日期:2023年11月2日通过创造一个包容和热情的环境,让学生感到自己有能力实现自己想要的任何事情,这是雷克瑟姆大学使命的核心。 这是prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham大学校长colin jackson cbe在该校对外品牌重塑启动庆典上传达的信息。 作为特别活动的一部分,雷克瑟姆市长andy williams、来自当地大学的社区成员和利益相关者、当地议员、副校长的威尔士语社区委员会、nhs等聚集在该大学,了解更多关于该机构品牌重塑的目的。 科林在演讲中说:“雷克瑟姆大学的品牌重塑是一个令人难以置信的骄傲时刻,它标志着我们已经走了多远。 雷克瑟姆现在不仅是全球公认的城市,而且我们的大学也是全球公认的机构。 大学校长柯林·杰克逊cbe在发布会上发表演讲。 “我们新的、令人兴奋的品牌重塑是向未来和现在的学生展示我们目标的关键——通过创造一个包容和热情的环境,让所有学生都能感觉到他们有能力实现自己想要的任何目标。 这是我们在雷克瑟姆所做一切的核心。 “从本学年开始,这所大学现在被称为‘prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham大学’,进一步融合了地方和大学。 副校长maria hinfelaar教授说:“我们的新名称和品牌象征着我们社区正在发生的一系列令人兴奋的发展,我们在社区中有着深厚的根基。 “这个新名字更直接地将我们与雷克瑟姆联系在一起,我们自豪地称之为家。 “这有助于我们在雷克瑟姆发展之际,更有效地与英国和国际观众进行沟通&它具有城市地位,在英国文化之都申办中表现出色,当然,我们看到了我们的邻居在足球俱乐部的成功,以及由此带来的所有精彩关注。 “我们所做的一切都植根于社区。 我们仍然为我们的威尔士历史和遗产感到无比自豪,并将继续尊重owain glyndŵr的遗产。 “我们仍然致力于庆祝威尔士语,并很高兴地说,比以往任何时候都有更多的学生有机会在我们的一系列课程中学习双语。 “出席启动活动的利益相关者听取了关于大学2025年校园战略如何继续推进的最新进展,包括开创性的健康和教育创新季度(heiq),其中包括健康模拟中心、新实验室、社会学习空间等。 hinfelaar教授建议与会者,该大学现在正在展望2025年校园总体规划之外的未来,并开始制定一项新的战略,将学校带到2030年及以后,并呼吁在场的人就大学的优势和未来几年我们可以拥抱的机会发表意见。 她补充道:“我们需要意识到已经发生了多大的变化,新的机会在哪里,我们可以在哪里进一步改进。 这将是一次探索之旅,我们自己肯定没有所有的答案&这就是我们的利益相关者的用武之地。 我们认为这是一个合适的时机,可以利用我们的外部启动活动,让您对我们的战略如何支持您的目标,特别是那些影响我们社区的目标有发言权。 “非常感谢所有前来庆祝我们品牌重塑并支持我们为人民和社区带来卓越成果的人。 启动活动的与会者特别活动以双语形式进行,威尔士语媒介学术发展负责人elenmainefydd用威尔士语和英语发表演讲。 elenmai与利益相关者分享了该大学自去年制定威尔士语学术战略和行动计划以来,在提供威尔士语媒介方面取得的进展。 关键的发展包括提供双语学习选择的某些学位课程,包括言语和语言治疗学位,以及最近的专业警务。 她说:“威尔士语言和文化植根于我们的价值观和工作的方方面面。 “已经取得了巨大的进步,我们很自豪地说,我们正在尽一切努力让我们的学生为工作做好准备,满足威尔士的需求,并为威尔士政府到2050年达到100万讲威尔士语的目标做出贡献。 “在雷克瑟姆大学,威尔士语的机会是给所有人的,而威尔士语真正适合所有人。 “学校品牌重塑的首要目标是提高知名度,加强身份认同,进而吸引更多的学生。 它与学生、教职员工和外部利益相关者进行了广泛的协商,以确保该品牌真正代表了大学所提供和代表的内容及其对未来的雄心。 雷克瑟姆大学前身为格林德沃大学,旨在成为未来学生的首选院校和目的地,目标是通过高等教育使雷克瑟姆社区、城市和世界变得更美好。 雷克瑟姆大学前身为格林德沃大学,旨在成为未来学生的首选院校和目的地,目标是通过高等教育使雷克瑟姆社区、城市和世界变得更美好。
date: 2 november 2023empowering students to feel they are capable of achieving anything they want to by creating an inclusive and welcoming environment is at the heart of wrexham university’s mission.that was the message delivered by prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university chancellor colin jackson cbe at the university’s external rebrand launch celebration.as part of the special event, andy williams, the mayor of wrexham, community members and stakeholders from local colleges, local councillors, the vice chancellor’s welsh language community committee, the nhs and more, gathered at the university to hear more about the purpose of the institution’s rebrand.during his speech, colin said: “the rebranding of wrexham university is an incredibly proud moment, it signifies how far we’ve come. not only is wrexham now a globally recognised city but our university is a globally-recognised institution. university chancellor, colin jackson cbe, delivering his speech at the launch event. “our new and exciting rebrand is key to demonstrating our purpose to prospective and current students – to empower all our students to feel that they are capable of achieving anything they want to by creating an inclusive and welcoming environment. that’s at the core of everything we do here in wrexham.”as of the beginning of this academic year, the university is now known as ‘prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university’, further bringing together place and university.professor maria hinfelaar, vice-chancellor, said: “our new name and brand symbolises and represents a range of exciting developments going on in our community, in which we have deep roots.