--斯蒂芬·诺兰德,埃默里图片/视频组成埃默里大学的九所学校以创新的举措、值得庆祝的成就以及一系列引人入胜的春季演讲和活动进入新学期。 以下是每所学校列出的最新和值得注意的内容汇总。 坎德尔神学学院学术推广:坎德尔于1月1日召开春季会议,开启新学期。 16,教员珍妮弗·艾尔斯和肯达尔·苏伦被任命为教授。 校长詹洛夫在大会上发表了讲话,他在领导学校17年后,将于本学年末卸任。 即将举行的活动:2月4日。 1,教堂音乐与礼拜副教授jamesabbington将举办一场教育性的音乐表演,旨在分享黑人神圣音乐作曲家的丰富遗产。 2月2日,星期二。 20日,candler的阿奎那神学中心将举行一年一度的天主教演讲会,今年梵蒂冈驻美国外交大使克里斯托夫·皮埃尔枢机主教将出席。 s。 学校2024年的麦当劳讲座将于2月3日举行。 28日和3月20日,星期三,与威斯康辛州卫理公会年会常驻主教hee-soo jung会面。 坎德尔将于3月5日至7日在校园举办一场关于宗教和残疾的会议“不再隐形”;请继续关注学校网站,了解详细信息和注册信息。 社区课程:candler铸造厂提供在线课程和小组讨论,向所有热衷于神学教育或想第一次深入研究的人开放。 这学期的课程包括“休息就是抵抗”,从4月开始,由坎德尔塔校友、小睡部创始人、《休息就是抵抗:宣言》(little,brown-spark,2022)畅销书作者特里西亚·赫西教授。 更多地关注candler神学学院网站。 埃默里艺术与科学学院ellman讲座:将著名的ellman讲座的日期留到3月3日至5日,届时将举办一系列由前埃默里教授和u。 s。 桂冠诗人娜塔莎·特雷西与爱尔兰著名作家芬坦·奥图尔。 由罗斯图书馆和埃默里学院福克斯人文研究中心主办的艾尔曼讲座将在施瓦茨表演艺术中心举行。 就业前景:路径中心的职业和专业发展将于2月4日举办春季职业和实习博览会。 29日,数百名招聘人员在校园里寻找记忆人才,与所有年级的学生见面。 世博会现已开放报名(需登录),强烈鼓励文科学生参加。 新的目的地:今年夏天将开设由埃默里学院教员领导的几个新的海外暑期教育项目,包括塞内加尔的艺术、文学和社会运动,古巴的历史、社会和环境,以及埃默里欧洲政治项目的重新启动等新项目。 暑期出国留学项目目前正在接受申请。 查看完整的机会列表。 职业之旅:路径中心的职业之旅将前往华盛顿。 分。 ,在春假期间首次与25名本科生见面,让他们了解首都潜在的职业道路。 鼓励对法律、政策、政府和国际事务感兴趣的大二、大三和大四学生申请。 勇敢的新作品:埃默里艺术与剧院编剧中心埃默里将于2月推出为期三周的戏剧发展系列《2024年勇敢的新》。 今年,勇敢的新作品将为年轻观众展示一个工作坊制作和两个舞台阅读,重点是戏剧。 活动是免费的,对所有人开放。 欲了解更多信息,请访问emoryarts在线。 在埃默里文理学院网站了解更多信息。 goizueta商学院新项目:2024年,goizuetta迎来了第一批学生参加管理硕士项目和退伍军人商业硕士项目,前者是为文科和理科背景的应届毕业生设计的,后者支持现役军人和退伍军人向文职商业职业过渡。 goizueta正在为分别于8月和5月开始的第一批人群完成招募工作。 扩大全球教室:今年春天,goizueta继续加强其现有的创新空间,增加了三个roberto c。 goizueta全球教室,为来自世界各地的学生提供身临其境的动态体验。 这些教室配备了实时民意调查、分组会议室选项、白板技术和参与度分析,促进了参与,提升了课堂体验,并扩大了全球影响力。 新教师:今年1月,huyhuynh加入goizueta,担任信息系统与运营管理实践的副教授。 在他的研究中,huynh专注于捕捉和分析时间序列数据源,并建立预测模型,以获得新的见解并改进战略决策。 重大活动:goizueta今年春季举办了几场重大活动,包括学习和领导:goizeeta杰出演讲系列,由lowe首席执行官和goizuetta校友marvin ellison 05emba于1月2日(星期二)主持。 30,和第四届年度约翰。 刘易斯种族正义案件竞赛与峰会将于2月5日举行。 twenty-three。 在goizueta商学院网站了解更多信息。 兰尼研究生荣誉:英语项目的博士学者alexis mayfield在2023-2024年因多样性、包容性和社区参与而被授予著名的kharen fulton奖。 英语语言支持计划(elsp):elsp为具有不同语言背景的研究生、专业人员、博士后和学者提供语言支持。 了解elsp程序。 了解兰尼:10月,lgs edge举办了第五届年度兰尼之旅。 这次资金充足的访问为来自不同背景的未来博士生提供了了解lgs研究生项目、教职员工和当前学者的机会。 lgs飙升:lgs飙升接待了对研究生研究感兴趣的潜在非记忆本科生学者。 学者们将与lgs的教员进行配对,在夏季探索、体验并进行全职的独立和指导研究。 lgs三分钟论文竞赛(3mt®):3mt竞赛要求lgs的学生向非专业评审团就他们的论文进行简明扼要、引人入胜的演讲。 lgs将在2024年春季举办3米赛跑。 研究生答谢周:lgs将于2024年4月1日至5日庆祝研究生答谢周。 学生们可以期待一周内的一系列活动。 在laney研究生院网站了解更多信息。 nell hodgson伍德拉夫幼儿园排名最高:u。 s。 《新闻与世界报道》对该校护理专业理学学士排名第二。 全国3个。 学校有三个排名前十的项目,包括。 1个护理专业硕士学位。 冬季毕业:该校在12月的毕业典礼上毕业了164名执照前学生和139名执照后学生。 护理人员中心:为了更好地应对佐治亚州护理人员面临的挑战和机遇,该校和佐治亚州护理领导联盟宣布建立合作伙伴关系,在该校设立乔治亚州护理人员中心。 数百万美元的痴呆症研究拨款:学校收到了几笔与痴呆症研究相关的数百万美元拨款,其中包括3美元。 500万用于研究在线工具的能力,以提高护理人员的掌握能力$1.。 400万用于研究痴呆症成年人的非正式护理网络;和3美元。 900万研究口腔微生物组与阿尔茨海默病之间的联系。 联邦服务补助金:该校获得两项备受追捧的u。 s。 卫生资源和服务管理局补助金。 一笔赠款将为佐治亚州九个县的初级保健、社区护士和社会工作者提供心理健康和物质/阿片类药物使用障碍预防和治疗方面的培训。 另一笔赠款将为获得emory认证的注册护士麻醉师学生提供奖学金,让他们在东南部不同且服务不足的地区获得临床经验。 卡特中心合作:护理学院和卡特中心的心理健康项目已任命精神病心理健康护理教育家和研究人员aparna kumar担任联合教员,专注于加强全球心理健康护理和劳动力发展。 国家荣誉:西格玛-θ-陶国际荣誉护理学会在其第47届两年一度的大会上授予丽莎·汤普森教授护理科学最负盛名的荣誉之一。 汤普森因对护理知识突破的研究而获得认知奖。 在nell-hodgson-woodruff护理学院网站了解更多信息。 牛津大学迎新班:本学期,牛津迎来了第三个春季开学班。 来自21个大学的46名天才学生。 s。 美国和另外两个国家在秋季学期扩大了他们的学术视野,在进入校园之前出国留学或获得工作经验。 公共奖学金中心:王,前迪凯特图书节执行主任,被任命为牛津一个新的公共奖学金中心的助理主任。 该中心由肯尼思•卡特、查尔斯•霍华德•坎德尔心理学教授、前牛津大学临时院长构想,他将担任主任。 该中心于今年春季启动,旨在建立公众对学术和研究的信任,并将帮助emory师生有效地将学术追求转化为公共领域。 牛津田径:jonathanbennett被任命为牛津男女网球项目的主教练。 他拥有多项网球证书,包括美国职业网球协会(uspta)和国际网球表演协会(itpa)的证书,并曾执教过美国的高中生。 s。 新西兰进入一级学院和二级学院。 阅读更多关于他的信息。 牛津路径与目的中心:牛津路径与目标中心将布里奇特命名为w。 西班牙语副教授兼实习和社区参与学习主任gunnels担任临时主任。 她将领导该中心的发展,并在牛津大学已经强大的体验式学习、全球学习、实习、本科生研究和职业服务项目的基础上再接再厉。 正在物色一位常任理事。 马丁·路德·金庆典:牛津2024年马丁·路德·王庆典,星期三,詹。 17日,将有牛顿县mlk跨教派合唱团以及学生团体oxapella、室内乐团和牛津灵魂集体的表演。 届时将有英语和创意写作助理教授塔梅卡·凯奇·康利的朗读,牛津大学的学生领袖和教职员工将分享他们对国王遗产重要性的看法。 在牛津学院网站了解更多信息。 罗林斯公共卫生学院建立新的研究中心:近几个月来,罗林斯及其教员被选中资助建立多个新的研究研究中心。 国家卫生研究所的资金将帮助建立促进黑人孕妇/产后妇女和分娩人群生殖正义和行为健康中心(与莫尔豪斯医学院合作)和气候与健康可操作研究与翻译中心。 来自埃默里和亚特兰大的研究人员将聚集在埃默里传染病建模、分析和培训中心,该中心是疾控中心新疫情应对网络的合作伙伴。 