

(WGU students named finalists in StartUp Awards )


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日期:2023年4月3日,星期一,由两名雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学(wgu)学生成立的一家社会企业公司入围威尔士创业奖决赛。 karen williams和roxanne france barton是非营利、社会企业、熟悉视频的联合创始人,目前正在攻读wgu的心理健康和幸福学位。 该公司被提名为年度创意创业公司。 熟悉视频创建了场馆和公共空间的详细游览视频,有助于减少焦虑,最大限度地减少人们在去新的或不熟悉的地方时可能面临的障碍。 他们的视频包括整个场馆的所有功能,从停车场或下车点一直到厕所、消防出口、感官输入和无障碍功能。 熟悉视频的联合创始人karen说:“能入围这样一个久负盛名的奖项真的很荣幸。 “我们这些熟悉视频的人热情而不懈地工作,通过详细的旅游视频来提高无障碍性,并通过所有的努力获得认可,这真是太棒了。 我们的目标是减少焦虑,最大限度地减少人们在去新的或不熟悉的地方时面临的障碍。 “进入威尔士初创企业奖决赛将对企业产生巨大影响。 我们祝愿所有入围的人在决赛中好运。 karen感谢wgu讲师自推出熟悉视频以来给予的支持和鼓励。 她说:“在学习期间发布熟悉视频有时是一种平衡行为,但我们的导师非常支持我们,他们对我们来说绝对是超越一切的。 他们都非常平易近人,每当我们对熟悉视频有任何问题时,他们都会出现在那里,甚至鼓励我们在学习中利用社会企业。 “该课程有时在学术上很有挑战性,因为它的学位性质会引起强烈的情绪。 然而,我们热爱每一分钟,不会改变任何事情。 如果不是因为课程,我不认为熟悉视频会以这种方式存在。 wgu心理健康与幸福高级讲师justinemason补充道:“非常祝贺karen、roxanne和熟悉视频团队入围威尔士创业奖决赛。 “我知道他们为公司的成立和运营付出了多大的努力,尤其是在学习的同时,所以以这种方式获得认可是他们决心的真实证明。 看到我们的心理健康和幸福学生为我们社区的其他人做如此了不起的事情总是非常令人高兴的。 ”。
date: monday 3rd april, 2023 a social enterprise company set up by two wrexham glyndwr university (wgu) students has been named as a finalist in the wales startup awards.karen williams and roxanne france-barton, who are co-founders of non-profit, social enterprise, familiarisation videos, are current students on wgu’s mental health and wellbeing degree. the company has been nominated in the creative startup of the year category.familiarisation videos create detailed tour videos of venues and public spaces to help reduce anxiety and minimise barriers people may face when going somewhere new or unfamiliar. their videos include all features throughout a venue from car park or drop off point right through to toilets, fire exits, sensory input, and accessibility features.karen, familiarisation videos co-founder, said: “it’s a true honour to be shortlisted for such a prestigious award. “we at familiarisation videos have worked passionately and tirelessly to improve accessibility through detailed tour videos and to be recognised for all the hard work is fantastic. we aim to reduce anxiety and minimise barriers people face when going somewhere new or unfamiliar.“making the finals of the wales start-up awards will have a great impact on the business. we want to wish all others who have been shortlisted, the best of luck in the finals.”karen has thanked wgu lecturers for their support and encouragement since launching familiarisation videos.she said: “launching familiarisation videos while studying has been a bit of a balancing act at times but our tutors are so incredibly supportive, they go absolutely above and beyond for us. theyre all extremely approachable and have been there any time weve had any questions with familiarisation videos, even encouraging us to utilise the social enterprise within our learning. “the programme is challenging at times academically and because the nature of the degree it can evoke strong emotions. however, we have loved every minute and wouldnt change a thing. i don’t think familiarisation videos would exist in this way if it wasn’t for the course.”justine mason, wgu senior lecturer in mental health and wellbeing, added: “a huge congratulations to karen, roxanne and the team at familiarisation videos for being named a finalist in the wales startup awards. “i know how hard they have worked to get the company up and running – particularly alongside their studies, so to be recognised in this way is true testament to their determination. it’s always extremely pleasing to see our mental health and wellbeing students do such amazing things for the benefit of others in our community.” .

本文来源: WGU学生入围创业奖决赛




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