日期:2023年11月30日,星期四。三名在雷克瑟姆大学学习的建筑环境专业毕业生因其学术成就而获得奖励,同时在所选职业中保持成功。 bleddyn williams、anthony caffrey和tommiller都在该校举行的一个特别仪式上获得了奖项。在这个仪式上,行业合作伙伴与该校的毕业生和工作人员聚集在一起,庆祝建立了牢固的行业联系。 来自土木工程师学院(ice)、特许建筑学院(ciob)和特许建筑技术学院(ciat)的代表出席了庆祝活动,听取了毕业生的成就并颁奖。 每个获奖者在他们的学位课程中学习的综合模块中都获得了最高的总分。 来自llanrug的土木工程研究毕业生bleddyn获得了ice wales cymru本科生奖,特别是因为他满足了课程中以工作为基础的学习元素,表彰了他目前在ymgynghoriaeth gwynedd咨询公司担任助理工程师。 他说:“我很高兴能获得冰上大学生奖,我感到非常高兴,我的努力得到了回报。 这门课让我对土木工程学科有了很好的基础。 “能够证明我的一些基于工作的学习成果,并强调威尔士文化和语言,这对我这个讲威尔士语的人来说真的很有好处,因为我的大多数同事都说威尔士语。 安东尼毕业于科纳码头的建筑管理专业,取得了第一名的学位,并获得了ciob卓越证书奖。 他学习了这门课程,同时还担任了弗林特郡议会的合同测量员。 他在领奖后说:“能以这种方式获得认可,我感到欣喜若狂。 对我来说,有机会边工作边学习真是太好了,我的一些模块与我的工作直接相关,我觉得这很有益。 有了这些增强的知识感觉很好,我觉得这些知识支持了我在工作中所做的事情。 “我还想借此机会感谢学校和我的雇主,弗林特郡议会,感谢他们在我学习和工作的同时给予我无限的支持。 “tommiller,是ciat杰出毕业生奖的获得者。 毕业于雷克瑟姆的建筑设计技术专业,在安维尔住宅公司担任建筑技术员。 他说:“我很高兴能获得这个奖项。 得益于我在大学学习期间学到的东西,对这个行业有了更多的了解,感觉很好。 雷克瑟姆大学建筑管理与建筑设计技术项目负责人garethcarr说:“热烈祝贺bleddyn、anthony和tom获得三项学生奖,以表彰他们的辛勤工作和始终如一的努力。 全职工作和同时学习绝非易事,但三人都做得非常好,学习成绩优异,成为各自雇主的好大使。 “在雷克瑟姆大学,我们不仅为学生的满意度感到骄傲,也为与行业合作伙伴的紧密联系感到骄傲。 非常高兴地欢迎来自ice、ciob和ciat的代表亲自颁奖,学校要感谢这三个专业机构对我们本科生的持续支持。 指导布莱丁的ygc技术服务经理rhysjones补充道:“祝贺布莱丁,还有安东尼和汤姆。”。 我们与当地的一所大学有如此紧密的工作联系,真是太棒了。 “这对所有相关人员来说都是双赢的——bleddyn能够利用我的知识,作为一家公司,我们从bleddyn的技能和学习中获益。 同时,对于该大学来说,它正在继续建立积极的地方合作伙伴关系。 ”。
date: thursday, november 30, 2023three built environment graduates, who studied at wrexham university, have been rewarded for their academic achievements, while holding down successful roles in their chosen professions.bleddyn williams, anthony caffrey and tom miller all received prizes at a special ceremony held at the university, where industry partners came together with the graduates and staff from the institution to celebrate the strong industry links forged.representatives from the institution of civil engineers (ice), the chartered institute of building (ciob), and the chartered institute of architectural technologists (ciat) attended the celebratory event to hear about the graduate’s achievements and to present the awards. each of the award recipients received the highest overall marks in their combined modules, which they studied during their degree programme.civil engineering studies graduate, bleddyn, from llanrug, was presented with the ice wales cymru undergraduate award, specifically for meeting the work-based learning elements of his course, recognising his engagement in his current role as assistant engineer at ymgynghoriaeth gwynedd consultancy (ygc).he said: “i’m delighted to have won the ice undergraduate award – it feels fantastic that the hard work has paid off. the course has given me a really good grounding about the disciplines of civil engineering.“it was also brilliant to be able to evidence some of my work based learning outcomes with an emphasis on welsh culture and language – that was really beneficial to me as a welsh speaker, who works in an environment where the majority of my colleagues speak welsh.”anthony, a construction management graduate, from connah’s quay, who achieved a first in his degree, received the ciob certificate of excellence award. he studied for the course, alongside his role as a contracts surveyor for flintshire county council.speaking after receiving the award, he said: “i feel over the moon to have been recognised in this way. for me, it’s been great to have the opportunity to study while working, and some of my modules directly linked to my job, which i found beneficial. it feels good to have that enhanced knowledge, which i feel backs up what i do at work.“i would also like to take this opportunity to thank both the university and my employer, flintshire county council for the limitless support i’ve had, while studying, alongside my job.”tom miller, was the recipient of the ciat outstanding graduating student award. an architectural design technology graduate from wrexham, he works for anwyl homes as an architectural technician.he said: “i feel really pleased to have been presented with this award. it feels good to have that increased knowledge of the industry, thanks to what i’ve learnt while studying at the university.”gareth carr, programme leader in construction management and architectural design technology at wrexham university, said: “huge congratulations to bleddyn, anthony and tom for receiving the three student awards, in recognition of their hard work and consistent effort. working full-time and studying at the same time is no mean feat but all three have done tremendously well to have excelled in their studies and to have been such good ambassadors for their respective employers.“at wrexham university, we pride ourselves on not only our levels of student satisfaction but also on strong links with our industry partners. it was fantastic to welcome representatives from the ice, ciob and ciat to present the awards in person, and the university would like to thank all three professional bodies for their continued support of our undergraduate students.”rhys jones, service manager – technical at ygc, who mentored bleddyn, added: “congratulations to bleddyn – and also, anthony and tom. it’s fantastic that we have such strong working links with one of our local universities.“it’s a win-win for all involved – bleddyn was able to tap into my knowledge and we as a company gain from bleddyn’s skills and learning. while, for the university it’s continuing to forge those positive, local partnerships.” .
本文来源: 雷克瑟姆建筑环境学院毕业生获奖