另外两个rollins中心,东南心理健康技术转移中心和记忆预防研究中心,已经重新获得了资助。 继续教育机会即将到来:今年夏天,rollins将推出rollins健康教育学院,为有兴趣学习或过渡到公共卫生工作的公共卫生工作人员和其他领域的专业人员提供继续教育机会。 这些项目包括夏季传染病统计和建模研究所,该研究所现在将每年举行一次。 mooc现在直播:东南部生殖健康研究中心今年秋天推出了大规模的在线开放课程(mooc),即堕胎的公共卫生方法。 该课程是免费的,可在coursera上获得,旨在从公共卫生的角度为任何具有先前专业知识水平的人提供有关堕胎的基础知识。 解决孕产妇死亡率问题:11月,罗林斯大学与全州的合作伙伴共同举办了首届研讨会,以解决佐治亚州的孕产妇健康危机。 该活动汇集了利益相关者,讨论了改善格鲁吉亚孕产妇健康的机会,并分享了一项关于孕产妇健康、卫生公平和医疗保健的全州民意调查的结果。 在罗林斯公共卫生学院网站了解更多信息。 法学院新教师:斯塔西·斯特朗出任代理法学院教授。 在来到埃默里之前,斯特朗是悉尼大学比较法和国际私法教授,专门研究国际私法、国际仲裁、国际调解和比较法。 strong曾在美国法学院任教。 s。 和u。 英语字母表的第11个字母。 并在主要国际律师事务所担任双重资格(英美)执业律师。 新项目:本学期,埃默里公共利益委员会(epic)将为在法律公共部门和公共利益组织接受暑期志愿者工作的法学博士一年级和二年级学生推出一项新的津贴项目。 这些津贴旨在鼓励学生在夏季从事法律工作,包括司法实习,但出于经济考虑,他们可能不会考虑这些工作。 阅读有关该程序的更多信息。 即将举行的活动:一年一度的兰多尔夫投掷者研讨会,今年题为“信息时代人工智能的前景和挑战”,将于2月2日星期四举行。 8,从8 a。 男性。 –6便士。 男性。 埃默里公共利益委员会(epic)将于2月2日(星期二)举办27个年度激励奖,表彰学生、捐赠者和校友。 6,下午6:30。 男性。 在薄纱礼堂。 本学期在埃默里法律学院举行的其他活动包括:3月28日,星期四:反恐的兴起:与菲奥诺拉·德一起的9/11后世界的人权极限。 níaoláinfriday,4月5日:女权主义和法律理论项目档案庆祝和奉献4月12日星期五和4月13日星期六:埃默里法律学院校友周末5月12日周日:学位候选人表彰仪式在法学院网站了解更多信息。 医学院新领导力:sandra l。 王,医学博士,硕士,一位出色的外科肿瘤学家和研究员,被选为埃默里医学院的下一任院长。 当她于2024年3月加入埃默里时,她还将担任埃默里医疗保健公司的首席学术官。 她目前是达特茅斯-希区柯克医学中心外科主任,负责研究、教育和临床操作的各个方面。 她还在达特茅斯的盖塞尔医学院担任外科教授。 她将接替2023年1月被任命为临时院长的卡洛斯·德尔里奥。 教育转型:在过去的两年里,一个由医学院教职员工和学习者组成的团队一直在努力制定一项计划,以转型som所有学位和住院课程的教育,目的是确保课程和培训不仅符合当今临床医生和科学家的需求,同时也使我们的学习者成为变革的推动者,能够应对不断变化的健康挑战。 在联合主席jadabussey-jones(医学)和ericsundberg(生物化学)的领导下,一个指导委员会制定了建议,并提出了开始实施该计划的下一步措施。 扩大我们对企业家的支持:医学院最近在我们的第二健康科学研究大楼(hsrb-ii)启动了一个创新中心,为我们的创业临床医生和科学家提供额外的支持。 创新中心由创新部副主任wilburlam领导,为研究人员和临床医生提供3d打印和3d生物打印、微机械加工和扩展现实(xr)支持。 该中心还每三个星期四在hsrb-ii为任何有兴趣在生物医学创新方面建立联系和想法的人举办每月一次的生物创业网络。 在医学院网站了解更多信息。
— stephen nowland, emory photo/video the nine schools that make up emory university head into the new semester with innovative initiatives, achievements to celebrate and a full slate of engaging speakers and events for spring. here’s a roundup of what’s new and noteworthy, as listed by each school.candler school of theologyfaculty promotions: candler opened the new semester with spring convocation on jan. 16, where faculty members jennifer ayres and kendall soulen were installed in named professorships. the convocation address was given by dean jan love, who will step down at the end of this academic year after 17 years of leading the school.upcoming events: on thursday, feb. 1, associate professor of church music and worship james abbington will present an educational musical performance designed to share the rich heritage of black sacred music composers. on tuesday, feb. 20, candler’s aquinas center of theology will hold its annual major catholic speaker lecture, this year featuring cardinal christophe pierre, the vatican’s diplomatic ambassador to the u.s. the school’s 2024 mcdonald lectures will take place wednesday, feb. 28, and wednesday, march 20, with hee-soo jung, resident bishop in the wisconsin annual conference of the united methodist church. candler will host “no longer invisible,” a conference on religion and disability, on campus march 5-7; stay tuned to the school’s website for details and registration information.courses in the community: the candler foundry offers online courses and panel discussions open to all who are passionate about theological education or those who want to dive in for the first time. this semester’s courses include “rest is resistance,” starting in april and taught by tricia hersey, a candler alumna, founder of the nap ministry and new york times-bestselling author of “rest is resistance: a manifesto” (little, brown spark, 2022). lean more at the candler school of theology website.emory college of arts and sciencesellman lectures: save the date for when the prestigious ellman lectures return march 3-5 with a series