励。 北威尔士警察局的所有工作都需要一定程度的威尔士语水平,所以把学习威尔士语作为我课程的一部分意味着我毕业后将为职业生涯做好准备。 “我的志向是把这个模块作为一块垫脚石,让自己能够流利地掌握这门语言。 hinfelaar教授补充道:“很高兴欢迎专员来到雷克瑟姆的校园,并与她分享自去年引入威尔士语学术战略和行动计划以来我们所取得的进展。”。 “雷克瑟姆大学致力于庆祝威尔士语,我们很高兴地说,比以往任何时候都有更多的学生有机会在我们的一系列课程中学习双语。 ”。
date: friday, february 2, 2024students and staff at prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university enjoyed a visit from the welsh language commissioner to showcase the work being done to ensure prominence and the importance of the welsh language within the institution and local community.just over one year into her role as welsh language commissioner, efa gruffudd jones visited the university this week to see, first-hand, the opportunities which are available to both students and staff through the medium of welsh.ms gruffudd jones and osian llywelyn, director of regulation for the commissioner’s office, joined professor maria hinfelaar, vice chancellor of wrexham university, and elen mai nefydd, head of welsh development at the university, to meet with speech and language therapy students to hear how they use the welsh language in healthcare settings as part of their placements, as well as taking a tour of the health & education innovation quarter (heiq).welsh language commissioner, efa gruffudd jones; and ffion roberts, speech and language therapy lecturer. she also met with professional policing students, who are also benefiting from welsh language modules as part of their degree course – and heard how colleagues were engaging with and benefiting from welsh language lessons. the visit also comes 12 months on from when the institution approved its welsh language academic strategy and action plan, which sets out to enhance the provision of welsh medium development at the university.speaking during the visit, ms gruffudd jones said she was “delighted” with the progress being made at wrexham.she said: “it’s fantastic to see that wrexham university is making huge strides in relation to welsh language provision and the opportunities that both students and staff have to use the language.“it was particularly pleasing to hear how the university is enabling students to communicate through the medium of welsh, particularly in those subject areas, which are public services, such as allied health, nursing and policing. “it’s clear that wrexham university has a strong commitment to contributing to welsh culture and heritage, through enhancing language provision.”abigail lee, first-year professional policing student, who has started learning welsh as part of her degree, said: “having the opportunity to learn welsh through my degree is a huge bonus for me. all jobs for north wales police require a level of welsh proficiency, so learning the language as part of my course means that i will be equipped for the professional world after i graduate.“my ambition is to use this module as a stepping stone to become fluent in the language.”professor hinfelaar added: “it was wonderful to welcome the commissioner on campus in wrexham and share with her the developments that we have made since the introduction of our welsh language academic strategy and action plan last year.“wrexham university is committed to celebrating the welsh language and we are delighted to say that more students than ever before have opportunities to study bilingually across a range of our courses.” .

本文来源: 雷克瑟姆大学欢迎威尔士语专员进入校园;




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