“the new name unifies us more directly with wrexham – the place we are proud to call home. “it helps us to communicate much more effectively with audiences across the uk and internationally at a time when wrexham is developing – it has city status, did exceptionally well in the uk city of culture bid and of course, we are seeing the success of our neighbours at the football club, and all of the wonderful attention, which that has brought. “everything we do is rooted in community. we remain extremely proud of our welsh history and heritage and will continue to honour the legacy of owain glyndŵr.“we also remain committed to celebrating the welsh language and are delighted to say that more students than ever before have opportunities to study bilingually across a range of our courses.”stakeholders in attendance at the launch event heard updates on how the university’s campus 2025 strategy continues to progress, with developments including the ground-breaking health and education innovation quarter (heiq), which includes the health simulation centre, new laboratories, social learning spaces and more. professor hinfelaar advised attendees that the university was now looking to the future beyond the campus 2025 masterplan and is starting to develop a new strategy to take the institution through to 2030 and beyond – and called on those present to provide their thoughts on the university’s strengths and opportunities we could look to embrace over the coming years.she added: “we need to be conscious of how much has changed, where new opportunities lie and where we can improve further. that will be a journey of discovery and we certainly don’t have all the answers ourselves – which is where our stakeholders come in. we felt it an opportune moment to use our external launch event to let you have your say on how our strategy can support your objectives, particularly those that impact our community. “a huge thank you to everyone, who has come along to celebrate our rebrand and support us in delivering excellent outcomes for our people and communities.”attendees at the launch eventthe special event was delivered in a bilingual format – with elen mai nefydd, head of welsh medium academic development, delivering speeches in both welsh and english. elen mai shared with stakeholders the progress that the university has made in relation to welsh-medium provision, since its welsh language academic strategy and action plan was rubber-stamped last year.key developments include certain degree courses offering bilingual study options, including the speech and language therapy degree and most recently, professional policing.she said: “the welsh language and culture is rooted in our values and in every aspect of our work.“the progress has been monumental already – and we are proud to say that are doing everything we can to prepare our students for the world of work and to meet the demands in wales and contribute towards the welsh government’s ambition of reaching one million welsh speakers by 2050.“welsh opportunities are for all at wrexham university – and the welsh language is truly for everybody.”the overarching aims of the institution’s rebrand is to increase awareness, strengthen identity and in turn, attract more students.it follows extensive consultation with students, staff and external stakeholders to ensure that the brand truly represents what the university offers and stands for and its ambitions for the future. formerly known as glyndwr university, wrexham university aims to be a first-choice institution and destination for prospective students – with the goal of making the community, city of wrexham and the world better through higher education. .
本文来源: Prifysgol Wrecsam/雷克瑟姆大学推出“新颖而令人兴奋”;向合作伙伴重塑品牌