潜望镜商业化奖的第一轮项目今天宣布,该计划旨在加快悉尼大学研究人员的新企业和许可机会。 该战略倡议由副校长办公室(研究企业)领导,悉尼知识中心管理。 “我们对这个试验计划非常感兴趣。 我们选择了13个项目参与,其中许多项目由多年来一直在开发他们的发明的资深研究人员领导。 悉尼知识中心(sydney knowledge hub)主任鲁帕尔·伊斯明(rupal ismin)表示:“了解市场是为那些最终能够从中受益的人找到解决方案的先决条件。”。 “我们已经为这项计划工作了两年多,有100多人参与了它的设计,所以看到研究界对这项计划的反应感觉很好。 “这一突破性的计划为研究人员提供了时间、培训和行业联系,以发现他们发明的潜在市场。 成功的团队将从2月底开始在悉尼知识中心实习14周,每个项目的资金高达61500美元。 团队将参加为期4天的训练营,以及旨在培养商业技能、释放创业心态、发现产品的市场适合性并考虑未来机会(包括资金)的持续活动。 潜望镜项目经理janecockburn被任命为该计划的负责人,她补充道:“该计划以商业化专家的建议作为结论,即解决方案应该是一个新的合资企业,一个现有公司的许可证,还是应该回到实验室。 ”“我很高兴有机会分享我对商业化的热情,并通过该项目指导所有获奖者。 我们正在创造未来的可能性。 副校长(研究企业)julie cairney教授在2023年8月的实验室到市场活动上发表讲话,该活动展示了商业化对研究的影响。 “总体目标是加快具有高商业潜力的项目的分拆和许可机会。 副校长(研究企业)julie cairney教授表示:“缺乏创业定位和技能是进入商业化道路的障碍,潜望镜项目正试图解决这一问题。”。 “悉尼大学已将翻译我们的研究成果作为我们十年战略的一部分。 潜望镜项目补充了我们充满活力的生态系统,以支持研究影响,包括我们专门的商业化办公室、悉尼知识中心的孵化器,以及加速器和指导项目,包括孵化和起源。 首届潜望镜商业化奖的成功项目和团队是:医学与健康学院医学科学学院的rachelcodd教授和toddmarkham。 项目:确定新一类铁螯合剂的商业化和制造前景工程学院化学与生物分子工程学院的fariba dehghani教授和syamak farajikhh博士。 项目:用于快速心脏健康监测的用户友好的便携式设备医学与健康学院健康科学学院的ollie jay教授和grant lynch。 项目:工程学院航空航天、机械和机电工程学院环境测量单位系统副教授agisilaos(agi)kourmatzis和athiya azeem。 项目:沉积-扩散-溶解颗粒分析仪(d3pa系统)理学院化学学院副教授girish lakhwani和蔡仁松博士。 项目:用于下一代光学器件的低成本法拉第旋转器科学院生命与环境科学学院的alexmcbratney和danielirving教授。 项目:specquatrace-来自单一农产品的准确和有意义的信息医学与健康学院医学院的lenka munoz教授和george joun博士。 项目:一种新的联合疗法靶向胶质母细胞瘤中的耐药持久剂来自工程学院化学与生物分子工程学院的sina-naficy和aeryne lee博士。 项目:聚合物心脏瓣膜置换术理学院化学学院richardpayne教授和医学与健康学院医学院scottbyrne教授。 项目:开发一种免疫调节人类肽作为银屑病的下一代局部治疗药物悉尼医学院医学与健康学院的钱博士和工程学院生物医学工程学院的杨博士。 项目:mu微波导管治疗高血压美国医学与健康学院医学院stevenwise和timothymitchell教授。 项目:设计一种临床相关的盒子里的血液-病毒来自医学与健康学院医学院的paulwitting教授和belalchami博士。 项目:mpolr&一种在家快速检测炎症性肠病患者炎症的设备来自医学与卫生学院医学院的游静和袁芳博士。 项目:治疗角膜感染的缓释抗菌隐形眼镜。
the inaugural round of projects for the periscope commercialisation award, a scheme which aims to fast-track new ventures and licensing opportunities from university of sydney researchers, were announced today.the strategic initiative is led by the office of the pro-vice-chancellor (research enterprise) and managed by the sydney knowledge hub. “we had a huge amount of interest in this pilot scheme. we were able to select 13 projects to participate, many led by senior researchers who have been developing their invention for years. a market understanding is a prerequisite to get a solution to those that can ultimately benefit from it”, said rupal ismin, director of sydney knowledge hub.“we have been working for over 2 years to get this scheme funded and over 100 people have contributed to its design, so it feels great to see the research community’s response to the scheme.” this groundbreaking scheme gives researchers the time, training, and industry connections to discover the potential market of their invention. successful teams will take up residency at the sydney knowledge hub for 14 weeks from late february, with funding of up to $61,500 per project. teams will participate in a 4-day bootcamp, and ongoing activities designed to build commercial skills, unleash entrepreneurial mindsets, uncover their product’s market fit and consider future opportunities, including funding. jane cockburn, periscope program manager, who was brought on board as steward of the scheme adds, ”the program concludes with advice from commercialisation experts on whether the solution should be a new venture, a license with an existing company, or should go back to the lab.” “im excited to have the opportunity to share my passion for commercialisation and coach all the awardees through the program. we are making possibilities for the future come to life.“pro-vice-chancellor (research enterprise), professor julie cairney, speaking at the lab to market event in august 2023 which featured a showcase of research impact through commercialisation.