鼓励利益相关者通过新建立的搜索网站提交意见和提名。 在1月。 17,ravi v。 埃默里大学教务长兼学术事务执行副校长贝拉姆孔达宣布正式启动寻找下一任坎德尔神学学院院长的工作。 由14名成员组成的招聘咨询委员会,包括教职员工、学生、校友和教会领袖,已经发布了一份正式的职位描述,并开通了该职位的招聘网站。 该委员会由詹姆斯学院院长金伯利•雅各布•阿里奥拉担任主席。 兰尼研究生院和研究生事务副教务长,以及联合主席乔纳森·斯特罗姆,教会历史教授和candler国际倡议主任。 贝拉姆孔达说:“烛光学院院长是一个至关重要的角色,这所学校不仅是埃默里身份不可或缺的一部分,而且自豪地成为联合卫理公会的神学院。”。 “我们寻求一位富有想象力的领导者,他将带领学校走向充满希望的未来,培养神学学术和繁荣的学生。 神学探究和精神健康是全球关注的问题,我们相信坎德尔神学学派通过其对全世界人类的服务做出了重要贡献。 “搜索过程始于秋季,与坎德尔、埃默里及其他地区的利益相关者进行了一系列聆听,形成了社区正在寻找的领导者类型的愿景。 arriola说:“这些会议的想法、反馈和巨大的兴趣证明了这个社区的热情,以及他们寻找一位将继续坎德尔前进运动的领导人的集体愿望。”。 “我非常感谢迄今为止分享的宝贵见解。 坎德尔神学院成立于1914年,是一所领先的神学院,拥有400多名学生、40名全职教师和60名教职员工。 院长负责与学校管理相关的所有事务,包括学生体验、学术规划、教职员工领导力、财务和慈善事业、校友关系、社区关系以及整个学校的合作。 斯特罗姆说:“我们期待着找到一位新的领导者,他将提升坎德尔的学术影响力,培养学校与联合卫理公会和其他教派的联系,增加对学生的支持,招聘和留住顶尖学者,并继续优先考虑多样性、公平性、包容性和社会正义。”。 贝拉姆孔达预计,搜索咨询委员会将在2024年春末任命一位新院长。 詹洛夫(janlove)是坎德尔神学院的玛丽•李•哈丁•威拉德(maryleehardinwillard)院长,此前她曾表示,在担任院长超过17年后,她打算辞职。 爱将在2024年夏季结束当前任期后,以基督教和世界政治教授的身份重返教职工队伍。 贝拉姆孔达说:“院长的爱值得赞扬,因为他在这一过渡时期发挥了充满活力和深思熟虑的领导作用。”。 “下一任院长肯定会受益于她专注于学生发展和教师卓越的干练管理。 emory聘请了高管猎头公司spencer-stuart与猎头委员会合作协调这一过程。 该公司不仅在高等教育招聘方面拥有丰富的经验,而且在确定神学和神学学校的领导者方面也有丰富的经验。 emory社区可以继续参与搜索过程,通过搜索网站或spencer-stuart建立的机密电子邮件提供输入并提交提名或申请:candlerdean@spencerstuart。 通用域名格式。 坎德尔神学学院院长搜索咨询委员会主席:詹姆斯学院院长金伯利雅各布阿里奥拉。 兰尼研究生院兼研究生事务副教务长联席主席:乔纳森·斯特罗姆,教会历史教授,坎德尔神学院国际倡议主任。 英语字母表的第23个字母。 鲁思·布鲁克斯世界基督教教授兼世界基督教会主任allison henderson brooks 19t,学生会助理主任joel lemon 07g,rev。 博士。 小唐纳德。 杰出的圣经研究副教授,基督教伦理学和冲突转化教授,宗教研究生部主任。 (比尔)麦卡利81t,联合卫理公会纳什维尔主教区教堂natalie murdock 25t,学生bishop janice riggle huie 89t,坎德尔神学学院顾问委员会领导实践教授兼la mesa学院副院长joanne solis walker,崇拜实践副教授,崇拜和精神形成副院长兼浸礼会研究联合主任首席行政官:melissa j。 daly,主管行政运营和战略的副教务长,melissa。 英语字母表的第10个字母。 daly@emory。 教育部。
stakeholders are encouraged to submit input and nominations through a newly established search website.on jan. 17, ravi v. bellamkonda, emory university provost and executive vice president for academic affairs, announced the official launch of the search for the next dean of candler school of theology.the 14-member search advisory committee, which includes faculty, staff, students, alumni and church leaders, has released a formal position description and launched a search website for the position. the committee is chaired by kimberly jacob arriola, dean of the james t. laney school of graduate studies and vice provost for graduate affairs, along with co-chair jonathan strom, professor of church history and director of international initiatives at candler.“the candler deanship is a vital role the school is not only integral to emorys identity, but proudly serves as a seminary of the united methodist church,” says bellamkonda. “we seek an imaginative leader who will steer the school towards a promising future, fostering theological scholarship and nurturing student flourishing. theological inquiry and spiritual well-being are global concerns, and we believe candler school of theology has important contributions to make through its service to humanity worldwide.”the search process began in the fall with a series of listening sessions with stakeholders from candler, across emory and beyond that shaped the vision for the type of leader the community is seeking.