of dynamic events featuring former emory professor and u.s. poet laureate natasha trethewey and renowned irish writer fintan o’toole. the ellman lectures, sponsored by the rose library and emory college’s fox center for humanistic inquiry, will take place at the schwartz center for performing arts.job prospects: career and professional development in the pathways center will host the spring career and internship expo on thursday, feb. 29, with hundreds of recruiters seeking emory talent on campus to meet with students from all class years. registration for the expo is now open (login required) and liberal arts students are highly encouraged to attend.new destinations: several new summer education abroad programs led by emory college faculty will be offered this summer, including art, literature and social movements in senegal, history, society and environment in cuba and a relaunch of the emory european politics program, among other new offerings. summer abroad programs are currently accepting applications. see the full list of opportunities.career trek: the pathways center’s career treks will head to washington, d.c., for the first time during spring break with 25 undergraduate students, exposing them to potential career paths in the nation’s capital. current sophomores, juniors and seniors interested in law, policy, government and international affairs are encouraged to apply. brave new works: emory arts and the playwriting center of theater emory will produce brave new works 2024, a three-week theatrical developmental series in february. this year, brave new works will showcase a workshop production and two staged readings focusing on theater for young audiences. events are free and open to all. for more information, visit emory arts online.learn more at the emory college of arts and sciences website.goizueta business schoolnew programs:in 2024, goizueta welcomes its first cohort of students to the master in management program, designed for recent graduates with liberal arts and sciences backgrounds, and the master in business for veterans program, which supports active duty military and veterans as they transition to civilian careers in business. goizueta is finalizing recruiting for the first cohorts which start in august and may, respectively.expanding global classrooms: this spring, goizueta continues to strengthen its existing line up of innovative spaces with three additional roberto c. goizueta global classrooms, offering students an immersive, dynamic experience from anywhere in the world. equipped with real-time polls, breakout-room options, whiteboard technology and engagement analytics, these classrooms foster participation, elevate the classroom experience and extend global reach.new faculty: this january, huy huynh joins goizueta as an associate professor in the practice of information systems & operations management. in his research, huynh focuses on capturing and analyzing time series data sources and building predictive models to gain new insight and improve strategic decision-making.major events: goizueta hosts several major events this spring, including the learning & leading: goizueta distinguished speaker series featuring lowe’s ceo and goizueta alumnus marvin ellison 05emba on tuesday, jan. 30, and the 4th annual john r. lewis racial justice case competition and summit on friday, feb. 23. learn more at the goizueta business school website.laney graduate schoolstudent honors: alexis mayfield, a doctoral scholar in the english program, was awarded the prestigious kharen fulton award for diversity, inclusion and community engagement for 2023-2024. english language support program (elsp): elsp provides language support to graduateand