

(Wrexham University unveils new outdoor pods to boost student wellbeing and connection to nature  )


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日期:2024年1月26日,星期五,新的户外吊舱在prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham大学亮相,使学生和教职员工能够更接近自然地见面、合作和学习。 这些新的豆荚位于雷克瑟姆校区的四边形区域,是由该大学的联合“基于自然的社会处方”项目资助购买的,该项目旨在加强学生的整体健康,并通过自然与周围环境建立更紧密的联系。 该项目去年获得了超过40万英镑的资金,作为该项目的一部分,学生和工作人员都被邀请参与研究。 这是为了帮助研究团队深入了解对学生和教职员工来说“什么是重要的”,以及如何改善校园的绿地,以便他们能够增加户外活动的时间,从而改善他们的心理健康和幸福感。 研究小组听取了研究结果,并将其用于资助这些吊舱&一个供所有人享受的替代户外会议空间。 这些吊舱最多可容纳6人,供电充足,并支持无线网络。 prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham大学运营执行总监、基于自然的社会处方项目负责人lynda powell表示:“我们非常高兴能够在我们的雷克瑟姆校区的四区内推出我们全新的户外吊舱。 “它们不仅非常漂亮,而且为学生和同事提供了一个真正特殊的学习和会面空间,同时确保每个人都能感觉到与户外的联系,这反过来会改善个人的心理健康。 “这是一个项目团队非常自豪的校园改进,因为它将为我们的学生带来无数的好处。 “作为基于自然的社会处方项目的一部分,完成的其他校园项目包括四个校区的感官通道、户外健身房、户外活动餐饮设施、四个校区新的户外家具和遮阳伞等等。 所有这些项目都已完成,目的是鼓励学生和教职员工充分利用户外活动,感受更亲近自然的感觉。 新的吊舱由在线家居和户外零售商布谷鸟提供。 杜鹃园董事nathalie davis补充道:“我们很高兴能参与这个项目。 室外吊舱位于普拉斯-科学院校园的院子里,设计安全,维护成本低,轮椅无障碍,配有电力,适合全年使用。 “他们已经成为平静的灯塔,支持学生和教职员工应对学术生活的需求。 它们坐落在大自然中,为沉思、放松和专注的独立学习提供了一个平静的环境,但最重要的是,它们鼓励了看过它们的人进行讨论,并且经常被用作教职员工和学生的有趣聚会场所。 威尔士高等教育资助委员会(hefcw)作为其战略投资基金的一部分,为基于自然的社会处方项目提供了资金。 该项目是与来自雷克瑟姆大学和南威尔士大学的工作人员以及雷克瑟姆和弗林特郡的各种当地组织和绿色健康提供者合作开展的。 该项目是与来自雷克瑟姆大学和南威尔士大学的工作人员以及雷克瑟姆和弗林特郡的各种当地组织和绿色健康提供者合作开展的。
date: friday, january 26, 2024new outdoor pods to enable students and staff to meet, collaborate and study closer to nature have been unveiled at prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university. the new pods, which are situated in the quad area of the wrexham campus, have been purchased with funding from the university’s joint ‘nature-based social prescribing’ project, which aims to strengthen students’ overall wellbeing and feel more connected to their surroundings through nature.as part of the project, which secured more than £400,000 of funding last year, both students and staff were invited to take part in the research element. this was to help the research team gain an insight into ‘what matters’ to students and staff and how the green spaces on campus could be improved so that they could increase their time outside in nature with the aim of improving their mental health and wellbeing. the study team listened and took findings from the research to fund the pods – an alternative outdoor meeting space for all to enjoy.the pods can seat up to six people, has a full electricity supply and is wi-fi enabled.lynda powell, executive director of operations at prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university and nature-based social prescribing project lead, said: “we are absolutely delighted to unveil our brand new outdoor pods, situated in the quad area of our wrexham campus.“not only are they absolutely beautiful but they provide both students and colleagues with a truly special space to study and meet, while ensuring that everyone feels more connected to the outdoors, which in turn will improve individuals’ mental wellbeing. “this is a campus improvement that the project team are enormously proud of, due to the countless benefits it will provide our students.” other campus projects completed as part of the nature-based social prescribing project, include a sensory path in the quad area, an outdoor gym, an outdoor events catering facility, new outdoor furniture and parasols across all four campuses, and much more.all of these projects have been completed with the aim of encouraging students and staff to make the most of the outdoors and feel closer to nature. the new pods have been supplied by online home and outdoor retailer, cuckooland.nathalie davis, director of cuckooland, added: “we are delighted to be involved with this project. the outdoor pods, which are placed in the quad on the plas coch campus, are designed to be safe, low maintenance, wheelchair-accessible, equipped with electricity and suitable for year-round use. “they have emerged as beacons of tranquillity to support both students and staff navigating the demands of academic life. nestled in nature, they provide a calm environment for contemplation, relaxation, and focused, independent study but most importantly, they have encouraged discussion amongst those that have seen them and they are regularly used as fun meeting places for both staff and students.”funding for nature-based social prescribing project was awarded by higher education funding council for wales (hefcw), as part of its strategic investment fund.the project is a collaborative with staff from across wrexham university and the university of south wales, together with a variety of local organisations and green health providers in wrexham and flintshire. .

本文来源: 雷克瑟姆大学推出新的户外吊舱,以促进学生的健康和与自然的联系 




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