--getty imagesamy rodriguez,博士,詹姆斯医学院埃默里大学医学院神经病学系助理教授。 考克斯基金会在四年内向查理和哈里特·谢弗认知赋权计划(cep)提供了1000万美元的赠款,这是埃默里脑健康学院goizueta研究所的一项基石计划。 这笔资金是一项持续承诺的一部分,旨在显著扩大ceps创新努力的影响,以改善轻度认知障碍患者及其护理伙伴的生活。 mci通常是阿尔茨海默病的前兆,是一种明显的早期记忆力和思考能力的下降。 cep采用独特的策略,通过个性化的生活方式计划、尖端技术和精心设计的物理环境来增强参与者的能力。 它是一个充满活力的生活实验室,涉及身体活动、认知、功能独立、社会参与、幸福感、营养和研究包容性等关键方面。 2018年,詹姆斯。 考克斯基金会和考克斯企业捐款23美元。 700万启动cep,与乔治亚理工学院合作提供第一阶段资金支持。 cep位于emorys行政公园园区,以创新空间为特色,旨在作为患者和家庭的社交中心,并提供各种新颖的循证干预措施。 “我们非常荣幸和感谢考克斯基金会对shaffer认知增强计划的坚定支持和富有远见的投资。 emory脑健康cep和goizueta研究所创始主任、emory大学医学院神经病学教授allanlevey说:“第二阶段的关键资金不仅验证了我们迄今为止取得的创新进展,而且将我们推向了一个充满可能性的新领域。”。 莱维说:“人们对改变生活方式在降低mci发展为阿尔茨海默病风险方面的潜在作用非常感兴趣,但很少有像cep这样的项目能够严格测量和研究不同的行为。”。 莱维认为,该项目的新任主任、埃默里大学医学院神经病学系助理教授、博士amy rodriguez将有能力带领跨学科cep团队进入下一阶段的发展,推动简化项目交付、提高能力并将项目的覆盖范围扩展到地理、种族、文化,经济和其他不同领域。 rodriguez说:“这项新的资金为shaffer认知赋权计划提供了一个变革性的机会,以其独特的基础设施进一步解决医疗保健生态系统中的关键差距,在个人和家庭的mci旅程中提高他们的福祉。”。 “我很荣幸能带领该项目进入下一阶段,并相信在考克斯基金会的支持下,我们能够继续在慢性病护理管理方面开辟前沿方法,促进多样性,并为认知健康的更广阔前景做出有意义的贡献。 “第二阶段的一些战略目标包括:项目规模:第二阶段旨在扩大合作伙伴关系,增加多样性,完善生活方式干预措施,开发生活方式生物标志物。 总体目标是将cep定位为国家和国际慢性病护理管理模式。 研究计划:由于成员群体更加广泛和多样化,cep将领导对生活方式干预和生物标志物的研究,以减缓疾病进展。 集中于cep干预以改善睡眠、体育活动、饮食和社会参与的研究将决定如何使用这些非药物策略来减缓mci的进展和延缓痴呆的发作。 实施研究将是将这一第一个此类项目整合和扩展到常规护理中的关键。 增强的成员体验:cep始终获得很高的满意度,成员和护理伙伴始终向面临mci的其他人报告社区的价值,并有机会参与增强他们日常生活能力的干预措施。 第二阶段将保持节目质量,同时通过社区合作和虚拟交付扩大现场服务,增加全州范围内的节目获取机会。 社区伙伴关系:为了满足日益增长的会员需求并促进可持续发展,cep将与乔治亚记忆网、埃默里的goizueta阿尔茨海默病研究中心和其他机构建立新的关系并利用现有关系。 技术进步:在成功的家庭技术和mycep应用程序的基础上,第二阶段将利用佐治亚理工大学和埃默里脑健康学院goizueta研究所正在进行的努力,加强虚拟项目的交付,并收集有意义的数据,为会员护理计划提供信息。 目前,cep的参与者是emory脑健康中心认知神经病学诊所的患者和家属,他们被诊断为mci,可能是由于阿尔茨海默病或其他相关疾病。 在第二阶段,cep将与乔治亚州各地的记忆网络记忆评估诊所合作,增加cep成员并使其多样化。 第二阶段拨款的资金周期将持续到2026年底。 有关cep的更多信息,请单击此处。
— getty imagesamy rodriguez, phd, assistant professor, department of neurology, emory university school of medicine the james m. cox foundation has awarded a $10 million grant over four years to the charlie and harriet shaffer cognitive empowerment program (cep), a cornerstone initiative of the goizueta institute at emory brain health. this funding, part of an ongoing commitment, aims to significantly expand the impact of the ceps innovative efforts to improve the lives of individuals with mild cognitive impairment (mci) and their care partners. often a precursor to alzheimer’s disease, mci is a distinct, early decline in memory and the ability to think. the cep employs unique strategies to empower participants through personalized lifestyle programs, cutting-edge technologies and purposefully-designed physical environments. it functions as a dynamic living lab, addressing key aspects such as physical activity, cognition, functional independence, social engagement, wellbeing, nutrition and inclusion in research.in 2018, james m. cox foundation and cox enterprises contributed $23.7 million to launch the cep, offering phase i financial support in partnership with the georgia institute of technology. located on emorys executive park campus, the cep features innovative spaces designed to serve as a social hub for patients and families and accommodate a wide range of novel and evidence-based interventions.“we are profoundly honored and grateful to the cox foundation for their unwavering support and visionary investment in the shaffer cognitive empowerment program. this critical funding for phase ii not only validates the innovative strides weve made thus far but propels us into a new realm of possibilities,” says allan levey, md, phd, founding director of cep and the goizueta institute at emory brain health and professor of neurology in the emory university school of medicine.