--getty imageson jan。 1,emory推出了一项新的财务健康检查,旨在帮助员工更好地了解自己的整体财务状况。 这项新计划是与emory的退休供应商fidelitynetbenefits合作推出的,为员工提供了财务健康状况的快速快照,包括财务健康评分和改进措施。 符合条件的人还可以通过参与获得激励或奖励。 负责健康/健康战略的助理副总裁farrahwilliams说:“emory支持员工健康的愿望不仅包括身体和情感健康,还包括财务健康。”。 “财务状况对一个人的整体健康和福祉是不可或缺的,这就是为什么我们正在扩大2024年的激励措施,将财务教育纳入其中。 “该计划的运作方式员工在他们的忠诚度账户中填写一份简单的问卷,并立即收到关于他们做得好的方面和可能需要做的具体事情的反馈。 要参加体检,您必须在fidelitys netbenefits注册。 如果您已经注册了退休储蓄账户,请使用您现有的用户名和密码访问您的账户。 如果您尚未注册保真帐户,请访问netbenefits。 com/emory和参考本用户指南的第二页以建立帐户。 访问体检的分步说明可以在人力资源财务状况网页上找到。 完成体检的符合条件的员工将获得25美元的医疗计划福利奖励。 要获得资格,您必须是当前埃默里大学或埃默里医疗保健公司的员工,并参加埃默里医疗计划,并在1月1日之前完成检查。 1和11月。 15, 2024。 不在emory医疗计划中的符合福利条件的员工不能获得激励,但将参加抽奖以获得中奖机会。 威廉姆斯解释说:“我们希望每个人都有机会因为致力于自己的健康而获奖,无论他们是否使用emory的医疗福利。”。 投资于财务健康财务健康激励只是帮助emory员工养成良好财务习惯的众多有针对性的努力之一。 “改善金融教育的需求变得越来越重要,”人力资源工作生活专家maryellen-eady说。 “新的激励措施是埃默里正在做的许多事情之一,以帮助我们的员工了解他们的财务状况和储蓄的重要性。 “其他资源包括向emory的退休计划供应商提供免费的退休计划咨询,在fidelity的netbenefits网站上提供金融工具和资源,以及加入emory联盟信用合作社的机会。 emory联盟信用合作社还为emory员工提供免费金融福利中心(您无需成为会员即可使用该平台)。 此外,emory全年都会举办各种金融主题的研讨会和网络研讨会。 其他激励计划财务健康检查是健康记忆2024年医疗计划健康激励计划的一部分,旨在鼓励员工过上最健康的生活。 员工和配偶可以参加各种活动,以获得适用于医疗计划的奖励,从而帮助抵消全年的医疗费用。 埃默里医疗保健公司的学习与发展主管greg flood发现,埃默里的激励计划有助于在日常生活中养成更健康的习惯。 flood说:“我在日历上写下了定期完成所有项目的提醒,因为它们能帮助我更加关注自己的健康和幸福。”。 “它们帮助我在繁忙的一天中创造空间和时间来投资自己。 “2024年的激励计划包括各种运动和活动,如饮食权行动;移动更多;少一点压力,多活一点;睡得更好,感觉更好。 参加其他活动也可以获得奖励,如完成年度预防性健康检查、参加winship 5k或参加糖尿病预防计划。
— getty imageson jan. 1, emory launched a new financial wellness checkup designed to help employees better understand their overall financial picture. the new program, offered in partnership with emory’s retirement vendor, fidelity netbenefits, provides employees with a quick snapshot of their financial health, including a financial wellness score and actionable steps for making improvements. those eligible can also earn an incentive or reward for participating.“emory’s desire to support the well-being of our employees includes not only physical and emotional health but financial health as well,” says farrah williams, assistant vice president of wellness/health strategies. “financial well-being is integral to one’s overall health and well-being, which is why we are expanding our 2024 incentives to include financial education.”how the program worksemployees complete a simple questionnaire within their fidelity account and receive immediate feedback on what they’re doing well and the specific things they may need to work on. to take the checkup, you must be registered with fidelitys netbenefits. if you are already registered for your retirement savings account, use your existing username and password to access your account. if you have not registered an account with fidelity, visit netbenefits.com/emory and reference page two of this user guide to set up an account. step-by-step instructions for accessing the checkup can be found on the hr financial well-being webpage.eligible employees who complete the checkup will receive a $25 medical plan well-being incentive. to be eligible, you must be a current emory university or emory healthcare employee enrolled in an emory medical plan and complete the checkup between jan. 1 and nov. 15, 2024.benefits-eligible employees who are not on an emory medical plan cannot receive the incentive but will be entered into a raffle drawing for a chance to win prizes. “we wanted everyone to have a chance to earn a prize for committing to their well-being regardless of whether they use emory’s medical benefits,” explains williams.investing in financial wellnessthe financial well-being incentive is just one of many targeted efforts to help emory employees develop good financial habits.“the need for improved financial education is ever more important,” says mary ellen eady, a work-life specialist with human resources. “the new incentive is one of many things emory is doing to help our employees understand their finances and the importance of saving.” other resources include free retirement plan counseling with emory’s retirement plan vendors, financial tools and resources on fidelity’s netbenefits site and the opportunity to join the emory alliance credit union. the emory alliance credit union also offers emory employees access to a free financial well-being center (you do not need to be a member to use the platform). additionally, emory offers workshops and webinars on various financial topics throughout the year.other incentive programsthe financial wellness checkup is part of healthy emory’s 2024 medical plan well-being incentives program designed to encourage employees to live their healthiest lives. employees and spouses can participate in a variety of activities to earn incentives that are applied to the medical plan to help offset medical expenses throughout the year.greg flood, director of learning and development for emory healthcare, finds emory’s incentives programs helpful for building healthier habits in his daily life. “i put reminders on my calendar to regularly complete all the programs because they help me be more intentional about my health and well-being,” flood says. “they help create space and time in my busy day to invest in myself.”the 2024 incentives programs include a variety of campaigns and activities, such as operation eat right; move more; stress less, live more; and sleep better, feel better. incentives can also be earned for participation in other activities, such as completing an annual preventive wellness exam, participating in the winship 5k or enrolling in the diabetes prevention program.
本文来源: Emory为员工推出新的财务健康检查