

(Film crew follows Glyndwr student’s time at Nightingale House Hospice)


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一名来自wrexham glyndŵr的护理专业学生在一家临终关怀院磨练自己的技能时,在处理一位亲密家庭成员的癌症诊断时找到了帮助。 一个摄制组跟随31岁的护理学士三年级学生gwawr-roberts在雷克瑟姆的南丁格尔疗养院工作,拍摄了一部名为《nyrsys》的纪录片。 除了提供重要的实践经验外,这份工作安排还帮助gwawr处理了她的继母mona被诊断为胰腺癌症的问题。 去年10月,莫娜在6月被诊断出患有这种疾病后去世,享年58岁。一个月后,剧组人员来到科文附近的兰德里罗拍摄《格沃》。 她说:“我最关心的是人们如何应对情绪方面的问题。”。 “但我注意到,我在那里遇到的每个人都知道,尽管他们知道最终结果会是什么,但他们仍然非常积极。 我很幸运,我看到了它的一面,也从失去母亲的个人角度来处理它。 “我有很多与地区护士一起工作的姑息治疗经验,但很高兴在临终关怀院的另一边看到这一点,因为当我们与地区护士在一起时,我们就在人们的家里——从个人角度来看,我觉得我可以更好地应对,因为我知道接下来会发生什么。 “因为她是一个如此坚强的人,并且处理了即将发生的事情,所以她让我们团结在一起,让我们保持一致。 “南丁格尔之家免费为患有限制生命疾病的患者及其家人提供专业的姑息治疗服务,这些患者及其家人的地区横跨雷克瑟姆、弗林特郡和东登比格郡,一直到巴茅斯和边境城镇,包括奥斯韦斯特里和惠特彻奇。 服务包括住院和日间患者设施、门诊、职业治疗、补充疗法、理疗(包括水疗池)。 救护车服务和一系列丧亲支持,包括为儿童和年轻人提供的专业服务。 作为glyndwr的三年级实习护士(成人领域),gwawr的许多实习都专注于以人为本和富有同情心的护理。 这一集讲述了格沃尔在临终关怀中心与一位病人交谈的故事。 她希望这部电视剧能让观众更深入地了解南丁格尔之家提供的一系列服务,南丁格尔在很大程度上依赖捐款。 “我认为人们看到临终关怀的样子会很好。 这不仅仅是关于生命的终结,它还强调疼痛管理,所以有些人来这里只是为了控制疼痛。 “我最喜欢的是这是一个非常放松的地方。 在医院里更具临床意义&我喜欢它如此放松。 尽管结局会很悲伤,但也有很多幸福。 作为一名职业妈妈,gwawr对帮助她平衡学业和生活的课程工作人员赞不绝口。 她还很高兴有机会看到英国国家医疗服务体系在切希尔和什罗普郡的设施是如何运作的。 教职员工和学生将于2月29日星期六上午10点至下午2点在雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学的下一个开放日现场讨论护理项目。 要了解更多关于在雷克瑟姆-格林大学学习护理的信息,请单击此处。 要查看《纽约时报》的《gwawr》一集,请单击此处。 要查看《纽约时报》的《gwawr》一集,请单击此处。
a wrexham glyndŵr nursing student found help dealing with a close family member’s cancer diagnosis while honing her skills at a hospice.a film crew followed gwawr roberts, 31, a third year bachelor of nursing student, during her work placement at nightingale house hospice in wrexham for a documentary entitled nyrsys (‘nurses’).as well as providing vital practical experience, the work placement helped gwawr deal come to terms with her stepmother mona’s diagnosis of pancreatic cancer.mona died aged 58 last october after being diagnosed with the condition in june, a month before the crew came to film gwawr, who comes from llandrillo near corwen. “what i was most concerned about is how people would cope with the emotional side,” she said. “but what i noticed was with everyone i met there was that even though they knew what the final outcome would be they were still very positive. i was quite fortunate that i got to see that side of it, and also dealt with it from the personal aspect of losing mum.“i’ve had a lot of experience with palliative care with district nurses in work, but it was nice to see it from the other side in the hospice because when we’re with the district nurse, we’re in people’s homes – and from a personal perspective i felt that i could cope better because i knew what was going to come.“because she was such a strong person and had dealt with what was going to happen she kept us together and kept us in line.”nightingale house provides specialist palliative care services, free-of-charge, to patients with life-limiting conditions and their families from an area spanning wrexham, flintshire and east denbighshire over to barmouth and border towns including oswestry and whitchurch. services include inpatient and day patient facilities, an outpatient clinic, occupational therapy, complementary therapies, physiotherapy including a hydrotherapy pool. an ambulance service and a range of bereavement support including a specialist service for children and young adults.as a third year student nurse (adult field) at glyndwr, many of gwawr’s placements have focused on person-centred and compassionate care.the episode follows gwawr as she talks to one a patient at the hospice. she hopes the show will give viewers a greater insight into the array of services offered at nightingale house, which relies heavily on donations.“i think it will be nice for people to see the way a hospice is. it’s not just about the end of life, it also emphasises pain management so some people come in just to keep on top of the pain.“what i liked most is that it’s a very relaxed place. it’s a little more clinical in a hospital – i liked that it was so relaxed. even though the outcome is going to be a sad one, there is a lot of happiness there as well.”gwawr was full of praise for course staff who have helped her balance her studies with life as a working mum. she also welcomed the chance to see how nhs facilities operate across the border in cheshire and shropshire. staff and students will be on hand to discuss the nursing programme at wrexham glyndwr university’s next open day from 10am to 2pm on saturday february 29.to find out more about studying nursing at wrexham glyndŵr university, click here.to see the nyrsys episode gwawr featured on, click here. .

本文来源: 电影摄制组跟随Glyndwr学生&rsquo的;在南丁格尔疗养院的时间




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