日期:2021年3月8日,星期三。公众受邀参加雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学(wgu)的年度公开会议,这是三年来的首次公开会议。 会议将于3月31日星期五上午8点至9点举行。 上午30点在画廊,可以在大学普拉斯科学院主接待处的楼上找到。 这是自新冠肺炎大流行之前以来举行的第一次年度公开会议,将为董事会主席leigh griffin和副校长maria hinfelaar提供一个机会,回顾大学在过去一年中取得的成就,并分享正在进行的2025年校园总体规划的未来发展。 wgu校长科林•杰克逊也将出席此次活动。 格里芬表示:“我们的年度公开会议是我们wgu反思过去一年的机会,也是我们分享亮点以及我们在该校正在进行的计划和发展的机会。 “在过去的12个月里,有很多值得庆祝的事情,包括我们在《大学指南》中被评为英格兰和威尔士学生满意度最高的大学。 连续第五年,wgu在英格兰和威尔士的社会包容方面排名第一,在年的教学质量方面也跻身前十 《泰晤士报》和《星期日泰晤士报》好大学指南 2023。 “当然,在疫情后的环境中,这也是一个思考我们所面临的一些挑战以及我们从这些挑战中学到了什么的时候。 玛丽亚说:“我们很乐意欢迎尽可能多的人参加我们的年度公开会议,听取过去一年在wgu取得的进展和发展。 “还有机会提问,所以如果你想知道什么,请一定来把你的问题带进去。 “活动将于上午8点开始,包括早餐和网络交流,然后会议正式开始,重点介绍大学的亮点和未来计划。 如果您想参加或需要更多有关活动的信息,请通过电子邮件联系高级执行官gerry-beer:gerry。 beer@glyndwr。 交流电。 英国。 那些想参加的人要求在3月17日前获得rsvp。 活动期间有机会提问。 如果你想用威尔士语发言,请在开会前告知。 如果你想用威尔士语发言,请在开会前告知。
date: wednesday 8th march 2023members of the public are invited to attend wrexham glyndwr university’s (wgu) annual open meeting – the first to go ahead in three years.the meeting will take place on friday, march 31 between 8am and 9.30am in the gallery, which can be found upstairs to the main reception of the university’s plas coch campus.this is the first annual open meeting event held since prior to the covid-19 pandemic – and will provide an opportunity for the chair of the board, leigh griffin and vice-chancellor, maria hinfelaar to recap on the university’s achievements over the past year, as well as share future developments around the ongoing campus 2025 masterplan.wgu chancellor colin jackson will also be in attendance at the event. mr griffin said: “our annual open meeting is a chance for us at wgu to reflect on the past year, as well as share highlights and our ongoing plans and developments at the university.“during the past 12 months, there has been plenty to celebrate, including us being ranked top for student satisfaction in england and wales in the complete university guide. “for the fifth year running, wgu was also number one in england and wales for social inclusion, and had also been ranked in the top 10 for teaching quality in the times and sunday times good university guide 2023.“of course, being in the post pandemic environment, it will also be a time to think about some of the challenges we have faced and what we have learned from those.”maria said: “we would love to welcome as many people as possible to our annual open meeting to hear all about the progress and developments that have been made over the past year at wgu. “there will also be an opportunity to ask questions, so please do come along and get your questions in, if there’s anything you would like to find out.”the event will get underway at 8am with breakfast and networking, before the meeting officially kicks off with the university’s highlights and future plans highlighted.if you would like to attend or require more information about the event, please contact gerry beer, senior executive officer, by emailing: gerry.beer@glyndwr.ac.uk. those wanting to attend are asking to rsvp by 17 march. there be a chance to ask questions during the event. if you would like to speak in welsh, please advise this in advance of the meeting. .
本文来源: 社区成员受邀参加WGU;s即将举行的年度公开会议