professionalstudents, postdoctoral fellows and scholarswith diverse linguistic backgrounds. learn about elsp programs.learning about laney: in october, lgs-edge hosted its fifth annual learning about laney visit. the fully funded visit offered prospective doctoral students from diverse backgrounds the opportunity to learn about lgs graduate programs, faculty, staff and current scholars. lgs-soar: lgs-soar hosts potential non-emory undergraduate scholars interested in graduate research. scholars will be matched with lgs faculty to explore, experience and conduct full-time independent and mentored research for the summer. lgs three-minute thesis competition (3mt®): the 3mt contest challenges lgs students to present a concise, intriguing lecture on their theses to a non-specialist judging panel. lgs will host the 3mt contest in the spring of 2024. graduate student appreciation week: lgs will celebrate graduate student appreciation week april 1-5, 2024. students can expect a range of events throughout the week.learn more at the laney graduate school website.nell hodgson woodruff school of nursingtop ranking: u.s. news & world report ranked the school’s bachelor of science in nursing program no. 3 nationwide. the school has three top-10 programs, including the no. 1 master’s degree in nursing program.winter graduation: the school graduated 164 pre-licensure students and 139 post-licensure students during its december graduation ceremonies.nursing workforce center: to better address nursing workforce challenges and opportunities in georgia, the school and the georgia nursing leadership coalition announced a partnership to house the georgia nursing workforce center at the school.multi-million dollar dementia research grants: the school received several multi-million dollar grants related to dementia research, including $3.5 million to study an online tool’s capacity to increase caregiver mastery; $1.4 million to study the informal caregiving networks of adults with dementia; and $3.9 million to study the connection between the oral microbiome and alzheimer’s disease.federal service grants: the school received two highly sought-after u.s. health resources and services administration grants. one grant will provide training in mental health and substance/opioid use disorder prevention and treatment for primary care and community-based nurses and social workers in nine georgia counties. the other grant will provide scholarships for emory certified registered nurse anesthetist students to gain clinical experience in diverse and underserved areas in the southeast.carter center collaboration: the school of nursing and the carter center’s mental health program have appointed psychiatric mental health nurse educator and researcher aparna kumar to a joint faculty position focused on enhancing global mental health nursing and workforce development.national honors: the sigma theta tau international honor society of nursing awarded professor lisa thompson one of nursing sciences most prestigious honors during its 47th biennial convention. thompson received the episteme laureate award for research leading to nursing knowledge breakthroughs.learn more at the nell hodgson woodruff school of nursing website.oxford collegeincoming class: this semester, oxford welcomed its third spring start class. these 46 talented students from 21 u.s. states and two other countries spent the fall semester expanding their academic horizons, studying abroad or gaining work experience before arriving on campus.public scholarship center: daren wang, former executive director of the decatur book festival, has been named assistant director of a new public scholarship center based at oxford. the center was conceived by kenneth