“there is tremendous interest in the potential role of lifestyle modification to mitigate risk of progression of mci to alzheimer’s disease yet few programs like cep designed to rigorously measure and study different behaviors,” says levey. levey believes the program’s new director, amy rodriguez, phd, assistant professor, department of neurology, emory university school of medicine, is poised to capably lead the interdisciplinary cep team into this next phase of development, advancing efforts to streamline program delivery, increase capacity and extend the program’s reach across geographic, racial, cultural, economic and other diverse domains. "this new funding is a transformative opportunity for the shaffer cognitive empowerment program to further address the critical gap in the health care ecosystem with its unique infrastructure that enhances the well-being of individuals and families throughout their mci journey," says rodriguez. "i am honored to lead the program into this next phase and am confident that, with the support of the cox foundation, we can continue to pioneer cutting-edge approaches in chronic care management, foster diversity and contribute meaningfully to the broader landscape of cognitive health."some of the strategic objectives of phase ii include:program scaling: phase ii aims to expand partnerships, increase diversity, refine lifestyle interventions and develop lifestyle biomarkers. the overarching goal is to position the cep as a national and international model for chronic care management.research initiatives: with a more extensive and diverse member population, the cep will lead research on lifestyle interventions and biomarkers to slow disease progression. research focused on cep interventions to improve sleep, physical activity, diet and social engagement will determine how these non-pharmacological strategies can be used to slow the progression of mci and delay the onset of dementia. implementation research will be key to integrating and scaling this first-of-its-kind program into routine care. enhanced member experience: the cep consistently earns high satisfaction, with members and care partners consistently reporting the value of community with others facing mci and the opportunity to engage in empowering interventions that enhance their everyday lives. phase ii will preserve program quality while expanding in-person services and increasing access to programming statewide through community partnerships and virtual delivery.community partnerships: to meet increased membership needs and promote sustainability, the cep will establish new relationships and leverage existing ones with georgia memory net, emory’s goizueta alzheimer’s disease research center and others.technological advancements: building on successful home-based technologies and the mycep app, phase ii will leverage ongoing efforts by georgia tech and the goizueta institute at emory brain health to enhance virtual program delivery and collect meaningful data to inform member care planning.currently, cep participants are patients and families in the emory brain health center’s cognitive neurology clinic who receive a diagnosis of mci due to presumed alzheimer’s disease or other related condition. during phase ii, the cep will partner with georgia memory nets memory assessment clinics across the state to increase and diversify cep membership.the funding cycle for this phase ii grant is set to last until late 2026. for more information on the cep, please click here.
本文来源: 1000万美元的赠款为轻度认知障碍患者和护理伙伴的Emory项目提供了支持