日期:2023年1月12日星期四由雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学的研究人员领导的一项关于北威尔士狩猎法治安的独立审查于今天(12/1/23)启动。 这份报告是由雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学社会包容研究所cyfiownder的成员撰写的,他们征求了支持狩猎和反对狩猎的社区、警方和其他与该问题有关的人的意见。 雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学的研究所旨在为卫生、社会护理和刑事司法领域的服务提供者提供支持性资源,以确定、促进和研究这些领域的良好做法。 该审查是由北威尔士警察和犯罪专员andy dunbobbin于2022年5月下令进行的。虽然文本强调北威尔士警方的行动符合良好做法,但它还包括一系列建议,供警方如何监管整个地区的狩猎活动。 它研究了与2004年《狩猎法》有关的警察执法挑战;什么是维持狩猎禁令的良好做法;北威尔士警方在处理引起他们注意的非法猎狐和与狩猎有关的事件时表现如何;以及该部队在记录、应对、调查和起诉与狩猎有关的事件方面遵守国家标准的情况。  评论指出,猎狐不是国家警察的优先事项,过去这一事实为北威尔士警方应对这一问题提供了依据。 但该报告也强调,警方对《狩猎法》的监管与良好实践指南非常一致。 它还强调,在审查之前的12个月里,北威尔士警方一直在“更新其与执行狩猎禁令和相关事件相关的方法和做法”。 雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学社会包容研究所cyfiawnder的iolo madoc jones教授说:“我和研究小组要感谢每一位为这次独立审查做出贡献的人,他们分享了《狩猎法》是如何执行的,以及与狩猎有关的事件是如何被监管的。 “雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学的研究所旨在为卫生、社会护理和刑事司法领域的服务提供者提供资源,以确定、促进和研究这些领域的良好做法。 “我们在整个研究和审查过程中的目标一直是努力达到学术诚信的最高标准,以确保我们的结论和任何建议都是基于证据的。 这一过程使我们考虑到,总体而言,目前对非法猎狐的指控正在以相称的方式进行调查。 北威尔士警察和犯罪专员andydunbobber说:“作为警察和犯罪事务专员,我的职责是确保北威尔士人民无论住在哪里,都能得到最好的警察服务。 农村和野生动物犯罪对我来说尤其重要,因为犯罪会对我们北威尔士的农村社区产生重大影响。 “许多对狩猎持不同意见的人向我提出了这个问题,我委托进行这项审查,以独立客观地了解北威尔士的狩猎法是如何监管的。 重要的是,我们要把警察放在一个镜头下,看看他们在哪里有效地维持治安,在哪里可能需要改进。 “虽然调查结果表明,北威尔士警方在执行《狩猎法》以及平衡狩猎分歧双方的尖锐观点方面做得很有效,但报告还建议对行动进行一些改革。 我现在将与北威尔士警察局的警察局长和高级警官合作,看看如何将这些建议付诸实践。 “我要感谢雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学的团队以务实、专业和客观的方式完成了这篇评论。 我还要衷心感谢许多参与并分享他们想法的公众。 “预计北威尔士警方将审查调查结果,并向警察和犯罪专员提交一份行动计划,说明如何实施这些建议。 要阅读完整的审查及其建议,请访问警察和犯罪专员办公室的网站。 注意到“对北威尔士警方在执行猎犬猎狐禁令和与狩猎有关的治安事件方面的表现进行独立审查”涉及三个要素:调查、报告事件审查和对主要利益相关者的采访。 这项调查分布广泛,从更多的受访者中获得的数据比仅通过访谈获得的数据要多,总共收到117份符合条件的回复。 总共检查了警方对57起事件的反应。 最后,为访谈建立了一个感兴趣和参与的各方的抽样框架,并发出了对研究做出贡献的邀请。 十名警官或工作人员;9人在监视/破坏组织中有地位,4人参与狩猎;五名受狩猎影响的人和另外五名根据自己的工作有洞察力的人接受了采访。 狩猎和反狩猎组织以及英国皇家检察署也提交了书面/视频证据。 狩猎和反狩猎组织以及英国皇家检察署也提交了书面/视频证据。
date: thursday 12th january 2023an independent review into the policing of the hunting act in north wales – led by researchers at wrexham glyndwr university – has been launched today (12/1/23).the report has been produced by members of cyfiawnder – the social inclusion research institute at wrexham glyndwr university, who sought the views of the pro-hunting and anti-hunting community, the police and others connected with the issue. wrexham glyndwr university’s research institute aims to be a supportive resource for service providers in the health, social care and criminal justice fields to identify, promote and research good practice in those areas. the review was ordered in may 2022 by north wales police and crime commissioner andy dunbobbin and, while the text highlights that north wales police’s actions are consistent with good practice, it also includes a set of recommendations for the force on how it polices hunting across the region. it looked at enforcement challenges linked to hunting act 2004 for the police; what constitutes good practice in relation to policing the hunting ban; how well north wales police performs in relation to illegal fox hunting and incidents connected with hunting that are brought to their attention; and how well the force complies with national standards on recording, responding, investigating and prosecuting incidents connected to hunting. the review notes that fox hunting is not a national policing priority and that in the past this fact has informed north wales police’s response to the issue. but the report also highlights that the force’s policing of the hunting act aligns well with good practice guides. it also emphasises that in the 12 months leading up to the review, north wales police had been “refreshing its approach and practices associated with enforcing