

(Bursaries created for future Wrexham Glyndwr University Law students thanks to generous six-figure donation)


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日期:2022年8月申请在雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学学习法律的学生可以从慷慨捐赠者提供的助学金中受益。 弗朗西斯·格林恩·琼斯(francis glynne jones)最近从他已故的哥哥科林(colin)那里收到了一笔六位数的巨额捐款,用于纪念他的祖父西里尔·奥斯瓦尔德·琼斯(cyril oswald jones)、父亲海维尔·格林恩·jones(hywel glynne jones)和哥哥科林·格林·琼斯(colin glynne jones),他们都是切斯特和北威尔士律师协会的前主席。 这笔捐款是以赠与契约的形式进行的,专门用于大学法律系。 由于cyril oswald-jones基金的成立,它将在10年内投入使用,使来自弱势背景的天才法律学生能够通过支付学费来实现自己的抱负。 已经成立了一个管理委员会来管理这些资金,第一次首次会议将就年度助学金的申请标准达成一致。 在谈到助学金的设立时,francisglynnejones说:“我希望它能鼓励许多年轻人进入北威尔士的法律行业。 “法律仍然是这所大学的一个新系,我希望这将有助于它的发展。 雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学副校长maria hinfelaar教授对助学金的设立以及它将为那些没有它的支持可能无法实现自己抱负的天才学生提供的机会表示欢迎。 她说:“我们对这所大学的慷慨感到非常高兴,也非常感谢弗朗西斯-格林-琼斯和他的家人对学校的支持。 “这是我们与当地法律界几代人以来的良好合作关系。 “这将为那些需要一些额外支持的学生提供机会,让他们与我们一起学习法律课程,但也会奖励最后一年的优秀学生。 “对进入大学的学生的支持和对学生在我们身边表现的奖励之间有着很好的平衡。 “我认为没有多少大学能够为攻读法律学位的学生提供这种激励,所以我们感到非常自豪。 该大学将挑选符合法律学位入学条件的学生作为cyril oswald-jones基金的潜在受益人。 捐赠条款将确保:大学将与委员会协商,安排一次年度cyril oswald-jones讲座。 法律学位第三年每年将有1000英镑的优等生奖(由cyril oswald-jones基金赞助)。 每年3000英镑的助学金,用于一名居住在威尔士的学生的学位课程期间,该学生来自雷克瑟姆50英里以内的弱势家庭,希望在该大学学习法律。 委员会成员将是罗伯特·格林-琼斯、彼得·汉弗莱·琼斯、约翰·埃文斯和由副校长提名的一名大学高级职员。 访问我们的法律课程页面,了解更多关于llb法律学位的信息。
date: august 2022students applying to study law at wrexham glyndwr university could benefit from a bursary which has been provided by a generous donor.francis glynne-jones has made a significant six-figure donation, with monies recently received from his deceased brother colin to the university, in memory of his grandfather cyril oswald jones, his father, hywel glynne-jones, and his brother colin glynne-jones, all former presidents of the chester and north wales law society.the donation has been made in the form of a gift deed and is specifically for the benefit of the university’s law department.it will be put to use across a 10-year period to enable gifted law students from disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue their ambition by covering their course fees, thanks to the creation of the cyril oswald jones fund.a management committee has been set up to administer the funds and the first initial meeting will be to agree on the criteria to be applied for the annual bursary.speaking about the creation of the bursary, francis glynne-jones said: "i hope it will encourage many young people to come into the law profession, here in north wales."law is still a new department at the university and i hope this will help with its development."wrexham glyndwr university vice-chancellor, professor maria hinfelaar welcomed the creation of the bursary and the opportunity it will provide gifted students who may not otherwise be able to realise their ambitions without its support.she said: “we’re so pleased with the generosity and are really grateful to francis glynne-jones and his family for supporting the university.“it is a good partnership between ourselves and the local legal profession going back generations.“this will give opportunities to students who need a bit of extra support to undertake their law programme with us but it also rewards excellence in final-year students.“there is a nice balance between support for students coming into the university, and awards presented to students for how they performed whilst with us.“i do not think there are many universities that would be able to offer this kind of incentive for students on their law degree so we feel so proud to be able to do so.”the university will select students who meet the requirements for admission to the law degree to be considered as potential recipients of the cyril oswald jones fund.the terms of the donation will ensure:an annual cyril oswald jones lecture is to be arranged by the university in consultation with the committee.there will be a £1,000 top student award in year 3 of their law degree each year (sponsored by the cyril oswald jones fund).an annual bursary of £3,000, for the duration of the degree programme for a welsh domiciled student coming from a disadvantaged background within 50 miles of wrexham who wishes to study law at the university.the committee members will be robert glynne jones, peter humphrey jones, john evans and one senior university staff member as nominated by the vice-chancellor.visit our law course page for more information about the llb law degree.

本文来源: 得益于六位数的慷慨捐赠,为未来的雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学法学院学生设立了助学金




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