
Prifysgol Wrecsam/Rexham大学推出品牌重塑和新名称;

(Prifysgol Wrecsam/Wrexham University unveils rebrand and new name )


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日期:2023年9月25日,星期一,雷克瑟姆大学今天正式公布了其更名和新名称,以提高知名度,加强身份认同,进而吸引更多学生。 截至本学年初,我们现在被称为“prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham大学”,进一步将这个地方和大学聚集在一起。 prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham大学前身为glyndwr大学,旨在成为未来学生的首选院校和目的地,其首要目标是通过高等教育让我们的社区、我们的城市和世界变得更美好。 主要的品牌重塑是在与学生、员工和外部利益相关者进行广泛协商后进行的,以确保品牌真正代表大学提供和代表的内容以及我们对未来的雄心。 副校长maria hinfelaar教授表示:“更名为prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham大学是该校朝着正确方向迈出的重要而激动人心的一步&这是关于我们将我们的目标置于我们所做一切的核心,并以此为我们做出的每一个决定提供信息。 “我们的最终目标是通过高等教育、研究和参与,在一个包容的‘在家’环境中激励和帮助我们的学生成长、繁荣和进步。 “我们的目标是改变人们和地方,推动经济、社会和文化的成功。 最终,我们通过高等教育使世界变得更美好。 “我们所做的一切都植根于社区。 我们为位于威尔士最新的城市雷克瑟姆而自豪,也为我们的威尔士历史和遗产以及奥温的遗产而自豪 glyndŵr–我们致力于继续庆祝。 其中一个例子是通过我们与owain的联系 glyndŵr协会,每年为我们的一位顶尖毕业生颁奖。 “我们还致力于保持威尔士语的生命力,很高兴地说,通过我们最近任命的威尔士语媒体发展负责人的出色工作,比以往任何时候都有更多的学生有机会在prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham大学的一系列课程中学习双语,他领导启动了我们的威尔士语学术战略和行动计划ds去年年底。 prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham大学营销和招聘主管helena eaton表示:“我们很高兴向全世界公布我们的品牌重塑和新名称,并分享我们在这一强大变革背后的原因,这一变革已经酝酿了多年,我们终于能够实施了。”。 “我们品牌重塑的目的是确保prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham大学在当地、地区、全国和全球范围内享有知名度。 这是为了提高人们对我们独特课程的认识,加强我们的身份认同,进而吸引更多的学生。 “地方和大学的结合是接触受众的最有效方式,在英国的高等教育部门也得到了推广。 “我们令人回味的新品牌展示了我们所做的事情,也展示了成为普里菲斯戈尔-雷克瑟姆/雷克瑟姆大学充满活力的社区的一员意味着什么。在这里,我们支持并鼓励学生大胆地在一个正在塑造他们未来的城市里塑造他们的未来。 “但这只是开始。 在接下来的几周和几个月里,我们将继续庆祝并向我们的学生、员工和利益相关者展示我们的新品牌。 关注我们的社交媒体渠道,了解这所大学激动人心的故事和关键进展。 ”。
date: monday 25th september, 2023 wrexham university has today officially unveiled its rebrand and new name, in a bid to increase awareness, strengthen identity and in turn, attract more students.as of the beginning of this academic year, we are now known as ‘prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university’, further bringing together the place and university.formerly known as glyndwr university, prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university aims to be a first-choice institution and destination for prospective students – with the overarching goal of making our community, our city and the world better through higher education. the major rebrand follows extensive consultation with students, staff and external stakeholders to ensure that the brand truly represents what the university offers and stands for and our ambitions for the future. professor maria hinfelaar, vice-chancellor, said: “renaming and rebranding to prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university is a momentous and exciting step in the right direction for the institution – it is about us putting our purpose at the heart of everything we do and using that to inform every decision that we make. “our ultimate goal is to inspire and enable our students to grow, to prosper and progress through higher education, research and engagement in an inclusive ‘home from home’ environment. “our purpose is to transform people and place to drive economic, social and cultural success. ultimately, we make the world a better place through higher education. “all of what we do is rooted in community. we are proud to be located in wrexham – wales’ newest city and are proud of our welsh history and heritage, as well as the legacy of owain glyndŵr – and we are committed to continuing to celebrate that. one example of this is through our links with the owain glyndŵr society, which presents an award to one of our top graduates every year. “we also committed to keeping the welsh language alive and are delighted to say that more students than ever before have opportunities to study bilingually across a range of our courses at prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university, through the fantastic work of our recently appointed head of welsh medium development, who has led on launching our welsh language academic strategy and action plan towards the end of last year.” helena eaton, director of marketing and recruitment at prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university, said: “we are delighted to unveil our rebrand and new name to the wider world, as well as share our reasons behind this powerful change, which has been on the cards for a number of years and we are finally in a position to implement it. “the aim of our rebrand is to ensure that prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university is known locally, regionally, nationally and globally. it’s about increasing awareness of our unique offer, strengthening our identity and in turn, attracting more students. “the coupling of place and university is the most effective way to reach audiences and is replicated across the higher education sector across the uk. “our evocative new brand demonstrates what we do but also what it means to be a part of our vibrant community here at prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university, where we support and encourage students to be bold in their approach to shaping their future in a city that is shaping theirs. “but this is only the beginning. over the weeks and months ahead, we will be continuing to celebrate and unveil our new brand to our students, staff and stakeholders. follow our social media channels to keep up to date with the university’s exciting story and key developments.” .

本文来源: Prifysgol Wrecsam/Rexham大学推出品牌重塑和新名称;




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