the hunting ban and incidents associated with it”. professor iolo madoc jones of cyfiawnder - the social inclusion research institute at wrexham glyndwr university, said: “the research team and i would like to thank everyone who contributed to this independent review by sharing their experiences of how the hunting act is being enforced, and how incidents connected with hunting are being policed. “the research institute at wrexham glyndwr university aims to be a resource for service providers in the health, social care and criminal justice arena to identify, promote and research good practice in those areas. “our aim throughout the research and review has been to work to the highest standards of academic integrity to ensure our conclusions and any recommendations are evidence-based. the process has led us to consider that, overall, allegations of illegal fox hunting are currently investigated in a proportionate manner.” andy dunbobbin, police and crime commissioner for north wales, said: “my role as police and crime commissioner is to make sure that the people of north wales have the best police service possible, wherever they live. rural and wildlife crime is especially important to me due to the significant impact that crime can have on our rural communities across north wales. “many people from across the spectrum of opinion on hunting raised this issue with me and i commissioned this review to gain an independent and objective insight into how the hunting act is policed in north wales. it is important that we put the police under a lens to see where they are policing effectively and where any improvements might be needed. “while the findings demonstrate that north wales police are doing an effective job in policing the hunting act, and in balancing the strident views on both sides of the hunting divide, the report also recommends a number of changes in operations. i will now work with the chief constable and senior officers of north wales police to see how these recommendations can be put into practise. “i would like to thank the team at wrexham glyndwr university for their work in completing this review in a pragmatic, professional and objective manner. i would also like to sincerely thank the many members of the public who took part and shared their thoughts.” it is expected north wales police will review the findings and return to the police and crime commissioner with a plan of action into how the recommendations can be implemented. to read the full review and its recommendations, visit the website of the office of the police and crime commissioner here. notesthe ‘independent review of north wales police performance in relation to enforcing the ban on fox hunting with hounds and policing incidents connected with hunting’ involved three elements: a survey, reported incidents review and interviews with key stakeholders. the survey was distributed widely and captured data from a larger sample of respondents than would have been possible through interviews alone and in total 117 eligible responses were received. in total, the police response to 57 incidents was examined. finally, for the interviews a sampling frame was created of interested and involved parties and invitations to contribute to the research were distributed. ten police officers or staff; nine individuals with standing within monitor/saboteur organisations, four people involved in hunting; five individuals affected by hunting and five others with insight based on their work were interviewed. written/video evidence was also submitted by hunt and anti-hunt groups and the crown prosecution service. .
本文来源: Wrexham Glyndwr大学研究人员在最新发表的评论中审查了北威尔士狩猎法的监管