日期:2023年4月4日,星期二。将人们与社区内的非医疗支持来源联系起来以改善健康和福祉的价值将是雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学(wgu)正在开设的一门短期课程的重点。 为期六周的社会处方开发课程针对的是那些有一定社会处方经验的人,他们希望在这一领域发展自己,或者希望改善他们工作的服务。 与此同时,威尔士的政策和立法越来越认识到社会处方的必要性。 该课程将通过一系列互动研讨会进行教学,并辅以独立阅读和任务指导,以及个人辅导和通过虚拟学习环境提供在线材料。 wgu健康与幸福讲师妮娜·帕特森是该课程的授课团队之一,她说:“社会处方作为改善人们整体健康和幸福的一种方式,确实开始变得越来越突出。 “这个想法是从整体上看待一个人,而不是将他们的身体或心理健康与他们所生活的社会环境隔离开来。 这是一种非医疗干预,即给患者开处方,让他们参加一项活动,如锻炼或在绿地里度过一段时间来解决特定的问题。 与nina合作的wgu心理健康与幸福高级讲师justinemason表示:“我们正在开发的社会处方课程将帮助报名者更深入地了解社会处方的各个方面,从社区参与的早期阶段到评估项目的成功与否。 “报名参加我们的课程,以增强您对当前所提供服务的了解。 该校短期课程兼兼职学分官rebeccawilkinsonthomas补充道:“短期课程是学习新知识或提高现有技能的绝佳方式。 它们也非常适合结识新朋友和继续专业发展。 “在wgu,我们有各种各样的短期课程可供选择,涵盖了广泛的学科领域,请查看我们网站的短期课程部分了解更多信息。 “开发社会处方课程将于4月17日星期一开始,为期六周。 wgu还开设了一个“社会处方基础”短期课程,针对职业生涯早期的社会处方医生或希望开始社会处方职业生涯的人。 有关雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学提供的短期课程的更多信息,请访问:https://glyndwr。 交流电。 英国/课程/短期课程/。
date: tuesday 4th april, 2023 the value of connecting people with non-medical sources of support within their community to improve health and wellbeing will be the focus of a short course being run at wrexham glyndwr university (wgu).the developing social prescribing six-week course is aimed at those with some experience of social prescribing who would like to develop themselves in this area or who are looking to improve the service that they work in.it comes as policy and legislation in wales is increasingly recognising the need for social prescribing.the course will be taught through a range of interactive workshops, and supported by guided independent reading and tasks, as well as individual tutorials and the provision of online materials via a virtual learning environment.nina patterson, wgu lecturer in health and wellbeing who is one of the team delivering the course, said: “social prescribing is really starting to gain prominence as a way of improving people’s overall health and wellbeing.“the idea is to look at a person holistically, rather than isolating their physical or mental health from the social context in which they live. it’s a non-medical intervention, whereby giving a patient a prescription to take part in an activity such as exercise or spending time in green spaces to tackle a specific problem.justine mason, wgu senior lecturer in mental health and wellbeing, who is working alongside nina, said: “our developing social prescribing course will help those who sign up foster a deeper understanding of the various aspects of social prescribing, from the early stages of community engagement right through to evaluating the success of programmes.“enrol onto our course to enhance your understanding or service that you currently provide.”rebecca wilkinson-thomas, short courses and part-time credits officer at the university, added: “short courses are an excellent way of learning something new or enhancing your existing skills. they’re also great for meeting new people and continuing professional development.“at wgu, we have a wide variety of short courses to choose from covering a big range of subject areas, take a look at the short courses section of our website to find out more.”the developing social prescribing course will get underway on monday 17 april for six weeks.wgu also runs a ‘fundamentals of social prescribing’ short course, aimed at early career social prescribers or people who are looking to start a career in social prescribing.more information about the short courses on offer at wrexham glyndwr university can be found: https://glyndwr.ac.uk/courses/short-courses/ .
本文来源: WGU短期课程中强调的社会处方需求