日期:2023年12月22日,星期五rifysgol wrecsam/rexham大学因其可持续性和道德在人类与地球排行榜上被评为一级机构。 这所大学去年的排名是2:1,上升了8位,排名第28位。 对该机构来说,还有一个好消息——它在英国道德职业排名第五,在道德投资排名前十。 总分62分。 2%,雷克瑟姆大学也:在三个类别中得分100%——员工和学生参与度、政策和战略以及员工和人力资源。 可持续发展教育得分95%。 在职业道德和招聘方面总体得分为92%。 去年,雷克瑟姆大学成为威尔士第一所终止校园化石燃料招聘的大学。 该大学通过了一项职业道德政策,声明“不会与石油、天然气或矿业公司建立任何形式的关系,作为其提高可持续性和应对气候危机承诺的一部分”。 “人民与地球”是英国最大的学生竞选组织。 其一年一度的人民与地球大学联盟根据可持续发展和道德标准对151所英国大学进行了排名。 雷克瑟姆大学健康、安全和环境经理珍妮·托马斯说:“我们为自己在人类与地球排行榜上的表现感到无比自豪。 在我们的可持续发展和道德方面被评为一流的机构,这真是太棒了&这证明了我们的教职员工和学生群体的辛勤工作和承诺。 “我们的学生非常关注与可持续发展和环境有关的问题。 今年,我们的学生会在绿色影响倡议中取得了“优异”成绩,该倡议由英国可持续发展组织的学生评估。 “学生会非常努力地将环境问题放在每个人的首要位置,特别是通过他们全年与我们合作的各种活动和项目。 其中一些活动包括一年一度的绿色博览会和绿色周,其中包括一系列活动,每个人都可以了解如何更可持续地生活。 “他们还与工作人员合作,帮助照顾大学的公共花园。 该大学的运营执行主任林达·鲍威尔补充道:“我们为我们在整个大学的环境和可持续发展方面所做的工作感到无比自豪,我们与学生和教职员工群体合作。 “今年的人类与地球联盟真实地证明了我们的学生和同事对推动可持续发展和进步的不懈承诺。 “然而,尽管我们表现出色,但我们决不能固步自封。 在减少我们的碳足迹、提供最佳实践并致力于我们迫切需要的解决方案方面,还有很多工作要做。 “作为人类与地球联盟的一部分,大学根据其网站上的信息和向高等教育统计局报告的数据,根据公布的标准进行评估。 该标准涵盖了一系列类别,包括政策和人员配置、碳管理、学生和员工参与可持续发展以及可持续发展教育。 该标准涵盖了一系列类别,包括政策和人员配置、碳管理、学生和员工参与可持续发展以及可持续发展教育。
date: friday, december 22, 2023prifysgol wrecsam/wrexham university has been rated as a first-class institution for its sustainability and ethics in the people & planet league table.the university, which last year achieved a 2:1 classification, has moved up eight places to be ranked 28th overall.and in further good news for the institution – it ranked 5th in the uk for ethical careers and in the top 10 for ethical investment.with an overall score of 62.2%, wrexham university also:scored 100% in three categories – staff and student engagement, policy and strategy, and staff and hr.scored 95% for education for sustainable development.scored 92% overall for ethical careers and recruitment.last year, wrexham university became the first institution in wales to end fossil fuel recruitment on its campuses. the university adopted an ethical careers policy stating that it “will not hold relationships of any kind with oil, gas or mining companies as part of its commitment to increased sustainability and addressing the climate crisis.”people & planet is the uks largest student campaigning organisation. its annual people & planet university league ranks 151 uk universities against sustainability and ethics criteria. jenny thomas, health, safety and environmental manager at wrexham university, said: “we are incredibly proud of our performance in the people & planet league table. to be rated as a first-class institution for our sustainability and ethics is absolutely fantastic – and is testament to the hard work and commitment of our staff and student body.“our students are incredibly engaged with issues relating to sustainability and the environment. this year, our students’ union achieved an ‘excellent’ score in the green impact initiative, which is assessed by students organising for sustainability uk.“the students’ union work extremely hard to keep environmental issues at the forefront of everyone’s minds, particularly through the various events and projects, which they work with us jointly on throughout the year. some of which include their annual green fair and go green week, which features a range of activities where everyone can find out how they can live more sustainably.“in collaboration with staff, they also help take care of the university’s communal garden.”lynda powell, the university’s executive director of operations, added: “we’re immensely proud of the work we do relating to the environment and sustainability across the university, working collaboratively with our student and staff community. “this year’s people & planet league is true testament to the tireless commitment of our students and colleagues to driving sustainability and improvements.“however, despite our strong performance – we must not rest on our laurels. there is still plenty to do to reduce our carbon footprint, to inform best practice and work towards the solutions we so urgently need.”as part of the people & planet league, universities are assessed against published criteria, based on the information available on their websites and data reported to the higher education statistics authority (hesa).the criteria cover a range of categories including policy and staffing, carbon management, student and staff engagement with sustainability, and education for sustainable development. .
本文来源: 雷克瑟姆大学在可持续发展和伦理方面被评为一流