carter, charles howard candler professor of psychology and former oxford interim dean, who will serve as director. launching this spring, the center aims to build public trust in scholarship and research and will help emory faculty and students effectively translate academic pursuits into the public arena.oxford athletics: jonathan bennett has been named head coach of the oxford mens and womens tennis program. he holds several tennis certifications, including ones from the united states professional tennis association (uspta) and the international tennis performance association (itpa), and has coached high school students in the u.s. and new zealand to division i and division ii colleges. read more about him.oxford center for pathways and purpose: the oxford center for pathways and purpose has named bridgette w. gunnels, associate professor of spanish and director of internships and community engaged learning, as its interim director. she will lead the development of the center and build on oxford’s already strong programs in experiential learning, global learning, internships, undergraduate research and career services. a search for a permanent director is underway.martin luther king celebration: oxford’s 2024 martin luther king celebration on wednesday, jan. 17, will feature performances by newton county’s mlk interdenominational choir as well as student groups oxappella, the chamber ensemble and the oxford soul collective. there will be a reading by assistant professor of english and creative writing tameka cage conley, and oxford student leaders and staff will share their thoughts on the importance of king’s legacy.learn more at the oxford college website.rollins school of public healthnew centers established: in recent months, rollins and its faculty have been selected for funding to establish multiple new research centers. funding from the nih will help establish the center to advance reproductive justice and behavioral health among black pregnant/postpartum women and birthing people (which is a partnership with morehouse school of medicine) and the climate & health actionable research and translation center. researchers from across emory and atlanta will come together at the emory center for infectious disease modeling and analytics and training hub, a partner in the cdc’s new outbreak response network. two other rollins centers, the southeast mental health technology transfer center and the emory prevention research center, have renewed their funding.continuing education opportunities coming: this summer, rollins will launch the rollins health education institute to offer continuing education opportunities for the public health workforce and professionals from other fields who are interested in learning about or transitioning to public health work. included in these offerings is the summer institute in statistics and modeling in infectious diseases, which will now take place annually at rollins.mooc now live: the center for reproductive health research in the southeast launched its massive open online course (mooc), public health approaches to abortion, this fall. the course is free, available on coursera and meant to equip anyone at any level of previous expertise with foundational knowledge about abortion from a public health perspective.addressing maternal mortality: in november, rollins came together with partners across the university and state to hold the inaugural symposium to address the maternal health crisis in georgia. the event brought together stakeholders to discuss opportunities to improve maternal health in georgia and share results of a statewide survey on public opinion about maternal health, health equity and health care.learn more at the rollins school