日期:2023年8月16日,星期三,一名没有任何资格证书的前科犯以一级学位毕业于大学,刚刚接受了一份讲师的工作。 来自雷克瑟姆的clive ray之前曾在prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham大学获得国际旅游和酒店管理一级学位,之后在学生和同行的鼓励下,他在该大学完成了教育专业研究生证书(pcet),由于他的“知识、个性和分解复杂信息以供他人理解的能力”。 现年51岁的他即将开始攻读硕士学位,刚刚被任命为该大学的会期讲师。 2014年,克莱夫被判处18个月监禁。 他认为那段时间是一段“极其艰难的时期”,在几年前遭受残酷袭击后,他患上了创伤后应激障碍(ptsd)和抑郁症。 在狱中,克莱夫开始领导一项针对患有ptsd和其他心理健康问题的囚犯的猛禽治疗计划,他发现自己喜欢教导和支持那些正在克服逆境的人。 出狱后,克莱夫开始与cais合作,cais是一家总部位于雷克瑟姆的组织,为有毒瘾和心理健康问题的人提供支持。 然而,一旦他的项目资金停止,他就对下一步行动提出了质疑。 他说:“我和凯斯的工作一结束,我就有点不知所措,对自己的未来感到紧张。 当时,我是一个40多岁的男人,没有任何资格和犯罪记录。 在我的脑海中,我仍然能听到学生时代老师们告诉我,我永远不会有成就。 那是一段艰难的时光。 “然而,我决定打电话给雷克瑟姆大学,看看我是否能获得西班牙语资格,因为我已经掌握了西班牙语,并想进一步发展,但当时唯一可用的课程是初学者的熟练程度,这对我来说不合适。 “谢天谢地,那天接电话的人问我还有什么感兴趣或经验。 我告诉他们我的酒店经历,从那时起,我就被鼓励攻读酒店学位。 我解释了我的担忧,但我确信我有能力,我会得到大学包容性团队的大力支持。 克莱夫在确认自己将报名攻读该学位后,回忆起自己“第一天的紧张情绪”。 他说:“我经营过企业,也进过监狱,但到目前为止,我上大学的第一天是我一生中最可怕的一天。 我被吓呆了,差点没出现。 “我在上车的路上和自己发生了争执,但我强迫自己进去,我很高兴我进去了。 当我到达时,我感到非常受欢迎,但也有能力取得成就。 我的讲师霍利非常出色,包容性团队也是如此。 克莱夫以一等荣誉毕业后,讲师们鼓励他考虑从事教学工作。 “讲师和同行都告诉我,用他们的话说,我会成为一名优秀的老师或讲师,因为我的知识、风度翩翩的天性以及分解复杂信息以供他人理解的能力。 这让我感觉很好,给了我完成pcet的信心。”他说。 “我现在在大学里做一些会期演讲,老实说,我无法用语言表达,大学给了我信心。 它为我打破了很多障碍,我现在对未来感到无比兴奋。 “我鼓励任何想转行教书的人都去做,这是一个非常有回报和愉快的职业,在大学里,你可以边工作边兼职学习,所以你仍然能够在课程中平衡你目前的生活方式。 普里菲斯戈尔-雷克瑟姆/雷克瑟姆大学招生主任海伦娜·伊顿说:“非常祝贺克莱夫,他克服了很多逆境,取得了伟大的成就,并开始在教育领域开创成功的事业。”。 “在prifysgol-wrecsam/rexham大学,我们为自己是一个包容和欢迎学生的环境而感到自豪。 我们知道,有前科的人经常面临耻辱和障碍,即使在他们服刑很久之后。 克莱夫已经证明,有前科的人可以为社会做出有意义和积极的贡献。 我们为他所取得的成就以及他对我们大学社区的影响感到骄傲。 “8月21日星期一下午5点至6点。 下午30点,雷克瑟姆大学的教育团队正在举办一场活动,针对那些想在后义务教育中成为合格教师的人,重点关注教育专业证书(pgce)资格。 那些对这一领域的教学感兴趣的人,将有机会通过一系列简短的演讲和互动问答环节,与经验丰富的成人教育从业者和最近的pcet毕业生一起了解更多。 克莱夫将在活动中发表演讲,分享他的经验,以激励未来的教师。 有关该活动的更多信息,请点击此处。 有关该活动的更多信息,请点击此处。
date: wednesday 16th august, 2023 a former offender who left school with no qualifications has graduated university with a first-class degree and has just accepted a job as a lecturer. clive ray from wrexham had previously achieved a first class degree in international tourism and hospitality management at prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university, before going on to complete his professional graduate certificate in education (pcet) at the university, after students and peers encouraged him to do so, due to his “knowledge, personable nature and ability to break down complex information so that it’s understood by others”. the 51-year-old is now about to embark on a masters and has just been appointed as a sessional lecturer at the university.in 2014 clive was sentenced to 18 months in prison. he reflects on that time as an ‘extremely difficult period’ having suffered post-traumatic stress disorder (ptsd) and depression after being the subject of a brutal attack a couple of years earlier. it was while in prison that clive discovered a love of teaching and supporting others who were overcoming adversity, as he started leading on a birds of prey therapy programme aimed at inmates suffering from ptsd and other mental health issues. on leaving prison, clive started working with cais – a wrexham-based organisation, which supports people who have problems with addiction and their mental health. however, once funding for his project ceased, he questioned his next steps. he said: “once my work with cais finished, i was at a bit of crossroads and felt nervous about my future. at the time, i was a man in my 40s with no qualifications and a criminal record. in my head, i could still hear the voices of teachers from my schooldays telling me that i’d never amount to anything. it was a hard time. “however, i decided to call wrexham