根据年月日签署的文化合作协议。 22日,埃默里的卡洛斯博物馆将自愿将三件古代文物移交给希腊部。 该协议还将为emory学生创造更多的教育机会。 --埃默里图片/视频埃默里大学与希腊共和国文化部于年月日签署了文化合作长期协议。 22,其中包括为学生提供更多的教育机会,以及将迈克尔收藏的三件物品归还希腊部。 埃默里卡洛斯博物馆。 希腊共和国文化部长琳娜·门多尼星期一前往亚特兰大参观卡洛斯博物馆,并会见了埃默里的领导人。 mendoni和ravi v。 埃默里大学教务长兼负责学术事务的执行副校长贝拉姆孔达签署了这项协议,承诺本着善意的精神,共同努力,进一步提高对希腊文化的了解,同时保护希腊文化遗产。 博物馆和铁道部仍在就未来项目的合作进行对话。 根据协议,卡洛斯博物馆将自愿转让一座米诺安拉纳克,一座坐着的男人的古典雕塑和一座缪斯女神的雕塑。 归还这些文物的决定是在埃默里博物馆和文物部在过去两年中进行讨论之后做出的,并支持博物馆正在进行的对其藏品来源的研究,以及解决官方对其藏品索赔的承诺。 该部分享的信息表明,这些文物被列为与希腊文物贩运有关的法庭案件的证据。 新的出处历史对博物馆收购这些藏品时所知的情况提出了质疑。 门多尼说:“希腊共和国文化部欢迎卡洛斯博物馆决定将其收藏的三件古代文物归还希腊人民,因为有充分的证据表明这些文物是从希腊非法出口的。”。 门多尼继续说道:“今天的遣返将成为希腊共和国文化部和埃默里大学未来几年密切文化合作的起点。”。 “我们希望国外的其他博物馆也能效仿卡洛斯博物馆,该博物馆一直寻求通过对话和合作精神来解决这个问题。 教育部和埃默里大学之间的协议将为埃默里大学的学生、教职员工在希腊参与发掘创造更多机会。 埃默里大学的学生和工作人员已经在雅典的萨莫特拉斯和犹太会堂等地进行了挖掘。 贝拉姆孔达说:“埃默里大学为我们长期致力于成为美国东南部最重要的希腊文化倡导者之一而感到骄傲。”。 “我代表学校感谢部长为制定这项协议所做的工作。 它具有历史意义。 重要的是。 它标志着我们真诚地致力于深化关系和合作,以实现我们研究、分享和保护希腊文化的共同使命,并达到最高的道德和学术标准。 该协议为卡洛斯博物馆提供了与希腊博物馆合作的机会,为埃默里和亚特兰大更大的社区借出文物并创建新的展览。 亨利说:“今天的活动仅仅是一个开始,卡洛斯博物馆期待着该部与埃默里博物馆多年来扩大文化合作。”。 金,副教务长兼卡洛斯博物馆馆长。 “我们很荣幸能参与到希腊和世界各地保护和保存文化遗产的工作中来。 “了解更多关于卡洛斯博物馆的起源研究以及詹中的三件物品。 22文化合作协议。 ravi v。 埃默里大学教务长兼学术事务执行副校长贝拉姆孔达与希腊共和国文化部长琳娜·门多尼在签署文化合作协议后握手。 kay hinton,emory照片/视频。
under the cultural cooperation agreement signed jan. 22, emory’s carlos museum will voluntarily transfer three ancient artifacts to the greek ministry. the agreement will also create more educational opportunities for emory students.— emory photo/videoemory university and the ministry of culture of the hellenic republic signed a long-term agreement of cultural cooperation on jan. 22, which includes more educational opportunities for students and the return to the greek ministry of three objects in the collection of the michael c. carlos museum at emory.lina mendoni, the minister of culture for the hellenic republic, traveled to atlanta monday to tour the carlos museum and meet with emory leaders. mendoni and ravi v. bellamkonda, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs at emory, signed the agreement, which pledges a spirit of goodwill to work together to further advance knowledge of greek culture, while also protecting greek cultural heritage. the museum and ministry remain in ongoing dialogue about collaboration on future projects.under the agreement, the carlos museum will voluntarily transfer a minoan larnax, a classical sculpture of a seated man and a sculpture of a muse. the decision to return the objects follows discussions between emory and the ministry over the past two years and supports the museum’s ongoing study of the provenance of objects in its collections and its commitment to resolve official claims on its collections.information shared by the ministry indicated that the objects were included as evidence in court cases related to antiquities trafficking in greece. the new provenance histories challenge what was known about the pieces at the time the museum acquired them.“the ministry of culture of the hellenic republic welcomes the decision of the carlos museum to return three ancient artifacts from its collections to the greek people, as it has been well documented that they had been illegally exported from greece,” mendoni said. “today’s repatriation will become the starting point for close cultural cooperation in the coming years between the ministry of culture of the hellenic republic and emory university,” mendoni continued. “we hope that other museums abroad will follow the example of the carlos museum, which has sought to solve the problem through dialogue and a spirit of cooperation.”the agreement between the ministry and emory will create more opportunities for emory students, faculty and staff to participate in excavations in greece. emory students and staff have dug at sites such as samothrace and the agora in athens.“emory university is proud of our long-standing commitment to being one of the foremost advocates for greek culture in the southeast united states,” bellamkonda said. “on behalf of the university, i thank the minister for her work in developing this agreement. it is historic. it is important. and it signals a sincere intent to deepen relations and collaborate on our shared missions of studying, sharing and protecting greek culture, and doing so to the highest ethical and academic standards.”the agreement provides the opportunity for the carlos museum to partner with museums in greece on the loan of objects and the creation of new exhibitions for emory and the larger community of atlanta.“today’s event is just the beginning, and the carlos museums looks forward to many years of expanded cultural cooperation between the ministry and emory,” said henry s. kim, associate vice provost and director of the carlos museum. “we are honored to be part of efforts to protect and preserve cultural heritage in greece and around the world.”learn more about provenance research at the carlos museum and the three objects included in the jan. 22 cultural cooperation agreement.ravi v. bellamkonda, provost and executive vice president for academic affairs at emory, lina mendoni, the minister of culture for the hellenic republic, shake hands after signing the cultural cooperation agreement. kay hinton, emory photo/video.
本文来源: 埃默里与希腊共和国文化部签订文化合作协议