埃默里大学查尔斯·霍华德-坎德尔英语与创意写作教授杰里乔·布朗被任命为美国诗人学会校长。 校长任期六年,担任世界各地的艺术顾问和诗歌大使,并为学院最大的美国诗人遗产奖担任评委。 在90年的历史中,该学院选出了125多位杰出的诗人担任这一崇高的职位,其中包括伊丽莎白·亚历山大、约翰·阿什伯里、w。 英语字母表的第8个字母。 奥登、伊丽莎白·毕晓普、露西尔·克利夫顿、罗伯特·克里里、里塔·多芙、路易丝·格吕克、尤瑟夫·科蒙尼亚卡、娜奥米·希哈布·尼、克劳迪娅·兰金、阿德里安·里奇、马克·斯特兰德和阿瑟·塞。 布朗与戴安·赛斯(dianeseuss)和阿法·迈克尔·韦弗(afaamichaelwaver。 史密斯、娜塔莎·特雷西和凯文·杨。 学院董事会主席tess odwyer在一份新闻稿中表示:“作为一所学院,我们所做的一切都得益于校长们的集体智慧。”。 奥德怀尔补充道:“我们特别自豪的是,学院的领导层反映了如此多样化的声音。”。 “我们庆祝这些新当选的总理们在全国乃至全世界范围内对诗歌的贡献。 布朗著有三本书,其中包括2019年普利策奖获奖作品集《传统》,他在书中创造了一种新的诗歌形式,称为“双工”。 他的处女作《拜托》获得2009年美国图书奖。 他的第二本书《新约》在2015年获得了anisfield-wolf图书奖。 布朗获得了美国诗人学会、约翰·西蒙·古根海姆基金会、国家艺术基金会和哈佛大学拉德克利夫研究所等机构颁发的惠廷作家奖和研究金。 他于2012年加入埃默里学院,担任全国著名的创意写作项目的主任,并教授一年级研讨会和高级研讨会。 今年春天,布朗将领导一个面向本科生的高级诗歌研讨会,并担任创意写作项目的临时主任。
jericho brown, the emory university charles howard candler professor of english and creative writing, has been named to the board of chancellors of the academy of american poets.chancellors serve six-year terms, acting as artistic advisors and poetry ambassadors in the world as well as judging the academy’s largest legacy prizes for american poets.now in its 90 year, the academy has elected more than 125 distinguished poets to the prestigious role, including elizabeth alexander, john ashbery, w.h. auden, elizabeth bishop, lucille clifton, robert creely, rita dove, louise glück, yusef komunyakaa, naomi shihab nye, claudia rankine, adrienne rich, mark strand and arthur sze.brown joins diane seuss and afaa michael weaver as the three newly named chancellors on the current 15-member board, which also includes poets natalie diaz, nikky finney, carolyn forché, kimiko hahn, joy harjo, ilya kaminsky, dorianne laux, ed roberson, patricia smith, tracy k. smith, natasha trethewey and kevin young.“everything we do as an academy is enhanced by the collective wisdom of our chancellors,” tess o’dwyer, chair of the academy’s board of directors, says in a press release.“we’re especially proud that the leadership of the academy reflects such a diverse range of voices,” o’dwyer adds. “we celebrate the contributions these newly elected chancellors have made to poetry, on and beyond the page, across the nation and the world.”brown is the author of three books, including “the tradition,” the 2019 pulitzer-prize winning collection in which he created a new poetic form called the “duplex.”his debut poetry collection, "please," won the 2009 american book award. his second book, “the new testament,” won the anisfield-wolf book award in 2015.brown is the recipient of a whiting writers’ award and fellowships from the academy of american poets, the john simon guggenheim foundation, the national endowment for the arts and the radcliffe institute at harvard university, among others.he joined emory’s faculty in 2012, serving as director of the nationally renowned creative writing program and teaching both first-year seminars and upper-level workshops. this spring, brown is leading an advanced poetry workshop for undergraduates and serving as interim director of the creative writing program.
本文来源: 埃默里大学教授杰里科·布朗被任命为美国诗人学会会长