“the ideas, feedback and significant interest in these sessions are a testament to the enthusiasm of this community and its collective desire to find a leader who will continue candler’s forward movement,” says arriola. “i am profoundly thankful for the invaluable insights shared thus far.”founded in 1914, candler school of theology is a leading theology school, with more than 400 students, 40 full-time faculty and 60 staff members. the dean is responsible for all matters related to the administration of the school, including student experience, academic programming, faculty and staff leadership, finances and philanthropy, alumni relations, community relations and collaboration throughout the institution.“we look forward to identifying a new leader who will elevate candler’s academic impact, nurture the schools ties with the united methodist church and other denominations, increase support to students, recruit and retain top-tier scholars, and continue prioritizing diversity, equity, inclusion and social justice,” says strom.bellamkonda anticipates the search advisory committee will name a new dean by late spring 2024.jan love, the mary lee hardin willard dean of candler school of theology, previously shared her plans to step down after serving as dean for more than 17 years. love will return to the faculty as a professor of christianity and world politics following the conclusion of her current term in summer 2024.“dean love deserves praise for energetic and thoughtful leadership during this transition period,” bellamkonda says. “the next dean will certainly benefit from her capable administration focused on student flourishing and faculty eminence.”emory has retained the executive search firm spencer stuart to coordinate the process in partnership with the search committee. the firm has extensive experience not only in higher education recruitment, but in identifying leaders for theological and divinity schools.the emory community may continue to participate in the search process by providing input and submitting nominations or applications via the search website or the confidential email spencer stuart has established: candlerdean@spencerstuart.com.candler school of theology dean search advisory committeechair: kimberly jacob arriola, dean of the james t. laney school of graduate studies and vice provost for graduate affairs co-chair: jonathan strom, professor of church history and director of international initiatives in candler school of theology members:bill britt 83t, senior minister, peachtree road united methodist churchlori cromwell, chief business officer, candler school of theologyconnor felty 25t, studentjehu hanciles, d.w. and ruth brooks professor of world christianity and director of world christianityallison henderson-brooks 19t, assistant dean of studentsjoel lemon 07g, the rev. dr. donald harp jr. distinguished associate professor of biblical studiesellen ott marshall, professor of christian ethics and conflict transformation and director of the graduate division religionbishop william t. (bill) mcalilly 81t, nashville episcopal area of the united methodist churchnatalie murdock 25t, studentbishop janice riggle huie 89t, candler school of theology board of advisorsjoanne solis-walker, professor in the practice of leadership and associate dean of la mesa academykhalia williams, associate professor in the practice of worship, associate dean of worship and spiritual formation and co-director of baptist studiessearch administrator: melissa j. daly, associate vice provost for executive operations and strategy, melissa.j.daly@emory.edu.
本文来源: Candler神学院下一任院长搜寻工作启动