

(Sports Rehabilitators’ role in advocating for patients highlighted at national MSK conference)


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日期:2023年12月14日,星期四,雷克瑟姆大学的一位讲师在一次全国会议上强调了运动损伤和康复从业者在与他们合作的体育专业人员的潜在诊断中必须发挥的重要作用。 运动损伤康复高级讲师kristianweaver在therapyexpo上做了题为“治疗和癌症——从患者和治疗师的角度看”的演讲。 该博览会是英国最大的教育活动,面向肌肉骨骼(msk)医疗保健专业人员,包括运动康复者、物理治疗师、运动治疗师、骨科医生、脊医和软组织治疗师。 他与edge hill大学运动治疗高级讲师kirsty hopgood一起讨论了kirsty因个人受伤而被诊断为骨肉瘤后的初步评估、治疗、康复、结果和反思。 kirsty的诊断是在2016年5月她在打无网篮球时脚踝受伤后做出的。 然而,这些症状与损伤的机制不匹配。 她恢复了脚踝,以便能够重新享受体育活动,但在伤势恢复后,更令人担忧的症状开始显现。 kirsty后来接受了进一步的检查,诊断为腓骨骨肉瘤。 作为一名毕业的运动治疗师,kirsty知道这些症状,并意识到这些症状与典型的损伤不符,因此她需要进行进一步的评估和成像。 克里斯蒂安在世博会后表示:“我们的目的是加强医生在临床实践中识别癌症体征和症状的知识,并通过转诊途径为患者提供支持。 “有时候,运动损伤并不是表面上看起来的那样,它可能比表面上看到的要多,这就是为什么运动损伤和康复从业者有知识理解危险信号并提供全面评估是很重要的。 他们在发现潜在的异常表现方面发挥着至关重要的作用&kirsty的故事证明了这一点。 “这是kirsty自己所知道的,这促使她在受伤后推动进一步的调查。 随后的mri扫描显示,可能是某种更为凶险的东西导致了活组织检查,之后她被诊断为癌症。 “谢天谢地,kirsty从那时起就完全康复了,并定期接受监测以确保她没有癌症。 除了演讲之外,克里斯蒂安还强调了抽出时间与来自不同职业和背景的同事建立联系的重要性。 他补充道:“能和kirsty一起在therapyexpo演讲真是一次很棒的经历。 重要的是与来自不同专业和背景的从业者建立联系,并加强多学科团队合作的重要性“我强烈鼓励同行和学生抓住机会,用双手与不同的专业建立联系,这是建立联系的好方法,同时也了解所有专业如何在患者管理过程中协同工作。 ”。
date: thursday, december 14, 2023the vital part sports injury and rehabilitation practitioners have to play in potential diagnoses in the sporting professionals they are working with was highlighted by a wrexham university lecturer at a national conference.kristian weaver, senior lecturer in sports injury rehabilitation, gave a talk at therapyexpo entitled ‘therapy and cancer – a patient and therapist perspective’.the expo is the largest educational event in the uk for musculoskeletal (msk) healthcare professionals including sports rehabilitators, physiotherapists, sports therapists, osteopaths, chiropractors, and soft tissue therapists.he presented alongside kirsty hopgood, senior lecturer in sports therapy at edge hill university, discussing the initial assessment, treatment, rehabilitation, outcomes, and reflections following kirsty’s own personal injury journey leading to her being diagnosed with an osteosarcoma.kirsty’s diagnosis came about after she injured her ankle playing netball back in may 2016. however, the symptoms did not match the mechanism of the injury. she rehabilitated her ankle so that she could return to enjoying sporting activity but after the injury recovered, more worrying symptoms began to manifest.kirsty later underwent further investigations which led to a diagnosis of osteosarcoma in her fibula.as a graduate sports therapist, kirsty knew the signs and was aware that the symptoms were not in-keeping with a typical injury, resulting in her pursuing further assessment and imaging.speaking following the expo, kristian said: “our aim was to reinforce practitioners’ knowledge of recognising the signs and symptoms of cancer in clinical practice, as well as advocating for patients through the referral pathway.“sometimes a sports injury isn’t what it seems – there can be more to it than meets the eye, that’s why it’s important that sports injury and rehabilitation practitioners have the knowledge to understand the red flags and provide a thorough assessment. they have a crucial part to play in spotting potential abnormal presentations – kirsty’s story demonstrates that.“it was kirsty’s own knowledge, which prompted her to push for further investigations following on from her injury. subsequent mri scans indicated that it may be something more sinister leading to a biopsy, after which she received her cancer diagnosis.”thankfully, kirsty has since had the all-clear and is regularly monitored to ensure she remains cancer-free.away from the presentation, kristian also emphasised the importance of making time to network with colleagues from different professions and backgrounds.he added: “it was a great experience to speak at therapyexpo, alongside kirsty. it’s important to network with practitioners from different professions and backgrounds – and reinforce the importance of multidisciplinary teamwork“i would strongly encourage fellow practitioners and students to grab opportunities to network with different professions with both hands, it’s a really good way to build up your contacts but also understand how all the professions work together in the patient management pathway.” .

本文来源: 体育康复者;在全国MSK会议上强调了在倡导患者方面的作用




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