emory医疗保健员工没有资格获得fsap的服务,但可以从bhs提供的员工援助计划中获得类似的服务。 访问门户。 bhsonline。 com获取信息(组织id:ehc)。 新年伊始,我们中的许多人都在寻求自我提升的方法,无论是吃得更好、锻炼得更多,还是只是在生活中找到更多的乐趣。 这也是关注情绪健康和心理健康的好时机。 作为对埃默里大学教职员工的一项福利,教职员工援助计划(fsap)为符合条件的员工及其家庭成员提供情感/行为健康服务。 为了更好地了解fsap是如何提供这些服务的,以下是揭露10个常见神话和误解的事实。 误区1:我一个日历年只能使用一次fsap咨询服务。 作为一名符合埃默里大学福利条件的员工,每当出现干扰你整体功能和情绪健康的新问题时,你都可以使用fsap。 当出现需要专业支持的新问题时,您可以使用fsap服务。 神话2:完成fsap咨询服务后,我可以继续看同一位咨询师,但需要付费。 当fsap咨询服务完成后,如果您的具体情况需要继续支持,您的临床医生将提供社区转诊。 当你的情况更适合与外部治疗提供者进行长期咨询时,fsap专业人员将帮助你进行转诊。 fsap临床医生不接受任何服务费用,所有服务都是免费的。 神话3:我在fsap只接受了六次咨询服务。 当你参与fsap的行为健康服务时,你将完成一次全面的评估和最多八次后续会议,以解决你提出的问题和担忧。 神话4:我只能在周一到周五的正常工作时间访问fsap服务。 fsap专业人员在下班后随时待命,在正常工作日、周末和节假日可以全天候联系。 在正常工作时间后联系fsap时(i。 英语字母表的第5个字母。 ,从5 p。 男性。 -8个。 男性。 ),请拨打404-727-well(9355),并在提示时按“2”联系随叫随到的临床医生。 神话5:当我使用fsap行为健康服务时,我需要支付自付垫底费。 fsap服务是免费的,为大学教职员工提供福利。 fsap服务与您的医疗福利计划无关。 此外,fsap服务永远不会出现在福利解释(eob)表或emory医疗保健患者门户网站上。 神话6:我的fsap记录连接到一个hr文件,我的主管可以访问它。 fsap服务是严格保密的。 您的记录与人力资源无关。 事实上,fsap记录存储在符合hipaa的高度安全的平台上。 其他人无法访问您的信息。 神话7:只有在大学校园工作,我才能使用fsap。 埃默里大学的所有员工都可以使用fsap服务,无论他们的工作地点在哪里(e。 克。 ,医院、诊所、校园、牛津学院或其他组织机构)。 神话8:fsap只为成年人服务。 fsap还为符合条件的11-26岁的儿童、青少年和年轻人提供服务。 fsap已授权具有专业知识的心理健康专业人员与个人、夫妇、儿童、青少年和年轻人合作。 神话9:fsap只供我作为家庭中符合条件的员工使用。 符合条件的家庭成员(e。 克。 ,11-26岁的合法配偶和受抚养子女)。 神话10:fsap只能帮助我在埃默里大学社区内获得资源。 fsap可以为大亚特兰大都会区和埃默里大学社区的资源提供咨询和推荐。 当食物不安全、住房需求等严峻的生活挑战发生时,fsap还可以协助病例管理转介和资源。 fsap是一种很好的资源,可以帮助你恢复思维、精神和态度。 致电404-727-well(9355),发送电子邮件至fsap寻求支持efsap@fsap。 edu或访问网站www。 舰队舰船援助计划。 埃默里。 教育部。
emory healthcare employees are not eligible for fsap’s services, but can receive similar services from the employee assistance program offered by bhs. visit portal.bhsonline.com for information (organization id: ehc).as the new year begins, many of us seek ways to work on self-improvement, whether that’s eating better, exercising more or simply finding more joy in life. it’s also a good time to focus on emotional well-being and mental health.as a benefit to the faculty and staff of emory university, the faculty staff assistance program (fsap) provides programs to support eligible employees and their family members with emotional/behavioral health services.to better understand how fsap works to provide these services, here are the facts debunking 10 common myths and misconceptions. myth 1: i can only use fsap counseling services once in a calendar year.as an emory university benefits-eligible employee, you have access to fsap whenever a new issue arises that disrupts your overall functioning and emotional well-being. you can utilize fsap services as new concerns arise that require professional support.myth 2: after completing fsap counseling services, i can keep seeing the same counselor for a fee.when fsap counseling services are completed, your clinician will provide community referrals if your specific situation warrants continued support. when your situation is better suited for long-term counseling with an external treatment provider, the fsap professional will help you with referrals. fsap clinicians do not accept any fees for their services, and all their services are free.myth 3: i am provided only six sessions for counseling services at fsap.when you engage fsap for behavioral health services, you will complete a comprehensive assessment and up to eight subsequent sessions to resolve your presenting issues and concerns.myth 4: i can only access fsap services monday through friday during regular business hours.fsap professionals are on call after hours and can be reached 24/7 during regular business days, on weekends and holidays. when contacting fsap after regular business hours (i.e., from 5 p.m.-8 a.m.), please call 404-727-well (9355), and press “2” when prompted to reach the on-call clinician.myth 5: i will need to pay a copay when i utilize fsap behavioral health services.fsap services are free of charge and serve as a benefit to university faculty and staff members. fsap services are not connected to your medical benefits plan. in addition, fsap services will never show up on an explanation of benefits (eob) form or in your emory healthcare patient portal.myth 6: my fsap record is connected to an hr file and is accessible by my supervisor.fsap services are strictly confidential. your records are not connected to human resources. in fact, fsap records are stored on a highly secure platform that is hipaa compliant. your information is not accessible by others.myth 7: i can only use fsap if i work on the university campus.all emory university employees may utilize fsap services no matter where their work location is (e.g., hospital, clinic, campus, oxford college or other organizational settings). myth 8: fsap only serves adults.fsap also provides services to benefits-eligible children, adolescents and young adults from ages 11-26. fsap has licensed mental health professionals with expertise to work with individuals, couples, children, adolescents and young adults.myth 9: fsap is only for me to utilize as the benefits-eligible employee in my household.fsap services are also available to benefits-eligible family members (e.g., legal spouses and dependent children ages 11-26).myth 10: fsap can only help me with resources within the emory university community.fsap can provide consultations and referrals for resources in both the greater atlanta metropolitan area and the emory university community. fsap can also assist with case management referrals and resources when tough life challenges occur with food insecurity, housing needs, etc.fsap is a great resource to help rejuvenate your mind, spirit and attitude. reach out to fsap for support by calling 404-727-well (9355), emailing efsap@fsap.edu or by visiting the website at www.fsap.emory.edu.
本文来源: 揭开教职员工援助计划的神秘面纱:十大神话