“the overall objective is to accelerate spinouts and licensing opportunities for projects with high commercial potential. lack of entrepreneurial positioning and skills are an obstacle to accessing the commercialisation pathway and the periscope program seeks to address this”, said pro-vice-chancellor (research enterprise), professor julie cairney. “the university of sydney has prioritised the translation of our research outputs as part of our 10-year strategy. the periscope program complements our vibrant ecosystem to support research impact including our dedicated commercialisation office, sydney knowledge hub’s incubator, plus accelerator and mentoring programs including incubate and genesis.” the successful projects and teams for the inaugural periscope commercialisation award are:professor rachel codd and todd markham from the school of medical sciences in the faculty of medicine and health. project: scoping the commercialisation and manufacturing landscape of a new class of iron chelator professor fariba dehghani and dr syamak farajikhah from the school of chemical and biomolecular engineering in the faculty of engineering. project: a user friendly and portable device for rapid cardiac health monitoring professor ollie jay and grant lynch from the school of health sciences in the faculty of medicine and health. project: environmental measurement unit systems associate professor agisilaos (agi) kourmatzis and athiya azeem from the school of aerospace, mechanical and mechatronic engineering in the faculty of engineering. project: deposition-diffusion-dissolution particle analyzer (the d3pa system) associate professor girish lakhwani and dr inseong cho from the school of chemistry in the faculty of science. project: low-cost faraday rotators for next generation optical devices professor alex mcbratney and daniel irving from the school of life and environmental sciences in the faculty of science. project: spequatrace - accurate and meaningful information from a single agricultural productprofessor lenka munoz and dr george joun from the school of medical sciences in the faculty of medicine and health. project: a novel combination therapy to target drug tolerant persisters in glioblastoma dr sina naficy and dr aeryne lee from the school of chemical and biomolecular engineering in the faculty of engineering. project: polymeric heart valve replacements professor richard payne from the school of chemistry in the faculty of science and and professor scott byrne from the school of medical sciences in the faculty of medicine and health. project: development of an immune-modulating human peptide as a next generation topical therapy for psoriasis dr pierre qian from sydney medical school in the faculty of medicine and health, and edward yang from the school of biomedical engineering in the faculty of engineering. project: mu microwave catheter for the treatment of hypertension professor steven wise and timothy mitchell from the school of medical sciences in the faculty of medicine and health. project: engineering a clinically relevant blood-vessels-in-a-box professor paul witting and dr belal chami from the school of medical sciences in the faculty of medicine and health. project: mpolr – a rapid at-home device for detecting inflammation in patients with inflammatory bowel disease dr jingjing you and yuan fang from the school of medical sciences in the faculty of medicine and health. project: a slow releasing antimicrobial contact lens for treating corneal infections .
本文来源: PERIscope将研究翻译置于快车道上