研究表明,现在保护亚洲森林有助于抵御气候变化的影响。 丽贝卡·汉密尔顿博士。 悉尼大学的rebeccahamilton博士领导的一个国际科学家团队发现,在19000多年前的最后一次冰川盛期,东南亚的干燥稀树草原并没有占据主导地位,而是由各种各样的封闭和开放森林组成,颠覆了之前的科学共识。 研究结果表明,如果保持景观的多样性,亚洲的热带森林可能比以前想象的更能抵御气候变化。 他们进一步表明,在该地区迁徙的人类和动物的资源基础将比以前所了解的更加多样化。 这项研究发表在《美国国家科学院院刊》上。 悉尼大学地球科学学院的hamilton博士说,随着气候变化的加速,科学家和生态学家一直担心这将对东南亚等地区的热带雨林产生什么影响。 “保持有利于恢复力的森林类型应该是该地区的一个保护目标。 她说:“我们的研究表明,优先保护1000米以上的森林(‘山地森林’)和季节性干旱的森林类型,对于防止未来亚洲雨林的‘灭绝’可能很重要。”。 开放式和封闭式干燥热带森林我们的研究表明,封闭式(这张图)和开放式(另一张图)季节性干燥热带森林的马赛克在上一次冰川盛期扩展到亚洲热带低地。 我们的研究表明,在上一次冰川盛期,季节性干旱的热带森林在亚洲热带低地扩张,由开放的(这张图)和封闭的(另一张图)组成的马赛克。 点击显示图片点击显示图片所谓草原化是指一个景观,通常是森林地区,蜕变为稀树草原生态系统,通常包括开阔的树木繁茂的平原。 这种变化通常是由气候变化、人类干预或自然生态动力学引起的。 研究人员分析了东南亚热带地区59个古环境遗址的记录,以测试所谓的稀树草原模型,该模型假设在上一次冰川盛期,该地区有一大片均匀的草原扩张。 他们发现,保存在湖泊中的花粉粒记录表明,森林在这一时期与草原的扩张同时存在,其他生物化学特征也表明了这一点。 hamilton博士说:“我们提出了这样一个观点,即如果在上一次冰川盛期的凉爽季节性气候中,山地森林(1000米以上)在高海拔地区持续存在并扩张,而低地则经历了向季节性干旱森林的转变,这种森林有一个天然的草地下层,那么这些看似不一致的现象是可以调和的。”。 该团队还包括来自德国耶拿的马克斯·普朗克地质人类学研究所的科学家;弗林德斯大学;美国普渡大学;菲律宾大学;和澳大利亚国立大学。 研究人员表示,他们预计,为交叉比较许多古生态记录而开发的统计方法将有助于对过去其他生态变化进行区域测试。 声明作者声明没有利益冲突。 这项研究由欧洲研究理事会资助;马克斯·普朗克社会;澳大利亚研究委员会。
research suggests that conservation of asian forests now can help resist impacts from climate change.dr rebecca hamilton.a team of international scientists led by dr rebecca hamilton at the university of sydney has found that rather than dry savannah in south east asia dominating during the last glacial maximum more than 19,000 years ago, there was a mosaic of diverse closed and open forest types, upending previous scientific consensus.the findings suggest asia’s tropical forests could be more resilient to climate change than previously thought, provided a diversity of landscape is maintained. they further show that humans and animals migrating across the region would have had a more diverse resource base than previously understood.the research is published in the proceedings of the national academy of sciences of the united states of america.dr hamilton, from the school of geosciences at the university of sydney, said that with climate change accelerating, scientists and ecologists have been concerned about what impact this will have on tropical rainforests in regions like south east asia.“maintaining forest types that facilitate resilience should be a conservation objective for the region. our work suggests that prioritising protection of forests above 1000 metres (‘montane forest’) alongside seasonally dry forest types could be important for preventing future ‘savannisation’ of asia’s rainforests,” she said.open and closed dry tropical forestour research suggests that mosaics of closed (this image) and open (alternate image) seasonally dry tropical forest expanded across tropical asia’s lowlands during the last glacial maximum.our research suggests that mosaics of open (this image) and closed (alternate image) seasonally dry tropical forest expanded across tropical asia’s lowlands during the last glacial maximum.click to show imageclick to show imagesavannisation refers to the metamorphosis of a landscape, typically a forested area, into a savannah ecosystem, which typically involves open wooded plains. the change is typically induced by climate variations, human interventions or natural ecological dynamics.the researchers analysed records from 59 paleoenvironmental sites across tropical se asia to test the so-called savannah model, which assumed a large, uniform grassland expanded across the region during the last glacial maximum.they found that records from pollen grains preserved in lakes show forests persisted during this period alongside an expansion of grasslands, indicated by other biochemical signatures.dr hamilton said: “we put forward the idea that these seeming discrepancies can be reconciled if, during the cool and seasonal climate of the last glacial maximum, montane forests (above 1000m) persisted and expanded in high-elevation regions, while lowlands experienced a shift to seasonally dry forests, which have a naturally grassy understorey.”the team also included scientists from the max planck institute of geoanthropology in jena, germany; flinders university; purdue university in the usa; university of the philippines; and the australian national university.researchers said they expect the statistical methods developed to cross-compare the many paleoecological records will be useful for regional testing of other past ecological change.declarationthe authors declare no conflicts of interest. research was funded by the european research council; the max planck society; the australian research council.
本文来源: “保持亚洲森林多样性以避免气候变化的影响”