(从左至右)婴儿xeven出生于中城埃默里大学医院,婴儿pierce出生于埃默里迪凯特医院,婴儿aubrey出生于埃默约翰克里克医院。 亚特兰大——新年伊始,埃默里医疗保健公司在其三家医院庆祝了2024年出生的第一批婴儿。 第一个到达的是女婴xeven,她出生于12:45。 男性。 在市中心的埃默里大学医院。 她体重5磅,12磅。 8盎司,长19英寸。 妈妈kyra和爸爸emmanuel说xeven比她的预产期提前了一周,他们喜欢在元旦生孩子。 早上晚些时候,在埃默里迪凯特医院,男婴皮尔斯于早上6点31分介绍了自己的世界。 男性。 他体重8磅2盎司,20岁。 5英寸长。 父母rachel和shawn说他们很高兴能迎来他们的第三个孩子。 在埃默里约翰溪医院,女婴奥布里于11时02分首次亮相。 男性。 在元旦。 父母麦迪逊和亚历克斯说奥布里准时到达。 她体重6磅13。 5盎司,长19英寸。 祝所有在一月出生的婴儿生日快乐。 2024年1月1日,祝贺父母,祝大家新年快乐!。
(from left to right) baby xeven was born at emory university hospital midtown, baby pierce was born at emory decatur hospital and baby aubrey was born at emory johns creek hospital.atlanta – as the new year rang in, emory healthcare celebrated the first babies born in 2024 at three of its hospitals.the first to arrive was baby girl xeven, who was born at 12:45 a.m. at emory university hospital midtown. she weighed 5 pounds, 12.8 ounces, and was 19 inches long. mom kyra and dad emmanuel say xeven arrived a week earlier than her initial due date, and they love having a new year’s day baby.later in the morning at emory decatur hospital, baby boy pierce made his introduction into the world at 6:31 a.m. he weighed 8 pounds, 2 ounces, and was 20.5 inches long. parents rachel and shawn say they are excited to welcome their third child into the family.at emory johns creek hospital, baby girl aubrey made her debut at 11:02 a.m. on new year’s day. parents madison and alex say aubrey arrived right on time. she weighed 6 pounds, 13.5 ounces, and was 19 inches in length.happy birthday to all babies born on jan. 1, 2024, congratulations to the parents and happy new year to everyone! .
本文来源: 埃默里医院迎来2024年第一批婴儿