日期:2023年1月24日星期二,来自世界各地的游戏玩家将有机会在下个月于雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学举行的世界上最大的游戏创作活动上创作新的电脑游戏。 该大学将于2月3日(星期五)参加第十年的全球游戏大赛,是全球游戏大赛组织的主要全球中心之一。 该活动的目标是鼓励创新、合作和实验,并将来自世界各地的人们联系起来,因为他们的目标是在48小时内从头到尾开发视频游戏。 不需要任何经验,活动对任何对游戏、设计和技术感兴趣的人开放。 今年的活动将是疫情前以来规模最大的一次,预计全球将有来自至少110个国家的800多个地点参加。 richardhebblewhite是ggj全球区域组织者,也是雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学游戏开发、游戏设计、企业和游戏艺术项目的负责人。他表示,他对今年ggj的最终产品感到兴奋。 “我们非常高兴能够主办今年的全球比赛,由于疫情的影响,这将是几年来最大的一次。 把有创造力的人聚集在一起是我们的主要目标,今年有一个巨大的社区轰动和更高的期待感!”理查德同时也是该校计算机学科的带头人,他说。 “我们很自豪地说,我们在雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学参加ggj已经有10年了,我们是威尔士第一个加入的网站。 从那时起,我们已经发展成为ggj组织的重要组成部分,并进行全球区域协调,所有英国和爱尔兰工厂都由我们的wgu团队监督。 “今年,我们还将推出英国首个全球游戏jamnext(ggjn)网站,同时推出传统的jam活动。 ggjn活动专门针对儿童和年轻创作者(年龄在5岁到16岁之间),作为ggj体验的一部分,将提供培训和团队建设机会。 “ggj非常重视团队合作,以及与来自不同背景的素未谋面的人合作,以鼓励创造性思维,并创造出大量创新和原创的游戏。 在去年的活动中,来自雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学的52名参与者在48小时内创造了12种不同的游戏。 而在全球范围内,有来自100个国家的网站,覆盖681个地点,全球有33000多名参与者,他们制作了近7000款游戏。 有关雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学全球比赛堵塞和其他活动的更多信息,请联系:games@glyndwr。 交流电。 雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学的官方全球游戏堵塞:https://globalgamejam。 org/2023/jam-sites/wrexham-glyndwr-university-ggj23-ggjn网站链接:https://globalgamejam。 org/2023/jam-sites/wrexham-glyndwr-university-ggjnext23。
date: tuesday 24th january, 2023 gamers from all around the world will have the chance to create new computer games at the world’s largest game creation event, which is taking place next month at wrexham glyndwr university.the university is taking part in the global game jam (ggj) for the tenth year when it gets underway friday 3 february, and is one of the main global hubs for the ggj organisation.the goal of the event is to encourage innovation, collaboration and experimentation and to connect people from across the world as they aim to develop video games from start to finish within 48 hours.no experience is necessary and the event is open to anyone with an interest in games, design and technology.this year’s event is set to be the largest since before the pandemic, with more than 800 sites globally expected to take part from at least 110 countries.richard hebblewhite, who is the ggj global regional organiser and programme leader for game development, game design & enterprise and game art at wrexham glyndwr university, says he’s excited for the end-products from this year’s ggj.“we’re extremely excited to host this year’s global game jam, which is set to be the event’s biggest for a few years due to the impact of the pandemic. bringing creative people together is our main goal and this year there’s a huge community buzz and a heightened sense of anticipation!” richard, who is also the subject leader for computing at the university, said.“we are proud to say that we at wrexham glyndwr university have been participating in the ggj now for 10 years and we were the first site in wales to join up. since then we have grown to become an important part of the ggj organisation with global regional coordination, and all uk and ireland sites overseen by our wgu team.“this year we are also launching the uk’s first global game jam next (ggjn) site alongside the traditional jam event. the ggjn event is aimed specifically at children and young creators (aged between five and 16), and will provide training and team building opportunities as part of the ggj experience.”the ggj places important emphasis on teamwork, as well as people working with those they haven’t met before from different backgrounds to encourage creative thinking, and result in a raft of innovative and original games being created.at last year’s event, 52 participants from wrexham glyndwr university managed to create 12 different games within the 48-hour period. while, across the world, there were sites from 100 countries covering 681 locations, with more than 33,000 participants globally, who produced almost 7,000 games.for more information about the global game jam and other events at wrexham glyndwr university, contact: games@glyndwr.ac.uknotesofficial global game jam for wrexham glyndwr university: https://globalgamejam.org/2023/jam-sites/wrexham-glyndwr-university-ggj23 ggjn site link:https://globalgamejam.org/2023/jam-sites/wrexham-glyndwr-university-ggjnext23 .
本文来源: Global Game Jam与英国的Wrexham Glyndwr大学一同回归;的第一个面向年轻创作者的网站