跳过旋转木马星期三晚上第一天的课程结束后,亚特兰大校区的emory学生们裹好衣服,冒着严寒参加了一场神奇的活动:“初雪”。 “在天黑后,由杜利主持,纪念学生的参与、领导力、过渡(淤泥)和校园生活,这是一个冬季仙境,以烤棉花糖、滑冰、雪橇、人造雪和一个巨大的雪球为特色。 滚动浏览照片库,重温夜晚。 alex minovici的照片。
skip carouselpreviousnextas the first day of classes wrapped up on wednesday evening, emory students on the atlanta campus bundled up and braved the freezing cold for a magical event: “first snow.”hosted by dooley after dark, emory student involvement, leadership, and transitions (silt) and campus life, it was a winter wonderland featuring toasted marshmallows, ice skating, sledding, artificial snow and a giant snow globe. scroll through the photo gallery to relive the evening. photos by alex minovici.
本文来源: 照片:埃默里用“第一场雪”庆祝新学期的开始