
干草节在Prifysgol Wrecsam/Rexham大学启动Scribblers Cymraeg巡回演唱会

(Hay Festival launches Scribblers Cymraeg Tour at Prifysgol Wrecsam/Wrexham University)


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日期:2023年11月9日,当干草节在prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham大学开始涂鸦之旅时,来自威尔士各地学校的学生有机会发挥创意。 干草节是一个独立的、使命导向的慈善机构,举办免费的外展和教育项目来庆祝文学和艺术。 涂鸦者之旅旨在激发威尔士下一代讲故事的人和作家。 这一次,该节日包括一系列由团队不同成员领导的创意研讨会,仅通过威尔士语为媒介,并支持威尔士政府到2050年达到100万讲威尔士语的目标。 该活动在今年早些时候取得了巨大成功,今年11月将在威尔士各地重新举办,面向7至9年级的学生。 这项活动在雷克瑟姆大学举行,欢迎了来自伊斯戈尔·梅斯·加蒙、伊斯戈尔·兰菲林、伊斯戈尔·莫根·llwyd和伊斯戈尔·戈德雷·贝尔温的近100名学生。 作为创作过程的一部分,学生们能够分享想法。 当天的第一个工作坊让学生们直面恐惧,创作自己的鬼故事。 在来自卡迪夫的作家和剧作家niamorais的带领下,学生们分享了他们以前听过的恐怖故事,以及最让他们害怕的角色。 在讨论了他们的想法后,学生们可以自由地写他们最可怕的故事。 nia morais主持创意写作会议。 nia说:“我们正在努力让学生有信心在课堂之外进行创造性、独立的写作。 我们希望他们意识到诗歌和文学不仅仅局限于课堂。 卡西温,歌手,作家和词曲作者主持了下一个环节,让学生们探索他们的音乐性和诗歌技巧。 以气候变化为主题,学生们被邀请分享哪些艺术家和歌曲能引起他们的共鸣,并从这些艺术家那里获得灵感,申请创作自己的歌词。 凯西温在当天的第二场比赛中领先。 会议结束后,凯西说:“雷克瑟姆是我们涂鸦之旅的第一站,能与威尔士这个特殊地区的当地声音合作,我感到非常高兴。 教育和威尔士语言部部长jeremy miles说:“我很高兴今年由于威尔士政府超过2万英镑的支持,涂鸦者cymraeg正在扩张,让更多的年轻人有机会发现对阅读、写作和讲故事的热情。”。 scribers cymraeg是一个创造性地使用威尔士语的绝佳机会,这些会议将激励下一代,帮助我们实现到2050年说一百万威尔士语的目标。 prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham大学威尔士语发展负责人elenmainefydd在当天结束时发表了一篇关于通过威尔士语学习以及为什么学生们希望留在威尔士继续学习的演讲。 她说:“威尔士各地的干草涂鸦者之旅为学生提供了一个机会,让他们在一个创造性的平台上通过威尔士语和写作来表达自己。 “雷克瑟姆大学非常自豪今年能够在大学校园举办这一独特的活动,并欢迎来自当地的学校。 “威尔士语继续在我们雷克瑟姆的价值观中发挥着不可或缺的作用,通过威尔士语学习的机会比以往任何时候都多。 涂鸦者之旅等活动使我们能够激发下一代学习者的变革。 “此次活动的资金来源于威尔士北部和中部更广泛的伙伴关系。 “此次活动的资金来源于威尔士北部和中部更广泛的伙伴关系。
date: 9 november 2023pupils from schools across wales had the chance to get creative as the hay festival began its scribblers tour at prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university. hay festival is an independent, mission-led charity that holds free outreach and educational programmes to celebrate literature and the arts. the scribblers tour aims to spark the next generation of storytellers and writers in wales. this time around, the festival included a series of creative workshops led by different members of the team, solely through the medium of welsh and supports the welsh governments ambition of reaching one million welsh speakers by 2050. the event, which saw huge successes earlier in the year, is back across wales this november, for year 7 to 9 pupils. the event, which took place at wrexham university, welcomed almost 100 pupils from ysgol maes garmon, ysgol llanfyllin, ysgol morgan llwyd and ysgol godre’r berwyn. students were able to share ideas as part of the creative process. the first workshop of the day allowed students to face their fears and create their own ghost stories. led by nia morais, a writer and playwright from cardiff, the pupils kicked off the session by sharing horror stories they had heard previously, and the character that scared them the most. after discussing their ideas, the pupils were given free rein to write their most frightening story. nia morais delivering the creative writing session. niasaid: “we are trying to give pupils the confidence to write creatively, independently, and outside of the classroom. we want them to realise that poetry and literature aren’t just restricted to the classroom.” casi wyn, singer, author and songwriter hosted the next session, which allowed students to explore their musicality and poetic skills. leading with the theme of climate change, pupils were invited to share which artists and songs resonated with them and take inspiration from these artists to apply to create their own lyrics. casi wyn leading the second session of the day. following on from the session, casi said: “wrexham’s our first stop on the scribblers tour and it’s been an absolute pleasure to collaborate with local voices from this very special part of wales.” the minister for education and welsh language, jeremy miles, said: “i’m pleased scribblers cymraeg is expanding this year thanks to over £20,000 of welsh government support, giving more young people the chance to discover a passion for reading, writing and storytelling. scribblers cymraeg is a fantastic opportunity to use welsh creatively and these sessions will inspire the next generation, helping us to reach our target of a million welsh speakers by 2050.” elen mai nefydd, head of welsh language development at prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university, closed the day with a talk on studying through the medium of welsh and why pupils may wish to stay in wales to continue their studies. she said “the hay scribblers tour around wales is an opportunity for school pupils to express themselves through the welsh language on a creative platform and through writing. “wrexham university is extremely proud to be able to hold this unique event this year on the university campus and welcome schools from the local area. “the welsh language continues to play an integral part in our values at wrexham, with more opportunities than ever to study through the medium of welsh. events such as the scribblers tour allow us to spark change in the next generation of learners.” this event was funded by reaching wider north and mid wales partnership. .

本文来源: 干草节在Prifysgol Wrecsam/Rexham大学启动Scribblers Cymraeg巡回演唱会




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