日期:2023年3月10日,星期五,尊敬的法官尼克拉斯·帕里将于本月晚些时候在雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学(wgu)举行的一场特别讲座上担任就职演讲人。 该大学法律系将于3月23日(星期四)下午6点举办第一期cyril oswald-jones法律讲座,parry法官将讨论威尔士刑法的发展,特别关注威尔士东北部。 帕里法官是威尔士东北部地区的一名刑事法院法官,他有着辉煌的职业生涯,他希望激励下一代法律专业人士,深入了解自己的工作,并在职业生涯中反思一些备受关注的案件。 该讲座得到了cyril oswald-jones律师助学金的支持,该助学金是在francis glynne jones去年向wgu捐款后设立的,这笔钱是从他已故的兄弟那里收到的,以纪念他的祖父cyril oswald-jons、他的父亲hywel glynne jones和他的兄弟colin glynne琼斯,他们都是切斯特和北威尔士律师协会的前主席。 该助学金将在10年内使用,以使来自弱势背景的有天赋的wgu法律系学生能够通过支付学费来追求法律职业的抱负。 该基金成立后,该大学法律系将组织一次年度讲座,以突出法律专业,并感谢cyril oswald-jones法律助学金。 帕里法官说:“能在wgu举行的第一次cyril oswald-jones法律讲座上担任就职演讲人,我将是一种莫大的荣幸。 “我将谈论威尔士刑法的各种发展,以及我在职业生涯中遇到的变化。 我希望这将是一个有见地的夜晚。 wgu法律系高级讲师兼项目负责人dylanrhys-jones补充道:“我们很高兴法官niclasparry将成为首届cyril-oswald-jones法律讲座的第一位发言人。 帕里法官丰富的经验和成就不言自明。 他在整个威尔士备受尊敬,是我们学生的杰出榜样,证明了只要努力工作,你就可以在威尔士东北部的法律界取得巨大成功。 “如果您有兴趣参加我们所知道的一场非常精彩的演讲,请通过下面的预订链接确认您的位置。 “我还想借此机会向弗朗西斯-格林-琼斯和他的家人表达我们的感激之情,感谢他们对wgu法律的支持。 “法律专业的学生和当地工作人员以及当地政要将出席此次活动。 然而,欢迎那些有兴趣从事法律工作或有兴趣听取帕里法官见解的人参加。 讲座开始前,5点将举行欢迎酒会。 下午30点在wgu的主门厅,然后客人被带到下午6点在尼克怀特黑德剧院开始的讲座。 要确认您的位置,请通过eventbrite链接预订。 要确认您的位置,请通过eventbrite链接预订。
date: friday 10th march 2023 his honour judge niclas parry will be the inaugural speaker at a special lecture, taking place at wrexham glyndwr university (wgu) later this month.the first cyril oswald jones law lecture hosted by the law department at the university, which is being held on thursday, march 23 from 6pm, will see judge parry discuss the developments of criminal law in wales, with a particular focus on north east wales.a crown court judge in the north east wales region, judge parry has had an illustrious career and will hope to inspire the next generation of law professionals, as well as provide an insight into his work and reflect on some of the high profile cases during the course of his career. the lecture is supported by the cyril oswald jones law bursary, which was set up after francis glynne-jones made a significant donation to wgu last year, with money that had been received from his deceased brother, in memory of his grandfather cyril oswald jones, his father, hywel glynne-jones, and his brother colin glynne-jones, all former presidents of the chester and north wales law society.the bursary fund is being put to use across a 10-year period to enable gifted wgu law students from disadvantaged backgrounds to pursue their ambition of a career in law by covering their course fees.following the establishment of the fund, the university’s law department will organise an annual lecture as a way of highlighting the law profession and giving thanks for the cyril oswald jones law bursary.judge parry said: “it will be an immense privilege to be the inaugural speaker at the very first cyril oswald jones law lecture held at wgu. “i will talk about the various developments of criminal law in wales and what changes i’ve encountered during my professional career. i’m hoping it will be an insightful evening for those who come along.”dylan rhys jones, senior lecturer and programme leader of law at wgu, added: “we are delighted that his honour judge niclas parry will be the first speaker for the inaugural cyril oswald jones law lecture. “judge parry’s vast experience and accomplishments speak for themselves. he is held in high esteem across wales and is a superb role model for our students, demonstrating that with hard work, you can have a highly successful career in in law in north east wales.“if you are interested in attending what we know will be an extremely fascinating talk, please confirm your place via the booking link below.“i’d also like to take this opportunity to express our huge gratitude to francis glynne-jones and his family for supporting law at wgu.”law students and local people working within the legal professional will attend the event, as well as local dignitaries. however, those interested in a career in law or are interested in listening to judge parry’s insights are welcome to attend. prior to the lecture getting underway, there will be a welcome drinks reception at 5.30pm in the main foyer at wgu before guests are shown to the lecture, which is starting at 6pm in the nick whitehead theatre.to confirm your place, please book via this eventbrite link. .
本文来源: 北威尔士法官将在特别法律讲座上发言