日期:2023年4月12日,星期三。在获得超过80万英镑的资金后,一项开创性的新计划正在扩大,该计划旨在通过促进课外活动来激发北威尔士儿童和年轻人对学习的热爱。 雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学(wgu)将与班戈大学和其他一些合作伙伴合作,在未来一年试行该计划,作为共同公民使命的一部分,致力于合作消除该地区的社会不平等。 威尔士高等教育资助委员会(hefcw)的新资金将使合作伙伴能够在wgu和雷克瑟姆和弗林特郡公共服务委员会促成的雷克瑟姆-弗林特郡儿童大学试点项目的成功基础上再接再厉。 该试点项目与该地区的学校、社区团体和学习目的地合作,鼓励儿童和年轻人完成30小时的课外和志愿活动,其首要目标是提高愿望并奖励参与。 作为该计划扩展的一部分,班戈大学将牵头在威尔士西北部推出儿童大学。 得益于hefcw的资助,这所儿童大学可以支持威尔士新课程的实施以及威尔士政府的其他重要优先事项。 wgu公共政策参与负责人ninarudle表示:“获得这笔资金对北威尔士的儿童大学来说是一个激动人心的飞跃,也是我们在雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学结束该地区社会不平等的公民使命的重要组成部分。 “这证明了我们在北威尔士拥有强大的合作伙伴关系,包括班戈大学、gwe、coleg cambria、grwp llandrillo menai、公共服务委员会、地方当局、betsi cadwaladr大学健康委员会和许多其他合作伙伴已经联合起来,为我们地区的儿童和年轻人支持这一重要计划。 “我们预计,由于这笔资金,我们将能够接触到更多的儿童和年轻人,并让他们参与到这项令人兴奋的计划中。 至关重要的是,该计划还创造了许多新的就业机会,以支持这一雄心勃勃的项目在整个地区的实施。 班戈大学负责公民使命的副校长andrewedwards教授说:“班戈大学很高兴能够与wgu和整个地区的合作伙伴合作,将这所儿童大学扩展到威尔士西北部。 班戈大学(bangoruniversity)负责公民参与的副校长lowrihughes博士补充道:“提高抱负和提高生活质量是班戈大学新的公民参与战略的核心。 通过儿童大学培养的伙伴关系将在支持儿童和年轻人发挥潜力方面发挥重要作用。 “自2021年在雷克瑟姆和弗林特郡启动儿童大学试点以来,170名学生完成了6100多个小时的活动,他们参与了为期六个月的试点。 威尔士语和英语中小学的学生都参加了试点。 那些完成试验的人与他们的父母、看护人和老师一起参加了一个特殊的毕业典礼。 那些参加该计划的人获得了印章代码,以奖励他们在经过验证的活动中的学习时间,从而展示他们的时间和进步。 欲了解更多有关儿童大学职位空缺的信息,请访问:https://jobs。 格林杜尔。 交流电。 英国/空缺。 页面。
date: wednesday 12th april, 2023 a ground-breaking new scheme which aims to inspire a love of learning among children and young people in north wales by promoting access to extra-curricular activities is being expanded after securing more than £800,000 of funding. wrexham glyndwr university (wgu) will work with bangor university and a number of other partners to pilot the scheme over the coming year as part of a shared civic mission commitment to work in partnership to end social inequality in the region. the new funding from the higher education funding council for wales (hefcw) will enable partners to build on the success of the wrexham and flintshire children’s university pilot project, enabled by wgu and the wrexham and flintshire public service board. the pilot project worked with schools, community groups and learning destinations across the area, encouraging children and young people to complete 30 hours of extracurricular and volunteering activity, with the overarching aim of raising aspirations and rewarding participation. as part of the scheme’s expansion, bangor university will lead the roll out of the children’s university in north-west wales. thanks to hefcw funding, the children’s university can support the implementation of the new curriculum for wales and other key welsh government priorities. nina ruddle, head of public policy engagement at wgu, said: “securing this funding is an exciting leap forward for the children’s university in north wales and an important part of our civic mission at wrexham glyndwr university to end social inequality across the region. “it is testament to the strong partnership approach that we have here in north wales that a wide range of partners including bangor university, gwe, coleg cambria, grwp llandrillo menai, the public service boards, local authorities, betsi cadwaladr university health board and many others have joined together to support this important scheme for our region’s children and young people. “we anticipate that thanks to this funding, we will be able to reach far more children and young people and engage them in this exciting scheme. crucially, the scheme is also creating a number of new jobs to support the delivery of this ambitious project across the region.”professor andrew edwards, pro vice-chancellor for civic mission at bangor university, said: “bangor university are delighted to be working with wgu and partners throughout the region to expand the children’s university into north-west wales.”dr lowri hughes, associate pro vice-chancellor for civic engagement at bangor university, added: “raising aspirations and improving quality of life is at the heart of bangor university’s new civic engagement strategy. the partnerships fostered through children’s university will play an important role in supporting children and young people to reach their potential.” since the launch of the children’s university pilot in 2021 across wrexham and flintshire, more than 6,100 hours of activities were completed by 170 pupils, who engaged with the six-month pilot. pupils from both welsh and english medium primary and secondary schools participated in the pilot. those who completed the pilot attended a special graduation ceremony with their parents, carers and teachers. those who have taken part in the scheme earned stamp codes to reward their learning time in validated activities to demonstrate their time and progress.to find out more about the children’s university job vacancies visit: https://jobs.glyndwr.ac.uk/vacancies.aspx .
本文来源: 儿童;s大学获得超过英镑;80万资金用于在北威尔士扩大该计划