日期:2023年4月26日,星期三,北威尔士一所大学的使命是成为该国第一所创伤知情机构,该大学为学生们提供了一个机会,在一次全国性活动中展示他们参与该项目的联合制作。 领导雷克瑟姆-格林德沃大学创伤和不良儿童经历(trace)知情工作流的教职员工和学生参加了在阿伯里斯特威斯大学举行的威尔士不良儿童经历中心新报告《创伤知情社区:威尔士实践模式的比较研究》的发布。 作为新报告的一部分,wgu被强调为其与ace hub wales合作,旨在成为一家追踪信息机构的案例研究。 了解情况意味着了解创伤和逆境,以及这可能对在wgu工作和学习的每个人产生的影响。 该大学的目标是在全体教职员工和学生中融入一种理解的文化,并正在使用ace hub-wales追踪工具包来开发这种方法,旨在消除或调整可能给个人带来创伤/再次创伤的政策和做法。 这种方法还确保每个人的优势都得到认可和赞扬,并通过促进健康、治愈和康复的机会,让个人有机会成长和茁壮成长,每个人都可以在实现这一目标中发挥作用。 wgu有一个跟踪学术发展团队伙伴网络,该网络由学术和专业服务人员、学生和外部组织的代表组成,他们致力于跟踪工具包的各个方面,以嵌入实践并成为变革者,从而推动整个机构的政策、流程和文化变革。 wgu的学生、trace学术发展团队伙伴网络的成员deborah-robert是出席活动的学生之一,她讨论了她和同学们如何为大学的目标做出贡献。 她说:“有机会以学生的身份出席威尔士的活动是一种莫大的荣幸&这所大学让我们有机会在全国范围内发表意见,这真是令人惊讶。 “这是一次美妙的经历,尤其是与许多鼓舞人心的人在一起,倾听他们的意见,以及能够分享我们在wgu所做的事情。 这是一个很好的例子,展示了学生参与合作制作和在现实世界中应用理论知识和演示技巧。 “我已经参与了两年的追踪项目,能成为其中的一员,我感到非常有收获和丰富。 我和我的同龄人一起,就我们作为一个创伤知情机构的影响进行了演讲和研讨会。 “我们也在开始培训学生和工作人员成为追踪冠军,这样每个人都能理解并采用这种善良和富有同情心的方法。 华盛顿大学社会与生命科学学院副院长caroline hughes博士是该项目的学术负责人,补充:“作为英格兰和威尔士社会包容方面的顶尖大学,追踪信息项目绝对符合我们扩大获取和参与的承诺,因此展示我们的学生参与该项目的联合制作是绝对必要的——我想借此机会感谢deb分享她和她的同龄人对这项重要工作的贡献在威尔士范围内的活动中铰。 “我们平易近人、支持他人、创新和雄心勃勃的价值观指导着我们所做的一切,这个项目完全支撑了我们的总体目标和方法。 编辑注意事项:王牌中心的网站可以在这里找到:https://acehubwales。 com/,以及此处的跟踪工具包:https://acehubwales。 com/trace toolkit/你还可以找到报告《创伤知情社区:威尔士实践模式的比较研究》,全文链接如下:https://acehubwales。 com/resources/trauma-informed-communities-a-comparative-study-of-welsh-models-of-perc实践/有关王牌中心的任何进一步信息,请联系:王牌、刑事司法和暴力预防项目主任乔安娜·霍普金斯。 电子邮件地址joanne。 hopkins2@wales。 nhs。 英国。
date: wednesday 26 april, 2023 a north wales university that is on a mission to become the country’s first trauma-informed institution has given students the opportunity to showcase their involvement in the co-production of the project at a national event.staff and students, who are leading on the trauma and adverse childhood experience (trace)-informed workstream at wrexham glyndwr university (wgu), attended the launch of the adverse childhood experiences (ace) hub wales’ new report ‘trauma-informed communities: a comparative study of welsh models of practice’, held at aberystwyth university.as part of the new report, wgu was highlighted as a case study for its work in aiming to become a trace-informed institution, in partnership with ace hub wales. being trace-informed means developing an understanding of trauma and adversity and the impact this may have on everyone that works and studies at wgu.the university is aiming to embed a culture of understanding amongst all staff and students, and are using the ace hub wales trace toolkit to develop this approach, which seeks to remove or adapt policy and practice that may traumatise/re-traumatise individuals.the approach also ensures that everyone’s strengths are embraced and celebrated, and that individuals are given the opportunity to grow and thrive by promoting opportunities for wellbeing, healing and recovery, with everyone having a part to play in delivering this.wgu have a trace academic development team associates network, which consists of both academic and professional services staff, students and representatives from external organisations, who work on various aspects of the trace toolkit to embed practices and be change makers, in a bid to drive policy, process and cultural change across the institution. deborah robert, wgu student and member of the trace academic development team associates network, who was one of the students presenting at the event, discussed how she and fellow students were contributing to the university’s goal.she said: “having the opportunity to present at a wales-wide event as a student was a great privilege – it was amazing that the university allowed us the chance to have a voice at national level.“it was a fantastic experience, particularly in terms of being in the company of and listening to a host of inspirational individuals, as well as being able to share what we’re doing at wgu. this was an excellent example of student involvement in co-production and real world application of theoretical knowledge and presentation skills.“i’ve been involved in the trace-informed project for two years now, and it’s been immensely rewarding and enriching to be part of. myself, alongside my peers, have delivered talks and workshops about the impact of us being a trauma informed institution.“we are also in the process of starting to train up students and staff to become trace champions, so that everyone can understand and adopt this kind and compassionate approach.”dr caroline hughes, associate dean in wgu’s faculty of social and life sciences, who is the academic lead for the project, added: “as the top university in england and wales for social inclusion, the trace-informed project absolutely aligns with our commitment to widening access and participation, so demonstrating our students’ involvement in the co-production of the project is absolutely essential – and i’d like to take this opportunity to thank deb for sharing her and her peers’ contribution to this vital workstream at a wales-wide event.“our values of being accessible, supportive, innovative and ambitious guide all that we do and this project completely underpins our overall purpose and approach.” notes for editors:the ace hub’s website can be found here: https://acehubwales.com/ , along with the trace toolkit here: https://acehubwales.com/trace-toolkit/ you can also find the report ‘trauma-informed communities: a comparative study of welsh models of practice’, in full, linked here: https://acehubwales.com/resources/trauma-informed-communities-a-comparative-study-of-welsh-models-of-practice/ for any further information about the ace hub, please contact: joanne hopkins, programme director aces, criminal justice and violence prevention. email address joanne.hopkins2@wales.nhs.uk .
本文来源: 学生们讨论WGU成为国家的使命;这是第一个在全国性活动中提供创伤信息的机构。