university to find out whether i could gain a qualification in spanish as i had some grasp of the language and wanted to develop that further but at the time, the only course available was beginners’ proficiency, which wasn’t suitable for me. “thankfully the person who took the call that day asked me what else i was interested in or had some experience of. i told them about my hospitality experience, and it was from then, that i was encouraged to do my degree in hospitality. i explained my apprehension but i was reassured that i was capable and that i’d be well supported by the university’s inclusion team.” once confirming he would enrol onto the degree, clive recalls his “first day nerves”. he said: “i’ve run businesses, i’ve been to prison but my first day of university was by far, the scariest day of my life. i was petrified and almost didn’t turn up. “i had an argument with myself in the car on the way in but i forced myself to go in, and i’m glad i did. when i arrived, i was made to feel extremely welcome but also capable of achievement. my lecturer, holly was amazing – as was the inclusion team.” after graduating with first class honours, clive was encouraged by lecturers to consider a career in teaching. “both lecturers and peers alike told me that i’d be a great teacher or lecturer, in their words, due to my knowledge, personable nature and ability to break down complex information so that it’s understood by other people. that made me feel good and gave me the confidence to complete my pcet,” he said. “i now do some sessional lecturing at the university and honestly, i can’t put into words, the confidence university has given me. it’s broken down so many barriers for me and i’m now incredibly excited for what the future holds. “i would encourage anyone thinking about a career change into teaching to just do it, it’s an incredibly rewarding and enjoyable career and at the university, you can study part-time while working, so you’re still able to balance your current lifestyle around the course.”helena eaton, director of admissions at prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university, said: “a huge congratulations to clive, who has overcome a great deal of adversity and gone on to achieve great things, and begin to carve out a successful career in education.“at prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university, we pride ourselves on being an inclusive and welcoming environment for students. we know that people with previous convictions often face stigma and barriers, even long after they’ve served their sentence. “clive has demonstrated that people with past convictions can make meaningful and positive contributions to society. we’re proud of what he has achieved and the impact he is making to our university community.” on monday 21 august between 5pm – 6.30pm, the education team at wrexham university are running an event aimed at those thinking of becoming a qualified teacher in post-compulsory education, focussing on the professional certificate in education (pgce) qualification. those interesting in a career in teaching in this area, will have the opportunity to find out more, through a series of short talks and an interactive question and answer session, with experienced adult education practitioners and recent pcet graduates. clive will be giving a talk at the event, sharing his experience in a bid to inspire prospective teachers. more information about the event can be found here. .
本文来源: 克莱夫展望未来,鼓励有抱负的教师获得资格