埃默里大学的教职员工(左起纳丁·鲁佩尔、沙丽塔·沙和金丹玉)被选入美国历史最悠久、最负盛名的医学荣誉协会之一,即美国临床研究协会。 埃默里大学的三名教员被选入美国临床研究学会(asci),这是美国历史最悠久、最受尊敬的医生科学家医学荣誉协会之一。 asci支持医学科学家在临床实践中的科学努力、教育需求和临床愿望。 这100名新入选者来自50个不同的机构,根据asci的说法,他们“代表了学术医学领域的卓越”。 从埃默里当选为社会成员的有:纳丁·鲁珀尔,mdan传染病医生和研究员,鲁珀尔是埃默里大学医学院的医学教授。 她是希望诊所的执行主任,该诊所是埃默里疫苗中心的临床分支,也是国家卫生研究所资助的疫苗治疗和评估单位(vteu)的埃默里首席研究员。 她在建立emory国家认可的转化疫苗学和治疗临床试验项目方面有着杰出的学术、指导和领导记录。 saritashah,mdshah的研究和公共卫生工作重点关注撒哈拉以南非洲和亚洲多个高负担环境中的耐药结核病和结核病/艾滋病合并感染。 她是罗林斯公共卫生学院的流行病学和全球卫生教授,也是埃默里/乔治亚结核病研究发展中心临床与人口科学核心的联合主任。 余金丹,医学博士,博士,在她的实验室中,她试图通过尖端的基因组学和生物信息学方法来了解前列腺癌症进展的遗传和表观遗传学机制。 她是埃默里大学医学院泌尿系的代理教授和研究副主任。 余还担任埃默里大学癌症研究所前列腺癌和骨癌研究的科学主任。 新成员将于2024年4月5日在芝加哥举行的asci晚宴和新成员入职仪式上正式加入协会。 新成员将于2024年4月5日在芝加哥举行的asci晚宴和新成员入职仪式上正式加入协会。
emory university faculty members (from left nadine rouphael, sarita shah and jindan yu) have been elected to one of the nations oldest and most prestigious medical honor societies, the american society for clinical investigation. three emory university faculty members have been elected to the american society for clinical investigation (asci), one of the nation’s oldest and most respected medical honor societies for physician-scientists. asci supports the scientific efforts, educational needs, and clinical aspirations of physician-scientists in the advancement of clinical practice. the 100 new inductees come from 50 different institutions and “represent excellence across the breadth of academic medicine” according to asci. elected to the society from emory are:nadine rouphael, mdan infectious diseases physician and researcher, rouphael is a professor of medicine in the emory university school of medicine. she serves as the executive director of the hope clinic, the clinical arm of the emory vaccine center, and is the emory principal investigator for the nih funded vaccine treatment and evaluation unit (vteu). she has an outstanding record of scholarship, mentorship and leadership in building emory’s nationally recognized translational vaccinology and therapeutic clinical trials program.sarita shah, mdshah’s research and public health efforts have focused on drug-resistant tb and tb/hiv co-infection in multiple high-burden settings throughout sub-saharan africa and asia. she serves as a professor of epidemiology and global health in the rollins school of public health and the co-director of the clinical & population science core for the emory/georgia tuberculosis research advancement center.jindan yu, md, phdin her lab, yu seeks to understand the genetic and epigenetic mechanisms underlying prostate cancer progression using cutting-edge genomics and bioinformatics approaches. she is an acting professor and serves as vice chair for research in the department of urology at emory university school of medicine. yu also serves as scientific director for prostate and gu cancers research at winship cancer institute of emory university.new members will be officially inducted into the society at the asci dinner and new member induction ceremony on april 5, 2024, in chicago. .
本文来源: 埃默里大学的教职员工当选为享有盛誉的医学荣誉协会成员