

(WGU design students create new magazine to support the work of the North Wales Public Service Boards)


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日期:2022年6月20日雷克瑟姆格林德沃大学(wgu)的图形设计专业学生与北威尔士公共服务委员会合作,创建了一本新杂志,重点关注该地区社区的福祉。 这份名为《llesiant》的杂志汇集了该地区健康评估的一些关键数据,这些数据由雷克瑟姆、弗林特郡、康维和登比格郡、安格尔西和格温妮德公共服务局牵头。 它旨在描绘北威尔士社区当前的福祉,并支持福祉规划,以改善未来的福祉。 每五年,作为《子孙后代福祉法案》的一部分,公共服务委员会都必须评估其所在地区的福祉,并编制一份福祉评估报告,作为制定该地区福祉计划的基础,该计划概述了公共机构将如何共同努力改善和增强社区福祉。 在北威尔士,这些评估是与社区密切合作制定的,以了解对当地人真正重要的是什么。 与wgu学生的合作旨在通过鼓励学生参与和解释数据来建立这种方法,并为psbs提供创新和创造性的工具,以继续让社区和公共机构参与理解和执行该地区的福祉优先事项。 wgu公共政策和参与负责人nina ruddle支持这项工作,将其作为该大学公民使命伙伴关系战略的关键部分,他说:“wgu学生和公共服务委员会之间的合作再次真正突显了我们在北威尔士如何以不同的方式做事,并真正拥抱后代福祉的精神,通过不同的工作方式对福祉产生持久和可持续的影响。 “我们很高兴不仅通过我们的公民使命承诺来支持和启用这种方法,以结束北威尔士的社会不平等,而且能够展示我们设计学生的才华和创造力。 来自弗林特郡的wgu设计系学生亚当·斯金纳曾在《llesiant》杂志工作,他评论道:“这是一个很好的项目。 视觉媒体是一种与人们联系并帮助将数据带到生活中的绝妙方式,这对我们设计llesiant非常重要。 我们想强调进展顺利方面的积极因素,以及人们需要关心的事情。 代表雷克瑟姆县自治市议会与雷克瑟姆psb合作的迈克尔·坎特威尔说:“与才华横溢的格林德沃设计系学生合作是一次很棒的经历,他们创造了一种格式,巧妙地将幸福数据带到生活中,同时也是一件艺术品。”。 “。
date: 20th june 2022graphic design students at wrexham glyndwr university (wgu) have collaborated with the north wales public service boards to create a new magazine focussed on the wellbeing of communities across the region.the magazine, called llesiant, brings together some of the key data from the region’s wellbeing assessments which have been led by the wrexham, flintshire, conwy and denbighshire, anglesey and gwynedd psbs. it aims to build a picture of the current wellbeing of north wales communities and to support wellbeing planning to improve this for the future.every five years, public service boards, as part of the well-being of future generations act, are required to assess the wellbeing of their area and produce a wellbeing assessment, which is used as a basis to develop that area’s wellbeing plan outlining how public bodies will work together to improve and enhance community wellbeing.in north wales, these assessments have been developed working closely with communities to understand what really matters to local people. this collaboration with wgu students aims to build on this approach by encouraging the students to engage with, and interpret, the data to produce and innovative and creative tool for the psbs to continue to engage both communities and public bodies in understanding, and acting on, the region’s wellbeing priorities.nina ruddle, head of public policy and engagement at wgu who has supported this work as a key part of the university’s civic mission partnership strategy, said: “this collaboration between wgu students and the public service boards once again really highlights how we are doing things differently in north wales and really embracing the ethos of the well-being of future generations act to make a lasting and sustainable impact to wellbeing outcomes by working differently."we are delighted not only to have supported and enabled this approach through our civic mission commitment to end social inequality in north wales, but to have been able to showcase the talent and creativity of our design students."adam skinner, a wgu design student from flintshire who worked on the llesiant magazine, commented: "this has been a great project to work on. visual media is a brilliant way to connect with people and help to bring the data to life and this has been really important to us in designing llesiant. we wanted to highlight both the positives in terms of what’s going well and also the things that people need to be concerned about."michael cantwell who works with wrexham psb on behalf of wrexham county borough council, said: "working with the talented glyndwr design students was a great experience – they’ve created a format that cleverly brings the well-being data to life as well as being a work of art." .

本文来源: WGU设计专业的学生创建新杂志,以支持北威尔士公共服务委员会的工作




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