kellywiltse和同事russ branch观察crna临床模拟。 埃默里大学奈尔·霍德森伍德拉夫护理学院获得了美国。 s。 卫生资源和服务管理局(hrsa)将参与其护士麻醉师培训计划,为农村、城市和部落服务不足社区的注册护士麻醉医师做好准备。 注册注册护士麻醉师是技术高超的高级执业护士,持有手术和其他医疗程序麻醉管理执照和认证。 该项目将为emorycrna的学生提供奖学金,让他们在东南部不同且服务不足的地区获得临床经验。 在四年补助金的每一年,护理学院都会向hrsa提供数据,说明有多少项目参与者毕业后在同一地区工作。 大约60名埃默里crna学生将参加该项目。 kellywiltse“该项目将为学生提供在健康公平、文化上合格的护理和健康的社会决定因素方面的体验式学习机会,”该项目的主要研究员兼emorycrna项目主任kellywiltze博士说。 “这将使我们所服务的社区与即将成为这些社区提供者的学生之间建立有意义的联系。 “除了培训之外,该项目还将继续通过吸收代表性不足的少数族裔学生、来自弱势背景的个人以及那些打算在面临卫生专业人员短缺的领域发挥作用的人,来增强该专业的多样性。 埃默里crna项目助理主任、项目负责人erica moore,dnp,crna表示,该项目的总体目标是扩大crna的机会,尤其是应届毕业生,在服务不足的地区产生影响。 moore说:“为这些社区做出贡献的麻醉师护士发挥着至关重要的作用,他们经常充当初级麻醉提供者或少数几个麻醉师中的一员,强调他们专业知识的重要性以及他们为他们的代表带来的多样性。”。 “我们很高兴能成为这笔赠款的一部分,这将对我们的学生和社区产生影响。 “卫生资源和服务管理局估计将为该项目提供超过142000美元的资金。 卫生资源和服务管理局是联合国的一部分。 s。 卫生与公众服务部。 hrsa支持的赠款内容是作者的,不一定代表hrsa、卫生与公众服务部或美国的官方观点或认可。 s。 政府。 欲了解更多信息,请访问hrsa。 政府。 关于nell hodgson伍德拉夫护理学院作为美国顶尖的护理学院之一,埃默里大学的nell hodson伍德拉夫护理学校致力于培养富有远见的护士领导者和学者。 no的家。 1个硕士学位,没有。 3 bsn和否。 全国6个dnp项目,学校被全国护理联盟认定为护理教育卓越中心。 该校提供本科生、硕士、博士和非学位课程,汇集尖端资源、杰出的教师、顶尖的临床经验以及与领先的医疗保健合作伙伴的联系,塑造护理的未来,影响世界的健康和福祉。 了解更多护理知识。 埃默里。 教育部。
kelly wiltse nicely and colleague russ branch observe crna clinical simulations.the emory university nell hodgson woodruff school of nursing has received a grant from the u.s. health resources and services administration (hrsa) to participate in its nurse anesthetist traineeship program, to prepare certified registered nurse anesthetists (crnas) for service in rural, urban and tribal underserved communities.certified registered nurse anesthetists are highly skilled, advanced practice nurses licensed and certified to administer anesthesia for surgeries and other medical procedures.the program will provide scholarships for emory crna students to gain clinical experience in diverse and underserved areas in the southeast. during each year of the four-year grant, the school of nursing will provide data to hrsa on how many program participants took jobs in the same areas upon graduation. approximately 60 emory crna students will participate in the program.kelly wiltse nicely“this program will give students experiential learning opportunities in health equity, culturally competent care and social determinants of health,” says kelly wiltse nicely, phd, crna, faana, faan, primary investigator on the grant and director of the emory crna program. “it will allow for meaningful connections between the communities we serve and the students who will soon be the providers in those communities.”in addition to training, the program will continue to enhance diversity within the profession by incorporating underrepresented minority students, individuals from disadvantaged backgrounds, and those intending to assume roles in areas facing health professional shortages.erica moorethe program’s overarching goal is to expand opportunities for crnas, especially new graduates, to make an impact in underserved areas, says project lead erica moore, dnp, crna, who serves as assistant director of emory’s crna program.“nurse anesthetists contributing to these communities play a crucial role, frequently acting as the primary anesthesia provider or one of a limited number, emphasizing the significance of their expertise and the diversity they bring to their representation,” moore says. “we are excited to be a part of this grant, which will make a difference among our students and the communities.”the health resources and services administration is estimating it will provide more than $142,000 in funding for the program.the health resources and services administration is part of the u.s. department of health and human services. the contents of hrsa-supported grants are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily represent the official views of, nor an endorsement, by hrsa, the department of health and human services or the u.s. government. for more information, please visit the nell hodgson woodruff school of nursing as one of the nation’s top nursing schools, the nell hodgson woodruff school of nursing at emory university is committed to educating visionary nurse leaders and scholars. home to the no. 1 master’s, no. 3 bsn and no. 6 dnp programs nationwide, the school has been recognized as a center of excellence in nursing education by the national league of nursing. the school offers undergraduate, master’s, doctoral and non-degree programs, bringing together cutting-edge resources, distinguished faculty, top clinical experiences and access to leading health care partners to shape the future of nursing and impact the world’s health and well-being. learn more at
本文来源: 联邦拨款给护理学校,为麻醉师护士在服务不足的社区提供服务