of public health website.school of lawnew faculty: stacie strong comes on board as acting professor of law. before coming to emory, strong was professor of comparative and private international law at the university of sydney, specializing in private international law, international arbitration, international mediation and comparative law. strong previously taught at law schools in the u.s. and the u.k. and has acted as a dual-qualified (england-us) practitioner with major international law firms.new program: this semester, emory public interest committee (epic) is launching a new stipend program for first- and second-year juris doctor students who accept summer volunteer jobs at legal public sector and public interest organizations. the stipends are designed to encourage students to pursue summer legal experiences, including judicial internships, that they might not consider because of financial concerns. read more about the program. upcoming events: the annual randolph thrower symposium, this year titled “the promise and challenge of artificial intelligence in the information age,” will be held thursday, feb. 8, from 8 a.m.– 6 p.m. the emory public interest committee (epic) will host its 27-annual inspiration awards honoring students, donors and alumni tuesday, feb. 6, at 6:30 p.m. in tull auditorium. other events taking place at emory law this semester include:thursday, march 28: the rise of counter-terrorism: the limits of human rights in a post-9/11 world with fionnuala d. ní aoláinfriday, april 5: feminism and legal theory project archive celebration and dedicationfriday, april 12, and saturday, april 13: emory law alumni weekend sunday, may 12: degree candidate recognition ceremony learn more at the school of law website.school of medicinenew leadership: sandra l. wong, md, ms, an accomplished surgical oncologist and researcher, has been selected as the next dean of emory school of medicine. she will also serve as the chief academic officer for emory healthcare when she joins emory in march 2024. she is currently chair in the department of surgery at the dartmouth hitchcock medical center, where she is responsible for all aspects of research, education and clinical operations. she also serves as professor of surgery in the geisel school of medicine at dartmouth. she will succeed carlos del rio, who was named interim dean in january 2023.education transformation: for the past two years, a team of school of medicine faculty, staff and learners have been working diligently on a plan to transform education in all degree and residency programs in the som with the goal of ensuring that curricula and training are not only keeping up with the demands on today’s clinicians and scientists, but also empowering our learners to be change agents capable of addressing evolving health challenges. led by co-chairs jada bussey-jones (medicine) and eric sundberg (biochemistry), a steering committee has developed recommendations and proposed next steps to begin implementation of the plan. expanding our support for entrepreneurs: the school of medicine recently launched an innovation center in our second health sciences research building (hsrb ii) to provide additional support for our entrepreneurial clinicians and scientists. led by associate dean of innovation wilbur lam, the innovation center offers 3d printing and 3d bioprinting, micromachining and extended reality (xr) support for investigators and clinicians. the center also hosts monthly bioentrepreneurship networking every third thursday at hsrb ii for anyone interested in building connections and ideas in biomedical innovation.learn more at the school of medicine website.
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