
法医学和网络安全专业学生庆祝WorldSkills UK夺冠

(Forensic Science and Cyber Security students celebrate WorldSkills UK triumph)


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日期:2022a年,一名学生被告知将无法通过学校的科学考试,她在一项著名的技能活动中获得了法医学金牌。 两名雷克瑟姆-格林德沃的学生在久负盛名的英国世界技能锦标赛全国决赛中夺得金牌和银牌。 世界技能锦标赛组织了世界职业技能锦标赛,英国锦标赛是英国最大的职业技能和职业比赛项目。 总决赛于去年年底举行,glyndwr的paige tynan获得了法医学金牌,另一名学生jake sumner获得了网络安全类银牌。 佩奇毕业于波士顿商学院法证科学系,并获得了基金会年度课程,目前正在glyndwr攻读博士学位。 她说:“从在学校被告知我的科学考试不及格,到在英国世界技能大赛决赛中获得法医学金牌,真是令人费解。 “我真的很感谢我的法医学讲师,他帮助我为这一刻做好了准备。 我真的很高兴看到参加世界技能决赛的机会有多大。 法医学高级讲师amyratenbury补充道:“这是我们第一次有学生参加比赛,所以她获得金牌是一个了不起的成就。”。 “毫无疑问,这将为我们更多的学生参与未来的技能发展活动打开大门。 “佩奇继续展示她在大学的变革之旅,她通过这个平台展示了如此高水平的技术专业知识,这将使她获得更多的培训和职业发展机会。 “网络安全专业的学生jakesumner说,他很高兴在自己的组别中获得第二名,获得银牌。 杰克说:“我从来没有想过能超越区域性的高温,所以在英国决赛中获得第二名是完全出乎意料的。 这场比赛很有挑战性,因为它考验了你在各个领域的能力。 “尽管这很有挑战性,但这是一次很棒的经历,它给了我一些值得关注的东西,也给了我参与的成就感。 “我非常感谢大家在比赛中给予我的支持,如果不是前讲师戴维斯,我根本不会考虑参加比赛。 “在整个比赛过程中,我获得了新的技能,探索了一些如果我没有参加比赛就没有信心探索的领域。 “我将继续努力发展我所获得的技能,我期待着看到参加英国世界技能锦标赛决赛会带来什么机会。 ”。
date: 2022a student who was told she would fail her science exams at school has won gold for forensic science at a prestigious skills event.two wrexham glyndwr students triumphed at the prestigious worldskills uk national finals, taking gold and silver medals. worldskills organises the world championships of vocational skills, and the uk championships is the country’s biggest competitive skills and careers event.the finals took place at the end of last year, at which glyndwr’s paige tynan took the gold medal in forensic science, and fellow student jake sumner taking silver in the cyber security category.paige, who graduated from the bsc (hons) forensic science with foundation year programme, is currently undertaking a phd at glyndwr.she said: “from being told at school i’d fail my science exams to winning the gold medal in forensic science at the worldskills uk final is just incomprehensible.“i am really grateful for my forensic science lecturer who helped me prepare for this moment. i am really excited to see what opportunities competing in the worldskills final has opened up.”senior lecturer in forensic science, amy rattenbury, added: “this is the first time we have had a student enter the competition so for her to come away with a gold medal is a phenomenal achievement.“this will no doubt open the door for more of our student the get involved in skills development activities going forward. “paige continues to showcase what a transformative journey she has had at the university and her demonstration of such high class technical expertise through this platform will lead her to even more opportunities for training and career progression going forward.”cyber security student jake sumner said he was delighted to achieve second in his category, taking home the silver medal.jake said: “i never expected to get beyond the regional heat, so to come second in the uk final was completely unexpected. the competition was challenging, as it tested your ability across a variety of areas. “although it was challenging, it was a great experience and it gave me something to focus on, as well as a sense of achievement for participating.“i’m extremely grateful for all the support i’ve had during the competition and if it wasn’t for former lecturer, leanne davies, i wouldn’t have even thought about entering the competition.“throughout the competition i’ve gained new skills and explored areas that i wouldn’t have had the confidence to explore if i hadn’t competed. “i will continue working on developing the skills i’ve gained and i’m looking forward to seeing what opportunities arise from competing in the worldskills uk final.” .

本文来源: 法医学和网络安全专业学生庆祝WorldSkills UK夺冠




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