在今年的全国学生调查(nss)中,雷克瑟姆-格林大学(wrexham glyndŵr university)的学生总体满意度在英国成人护理领域排名第一。 *这一殊荣对该大学护理系来说是一个激动人心的时刻,就在该校与威尔士健康教育与改善学院签署合同,在雷克瑟姆-格林大学推出一系列令人兴奋的新护理和专职健康从业者课程之际。 英国每一位大四的本科生都被要求完成这项全国性调查,这为他们提供了一个机会,就大学、教学和评估、他们所获得的学术支持等一系列问题发表自己的看法。 现在,雷克瑟姆-格林大学的教职员工和学生可以分享他们对该大学在今年的nss中的表现的喜悦。该调查显示,除了在除一个部分外的所有调查中都位居英国成人护理排行榜榜首外,该校在社会学(包括刑事司法)等其他领域也表现强劲。 雷克瑟姆-格林大学在一些关键的调查问题上也排名高于所有其他威尔士大学:“我的课程教学”、“学习机会”和“评估和反馈”。 在2021年英国国家统计局认可的授予学位机构中,该大学的“我的课程教学”在英国排名第六。 **总的来说,雷克瑟姆-格林大学在威尔士大学中的学生满意度排名第四,比之前的排名有所提高。 它在学生呼声方面的排名也有所上升,在所有威尔士大学中排名第二。 wrexhamglyndŵr大学副校长mariahinfelaar教授在评论调查结果时说:“这是一个了不起的结果,也是对我们的教职员工和学生之间密切合作关系的致敬。 ”“在百年一遇的公共卫生危机中,每个人都证明了自己的韧性和适应性,并努力提供高质量的教育体验。 wrexham glyndŵr大学学生会首席执行官stefanie hartley补充道:“在经历了对学生和行业来说极具挑战性的一年之后,我们为这些成绩感到无比自豪。 ”“在整个疫情期间,作为学生会,我们的首要任务是尽可能与大学保持一致,这样我们就可以对学生设定明确而一致的期望。 ”“我们专注于从学生成员那里直接向大学提供定期和有针对性的反馈,我们一起做出了积极的改变。 ”“这项合作工作的突出表现是教学、反馈方面的出色成绩,以及我们作为一名准备好并能够为学生辩护的苏的成绩。 ”“我们已经证明,在困难时期,glyndŵr社区会团结一致,我们将始终专注于提供尽可能好的学生体验。 “*基于成人护理cah3受试者分组。 **根据英国政府可以授予学位的机构名单进行衡量-认可的机构可在此处获取-https://www。 政府。 英国/check大学授予学位/认可机构。 英国/check大学授予学位/认可机构。
wrexham glyndŵr university has been ranked top in the uk for adult nursing for overall student satisfaction in this year’s national student survey (nss).*the prestigious accolade comes at an exciting time for the nursing department at the university, just as contracts have been signed with health education and improvement wales (heiw) to launch an exciting raft of new nursing and allied health practitioner courses at wrexham glyndŵr university.every final-year undergraduate across the uk is asked to complete the national survey, which offers them the chance to air their views on a wide range of questions about their university, its teaching and assessment, the academic support they have received - and more. now staff and students at wrexham glyndŵr university are able to share their delight at the university’s showing in this year’s nss, which reveals that as well as topping the uk charts for adult nursing in all but one section of the survey, it also performed strongly in other fields such as sociology (which includes criminal justice).wrexham glyndŵr university also ranked above all other welsh universities in some key survey questions: ‘teaching on my course’, ‘learning opportunities’ and ‘assessment and feedback’.the university is also ranked sixth in the uk for ‘the teaching on my course’ in the 2021 nss out of uk recognised bodies that can award degrees.**overall, wrexham glyndŵr university was ranked fourth among welsh universities for overall student satisfaction, an improvement on its previous placing. it also rose in the rankings for student voice, coming second out of all welsh universities.commenting on the results of the survey, wrexham glyndŵr university vice-chancellor professor maria hinfelaar said: “this is a fantastic result and a tribute to the close partnership between our staff and students."“everybody has proved resilient and adaptable during a once-in-a-century public health crisis, and worked so hard to deliver a quality educational experience.”wrexham glyndŵr university students’ union ceo stefanie hartley added: “we are extremely proud of these results after what has been an incredibly challenging year for students and for the sector."“our priority as a students’ union throughout the pandemic has been to remain as aligned with the university as possible, so we can set clear and consistent expectations for our students."“we have focussed on delivering regular and targeted feedback from our student members directly to the university and we have made positive change together."“this collaborative work is highlighted by the fantastic scores for teaching, feedback and in our own score as an su, ready and able to advocate for our students."“we have proven that the glyndŵr community sticks together when times get tough and that we will always remain focussed on delivering the best student experience possible.” * based on the adult nursing cah3 subject grouping.** measured against the uk government list of institutions that can award degrees - the recognised bodies are available here - https://www.gov.uk/check-university-award-degree/recognised-bodies. .
本文来源: Wrexham Glyndŵr大学成人护理课程在学生满意度调查中名列前茅