

(Wrexham University offering Welsh language qualification to Policing students)


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日期:2023年12月5日,星期二,rifysgol wrecsam/wrexham大学正在响应该地区警察部队的需求,提供威尔士语模块,作为其警务学位课程的一部分。 从本学年开始,雷克瑟姆大学获得专业警务学位的学生必须完成威尔士语在职学习模块。 该模块的推出意味着该大学正在为毕业生进入威尔士的工作世界做准备,并协助警队致力于支持双语和讲威尔士语的社区,因为它在北威尔士警察局的所有角色都需要一定程度的威尔士语熟练度。 成功完成该模块后,学生将获得1级或2级威尔士语在职资格。 雷克瑟姆大学威尔士语媒介学术发展负责人elenmainefydd说:“在我们的专业警务学位上增加了威尔士语模块,这是我们在雷克瑟姆提供威尔士语媒介方面的一个极好发展。 “能和北威尔士警察局的同事一起介绍这个模块真是太棒了。 为我们的学生提供这项服务不仅对他们在学习之外的就业能力有好处,而且有助于满足我们地区警察部队的需求。 “自从将该模块纳入我们的警务学生学习以来,看到如此多样化的学习者参与威尔士语学习真是太好了。 “我感到无比自豪的是,我们不仅支持北威尔士警方,而且为威尔士政府到2050年达到100万讲威尔士语的目标做出了贡献。 这只是我们自去年批准威尔士语学术战略和行动计划以来取得的最新进展。 专业警务高级讲师andyjones表示:“在我们的警务学位课程中引入威尔士语在职场模块,是我们课程中一个受欢迎且令人兴奋的补充。 这意味着我们正在满足北威尔士警察的需求,并为学生提供学习以外的领域的装备,这不仅对警队和学生,而且对警队服务的社区来说都是个好消息。 北威尔士警察局威尔士语服务处处长梅尔芬·托马斯补充道:“我们很高兴完全赞同并支持雷克瑟姆大学采用我们的威尔士语课程,事实证明,这门课程对我们的新招募人员——无论是警察还是工作人员——都是可行且成功的。”。 “这对该大学的任何学生来说都是一个巨大的优势,他们希望未来能在北威尔士警察局工作,他们已经在竞争中领先了一步。 ”。
date: tuesday, december 5, 2023prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university is responding to the needs of the region’s police force by delivering a welsh language module, as part of its policing degree course.as of the beginning of this academic year, students on the professional policing degree at wrexham university are required to complete the welsh in the workplace module as part of their studies.the introduction of the module means that the university is preparing graduates for the world of work in wales, and also assisting the force with its commitment to supporting the bilingual and welsh speaking communities that it serves as all roles in north wales police require a level of welsh language proficiency.on successful completion of the module, students will gain either a level 1 or 2 welsh in the workplace qualification.elen mai nefydd, head of welsh medium academic development at wrexham university, said: “the addition of the welsh language module on our professional policing degree is an excellent development in our welsh medium provision here at wrexham.“it’s been fantastic to work alongside colleagues at north wales police to introduce this module. offering this provision for our students not only has advantages for them, in terms of their employability beyond their studies but also, in helping respond to the needs of our region’s police force.“since incorporating the module into our policing students learning, it’s been wonderful to see such a diverse range of learners engage with the welsh language.“i feel incredibly proud that not only are we supporting north wales police but that we are contributing to the welsh government’s ambition of reaching one million welsh speakers by 2050. this is just the latest bit of progress we have made since approving our welsh language academic strategy and action plan last year.”andy jones, senior lecturer in professional policing, said: “the introduction of the welsh in the workplace module on our policing degree is a welcome and exciting addition to our programme. it means that we are meeting the needs of north wales police and equipping our students for the field beyond their studies, which is great news for not only the force and our students but also the communities that the force serves.”melfyn thomas, head of welsh language services at north wales police, added: “we are delighted to fully endorse and support the development by wrexham university to adopt our welsh language course, a course that has proven to be accessible and successful for our new recruits – both officers and staff.“this will be a huge advantage for any students at the university, who wish to have a career with north wales police in the future – they will already be one step ahead of the competition.” .

本文来源: 雷克瑟姆大学为警务学生提供威尔士语资格




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